manadtory boot camp

Hey mandatory boot camp! Excellent idea! While we are at it, lets go ahead and get rid of that dumb freedom of speech, lets force feed medications down the throats of our citizens preventing free thought, and procreation... Oh forget that, lets just drop nuclear weapons on each other until we are nothing but ashes, we will all gain a little character from it.
Hey mandatory boot camp! Excellent idea! While we are at it, lets go ahead and get rid of that dumb freedom of speech, lets force feed medications down the throats of our citizens preventing free thought, and procreation... Oh forget that, lets just drop nuclear weapons on each other until we are nothing but ashes, we will all gain a little character from it.
Go protest Switzerland then! I'm sure they'd love the attention. :)
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
Also, you'll have a lot more people getting killed in fistfights. Everyone in the country would legally have their hands classified as "deadly weapons"!

omfg, FIGHT CLUB anyone?!?!?! seriously, this was the best quote in this thread.

as for the issue. well one year of boot camp wouldnt hurt anyone.
it would probably install discipline to the youth of today(me included) and make out of shape kids...err shape again(?).
so yep, im all for it.
No. I should be able to choose if I want to undergo such training or not.
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
No, because you're not legally obligated to get a job. And if you hate your job, you can always quit without being court martialed and killed (desertion is an offense punishable by death).

It seems you didn't actually understand what I said then. Not only was I not talking about the US, as I stated quite clearly before, but I said that just because something is legally binding, doesn't necessarily make it more controlling. It is simply more obvious.
for my two cents, i think this would be a very god idea: it would give people psychological stability from knowing that they've done stuff infinitely more challenging than what they're doing right now. also, firearms are something that i'll always be in favor of people knowing how to use, or better yet, owning: not only does it make a gun ban that much less likely (once again i point out that by making it a criminal act to own a gun, only criminals will own guns), it makes people that much more capable of defending themselves in case of an emergency where self defense is required. pointing out that you're more likely to hit a family member at this point isn't relevent, because with the training recieved, it would no longer be true.

if you disagree you are wrong.