Manipulator Question


Sep 22, 2003
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You know in the E3 2004 video.. when Gorden releases the the dune buggy from that ditch thing... he kind just shoots it with the manipulator?

Do you think you can use it in the same way, to shoot enemies?
In one word: Probably not.

Or atleast you would think they would have done that in the videos if it was possible.
would be cool if you could pick up alive enemys with the manip. Hold them over some cliff and watch them squrme.
Quit talking about what you can and can't do in the stolen files, deleted those posts.
Fenric said:
Quit talking about what you can and can't do in the stolen files, deleted those posts.
sry ~_~

OT: IMO I think u can.. y not?
Cool, i wonder if you can grab the guns out of your enemy's hands like the force pull from Jedi Outcast. Would be fun to see them running away all scared and defensless. Probably not, that would be a little too easy.

On a side note, this probably has been asked, does the manipulator have unlimited ammo?
Line Bender said:
Cool, i wonder if you can grab the guns out of your enemy's hands like the force pull from Jedi Outcast. Would be fun to see them running away all scared and defensless. Probably not, that would be a little too easy.

On a side note, this probably has been asked, does the manipulator have unlimited ammo?
The Force power style weapon pulling would be great fun, nothing more annoying in the SW games than doing that to people :D

As for ammo, nobody I think knows, might have a charge in it or use the same ammo as the electrical type weapons in HL1. Though if Valve put it in as a replacement for hands? Then unlimited "ammo" would be more fair. Be interesting to see the reasons the game gives for having to replace hands. Maybe Gordon's are all full carrying loads of weapons in an unrealistic way.
Fenric said:
The Force power style weapon pulling would be great fun, nothing more annoying in the SW games than doing that to people :D

As for ammo, nobody I think knows, might have a charge in it or use the same ammo as the electrical type weapons in HL1. Though if Valve put it in as a replacement for hands? Then unlimited "ammo" would be more fair. Be interesting to see the reasons the game gives for having to replace hands. Maybe Gordon's are all full carrying loads of weapons in an unrealistic way.

Yeah, or maybe it needs to recharge, like the first weapon you get in Unreal 1. So you get to fire maybe 3-4 shots , or hold something with it for a while untill it depletes, and then it has to recharge like 30 secs. or so.
I think it will have unlimited ammo, because it's the Zero Point Energy gun so 'it taps its energy out of the fabric of our universe' :P

And it would suck if it didn't have unlimited ammo.
PvtRyan said:
I think it will have unlimited ammo, because it's the Zero Point Energy gun so 'it taps its energy out of the fabric of our universe' :P

And it would suck if it didn't have unlimited ammo.

The Force is strong with this one...
I'm pretty sure it will have unlimited ammo.....I mean there was no ammo indicator in the E3 demos....
I wonder how far though the game you get to use it....
Or they would connect it to your suit, another use for the Aux Power. But I like the idea of unlimited better, else you can't fool around for very long :P
Line Bender said:
Cool, i wonder if you can grab the guns out of your enemy's hands like the force pull from Jedi Outcast. Would be fun to see them running away all scared and defensless. Probably not, that would be a little too easy.

On a side note, this probably has been asked, does the manipulator have unlimited ammo?

I liked using force grip on storm troopers then holding them over a ledge and watching them FALL TO THEIR DOOM!

I doubt you would be able to do this in HL2 but it is possible to mod it. Would be so fun to grab a Combine soldier with the manipulator gun and just throw him around the room.

Also I think it is pretty lame how you can't pick up dead bodies with the manipultor gun.
makes sense that it would not have a limit. That way you always have a weapon (even if you don't have ur trusty crowbar).

I think it would be interestin to see how far you could get through the game using only the manipulator.
I don't know but wouldn't it be too easy just to finish off everyone with the manip gun that has unlimited ammo?

I know you can't defeat biggies like striders with it, but killing combines would become only too easy.
Killing combines already looks to be too easy.
Maybe its ammo or power usage depends on the weight of the object in question. So using it on a heavy barrel will sap more energy than using it on a can of coke?
i'd be willing to wager that there's no ammo usage whatsoever....huge object or not... also i'd bet that it doesn't work on organic materials...though it would make sense that it would work on weapons...they do show gordon picking up ammo with it...and if it doesn't steal weapons from combine soldiers, i'd bet they have some explanation when you get it...saying how it doesn't work *near* organic masses because bla bla bla.

the idea of using only the manipulator through the game is sweet...i was thinking of doing that if i played it through twice...though i'm sure there are spots where you have to use other weapons like the crowbar and whatever you use to take down striders...and there are probably some sniper-type areas where you need something long range. though i'm sure you could pick up some big ol' sheet of corrugated metal and use it as a shield to get past stuff like that.
Im in 2 minds over the ammo for the manipulator.

one part of me thinks that it would be best to have unlimited ammo as this would be most appropriate for such a tool. Who wants to run out of ammo right in the middle of a physics induced frenzy?!?

the other part thinks back to this thread which mentions the Hutchison Effect occuring at places under the influences of few tesla coils, etc... which dont come cheap energy wise. This would indicate some ammo used (like mentioned earlier regarding the energy cells in HL1).

hmmm, who knows!

I'm betting it won't use ammo as it's a tool like hammer, drill or an alligator (thank you Homer Simpon). And in the traptown video there was no evidence of an ammo counter now was there. I love being right
It'd be neat if the manipulator was conducted by your suits aux power or whatever.
Space Cowboy said:
Also I think it is pretty lame how you can't pick up dead bodies with the manipultor gun.

Last thing i SAW was that you could (E3 2003 Physics Demo) :upstare:
figge said:
Last thing i SAW was that you could (E3 2003 Physics Demo) :upstare:

That was another "gun". I don't think it will be in the game, i think they just cooked up that weapon to show off the physics.

it would be cool if it was in tough.
I want to pick up dead bodies :/ i want to beat people to death with their dead mate!
My mouse is in the habit of skipping and spinning my view ALL over the place...

I am gona pick up a plank of wood and wait until my mouse skips and SPIN MY WAY OVER TO THOSE COMBINE LOOSERS!!! :D
Line Bender said:
On a side note, this probably has been asked, does the manipulator have unlimited ammo?
I think it will, think about it. If you have to solve a puzzle and you need the manipulator for it and you're out of ammo... THAT would suck :laugh:
prolly wont have ammo, havent seen indicator for it and it gets used a lot. Btw i think it has a little range so it wont be that easy to kill combines with it if you could pick em up. ANd if you pick up 1 the others have a open oppertunity to fire at you so just gunning them would be easier.