manhunt sells out in uk

It's kinda sad that a murder drives up game sales. I enjoy Manhunt a lot; it's honestly a quality game. But when people begin buying the game in the wake of a controversial event like this it does nothing but help the case of those conservative wack jobs trying to get it banned. The truth is if they had placed the responsibility where it was due, on the murderer, then the game would have continued to produce mediocre sales and would be in the hands of less people. Whenever they single out a specific game to attack, they do nothing but increase it's popularity. No matter what these people do, they can never ban violent video games. The industry is far too large, and soon people who grew up with video games will ascend into positions of power.

It's the same thing with other forms of media. Where would Eminem be today if conservative groups hadn't attacked him for his lyrics? Elvis Presley probably wouldn't still be remembered if not for his controversial dance moves. At the time, Gone With the Wind was considered a controversial film. By the same token, GTA3 would have never achieved it's popularity without the help of these activists.
smwScott said:
Whenever they single out a specific game to attack, they do nothing but increase it's popularity.

And in turn developers see yet more money to be made and produce yet more violent and contraversial games...
Looks like it wasn't as big blow on Rpck* than I expected.
Just like M rated games sell better than other ratings.
when you install these games, isn't there an ESRB paragraph that says something along the lines of "if you install this game you agree that you are of a suitable age to play it" or something along those lines.

it's amazing like that lawyer who wants to destroy rockstar would miss something as obvious as that. no wonder devs/publishers are never afraid of entering a law suit with these wackos, then know the opposition doesn't have a leg to stand on.
umm theres nothing like that. When I installed Doom 3 (im 17, old enough to buy it) it only said Rated M For mature Intense gore blah blah blah. Nothing in there was a legal disclaimer.
It probably says something about it in the disclaimer, which nobody reads, where you have to click "I agree" or "I do not agree"
It definetly does, these game companies aren't dumb...Besides, shouldn't it be up to the retailer to enforce it?
I'm wondering, did anyway here purchase the game because of the controversy?
I didn't because I played it a while a go. I'm glad people are buying it though. It will hopefully make people appreciate that it's not actually the game that makes people kill, it's the individual.

Like guns - games don't kill people, people kill people.
Good thing these people are starting to realise they should just shut up if they haven't got a clue what they're talking about, instead of trying to pin blame down where it doesn't belong.
Haha, good news. Ive not played the game nor plan on buying it either but i dont appreciate dumb mothers blaming a game because a psycho killed her lad and i hope it all backfires right into her face. What is it? when your playing it you become insane and want to take it into real life? heh, wtf floats these peoples boats.
Chris_D said:
I didn't because I played it a while a go. I'm glad people are buying it though. It will hopefully make people appreciate that it's not actually the game that makes people kill, it's the individual.

Like guns - games don't kill people, people kill people.

Or in the case of the actual murderer, the drugs that he was taking.
I believe the word that mother is searching for is: PWNED ;)

I still feel bad for her son though...
Just like to add, the game was owned by the victim not the murderer.
Apparantly the victim owed the killer drug money or some bollocks like that.

I'm sure I read that on or the sun.

PS How is Jason still in the house.
This entire thing was stupid in the first place.

The victim owned the game.
Is she trying to prove that playing manhunt causes you to be murdered, like some video-game version of the ring?

Obviously this was a terrible thing that's happened, but when it turned out that the murderer hadn't even played the game she should have just stopped crusading against games, and started crusading against the real problem: drugs!

Now she's got the entire UK playing a crappy game, which will encourage Rockstar to make more games like Manhunt and, likely, less good ones like Max Payne.
hehehe, reminds me of when Postal first came out!!!

I was only like 10 or 11, but I remember Grand Theft Auto came out around the same time and I thought it was great to be playing these controversial games and I turned out fine!!


Excuse me while I go steal my neighbour's car and run him over with it.

thehunter1320 said:
pwned, AMAVG!

(AMAVG: Angry Mothers Against Video Games)

A - 3 letters higher and you got a D
M - 1 letter lower and you get an L
A - 4 letters higher and you got an E
V - 0 letters higher and you got a V
G - 2 lettrs higher and you got an I

Now mix the bold letters together and you got


coincidence, I think not!
Sai said:

It's actually liberal politicians who want to ban games. At least in the US, joseph liberman? HUUGE ANTI mature game guy, HUUUUGE democrat/ liberal
staddydaddy said:
It's actually liberal politicians who want to ban games. At least in the US, joseph liberman? HUUGE ANTI mature game guy, HUUUUGE democrat/ liberal

Most people hated him.
Chris_D said:
Like guns - games don't kill people, people kill people.

you sire, are mistaken

"Guns don't kill people, Death kills people. ask your doctor its a medical fact. you can die from internal hemorrhaging, heart failure. but you cannot die from a bullet."

a cookie to the person who can tell me where dat qoute is from.
NeonSpyder said:
you sire, are mistaken

"Guns don't kill people, Death kills people. ask your doctor its a medical fact. you can die from internal hemorrhaging, heart failure. but you cannot die from a bullet."

a cookie to the person who can tell me where dat qoute is from.

I rather like that quote.
NeonSpyder said:
you sire, are mistaken

"Guns don't kill people, Death kills people. ask your doctor its a medical fact. you can die from internal hemorrhaging, heart failure. but you cannot die from a bullet."

a cookie to the person who can tell me where dat qoute is from.
Wasn't that in GTA3?