





that's a "muscle man".

retty good smoothing and it seems to have a pretty big torso, but it's good to look at.
its quiet nice. except for the fact it looks like he has tumors groing out of the side of his legs. I know they are suposed to be muscles but they look a bit to big.
Brick shit house...

thats what this bloke should be called..
Also it looks as though he has a pussy.
Would you prefer him to model an anotomically correct penis?
lol tnx pimurho was starting to feel like the model was shit
and tnx to all coments
Damn, if I ran into that guy I would probably die. He is like a brick wall.
he looks...... beefy.
and im not sure what exactly you were going for apo, but you look at that first picture honestly, and tell me its well proportioned. the head's awesome, but ive seen better looking body shapes come out of my ass when im taking a dump.........
crushenator 500 said:
he looks...... beefy.
and im not sure what exactly you were going for apo, but you look at that first picture honestly, and tell me its well proportioned. the head's awesome, but ive seen better looking body shapes come out of my ass when im taking a dump.........
what, is it supposed to be a naturally proportioned white male age 25-40??

looks like a pretty good hyper-muscular comic-book type to me. not sure if that's what apo was going for, but that's what he got, and he got it well, imo.
Holy God! He did that with XSI|EXP for HL2! I can hardly make a flashlight in that program... :(



other pics in diferent perspective could be thats why his looking un proportioned
PiMuRho said:
Would you prefer him to model an anotomically correct penis?

hehehehehe... Hold, did you use the XSI model presets or did you actually biult it on XSI???
feet and hands look to big m8 imo..

mind you if you are going to give him a willy (meat/2 vedge). You know what they say about big feet
GOoch said:
feet and hands look to big m8 imo..

mind you if you are going to give him a willy (meat/2 vedge). You know what they say about big feet

LOL! Please don't give him a willy. I think that nobody joins a HL2 forum to see big feet's men willies, or any other kind of willy...
It would be more acurate. I want to see how he models it.
[TBUK]apo said:
other pics in diferent perspective could be thats why his looking un proportioned
umm, not really dude.. he is not proportioned like a real person. hands & feet are thte main culprits of disproportionality. also, he's a bit on the enormous side for a human, even body-builders and professional strongmen aren't quite that bulky (but he's within the range of possiblity i'm sure). fix the hands and maybe feet and you're good,if prrportionality is what you're after.

What are you talking about!!!? That's EXACTLY what I look like!!
(except I have hair on my head, and a willy too)


Anyways, yeah the hands and feet are a tad bit too big, but otherwise I really like it!

I'm learning XSI EXP myself atm, and it's going allright...
Just a question, did you model that guy in the usual boxmodeling or did you use some other method? Can't say I've really tried NURBS etc... :p
GOoch said:
feet and hands look to big m8 imo..

mind you if you are going to give him a willy (meat/2 vedge). You know what they say about big feet

they have big shoes?
tbh the hands are no finished and the feets ive made it so it would be incomplete, im gona make boots for him but im still developing he concept has im thinking on boots a la unreal 2k3( maybe), still the modeling process is not finished but i couldnt help myself to post it so i could recieve some feedback to see what could be improved
i didnt want to make a life like man, but kind of a heroic man like hulk, where everything on him whould say "bad ass muda flucker" lol :D
donno what willy means ( im portuguese) so explain
i used quad method for main geometry and polygon mesh edit for the rest
For a WIP as you say I think it's a fantastic job. I think modeling anatomy is one of the harder things to do it seems, and even though he is somewhat stylized I think you did an excellent job.

Also, check your PM's please, [TBUK]apo.
You guys said "willy" :LOL:

heeheehee!!! :D
Willy is a silly word for penis......... :dork:

Anyways, I think it's brilliant..

What method did you use for modeling? And how did you get those big, sweet renders? I get this little tiny screen in the left part of the screen..

Keep it up :thumbs:
its no rendered...its a print screen from the perspective window, and copy save it to photoshop, then uploaded on free uploading server
method was said before
check ure pm neutrino
btw id like to add that im not looking for joining a mod team, as i have no time for it, i recieved some invitatons from a few people, and i would like to thank them, but again i cant aford the time to enter a project anyway tnx
Brazooka said:
hehehehehe... Hold, did you use the XSI model presets or did you actually biult it on XSI???
i build it from a cube then extrude extrude (...) extrude again, subdivision survaces, bevel, etc etc till it would just look good, but its still not finished
Very good model, i don't like his thighs though, they seem lumpy.
[TBUK]apo said:
donno what willy means ( im portuguese) so explain

Are u from Portugal too? Sprafa's from there and I'm from Brazil.. um grande abraço!