
Originally posted by Zraisfury

Since it seems like everyone else understood him perfectly.

Then everyone is a smacktard.

How about learning a language instead of just basterdising it.
Originally posted by FriScho
using a dead body as a shield would be very useful, especially with those annoying autoguns.

I would think thats possible. unless what ever is shooting at you are using bullets that will go trew the dead body
Why can't you lift alive people?

And if you can lift dead people, tehn could you kill a soldier, and then get out the gravity gun and throw him around?
Originally posted by James Isaac
In the E3 trailer, there are 2 floaty guns.

1) is the one in the first part that you see, where he picks up the objects then the body, and that has a blue beam

2) The gun later which is used to pick up the camera filming the GMan.

Are you saying that one of tehm won't be included in the game? If so, why not?

The one with the blue beam won't be included because that was simply the test model... ;(
Originally posted by Mr.Magnetichead
Then everyone is a smacktard.

How about learning a language instead of just basterdising it.

how about being less abuseif
Originally posted by WaSwAt
The one with the blue beam won't be included because that was simply the test model... ;(

naaa why not. The blue beam looked so cool. Blue and all.
Gabe sade that the manipulator was upgrading as u get further into the game. Wonder how strong it can be. Would be fun too trow a dead Stryder around
I wouldnt think you could throw a dead strider around, i mean that would just be stupid. Cars, maby, just maby.but i think thats the limit.

Just my 2c :cheers: :bounce: :afro: :cheese:
Originally posted by Mr.Magnetichead
Then everyone is a smacktard.

How about learning a language instead of just basterdising it.

Well, his use of english is 100% correct, his meaning might of been a little misconstrued, but his english was perfect.

Now, just because someone is not an award winning novelist like yourself (By the way, there is no E is Bastard..thanks) doesn't make them a noob. Childish word, welcome to adulthood. Get over it.
Originally posted by Mr.Magnetichead
Then everyone is a smacktard.

How about learning a language instead of just basterdising it.

Did you even read what I bloody said? Shape up, or ship out.
Gabe said, the laws of physics are basically simulated. Gordon Freeman has a weight and a mass (if he steps on thin glass, it will break and so on). I think the maximum you will be able to lift with the gun is the maximum a strong human can lift in the air in this position. So not much more than a human body. At least, that would make sense. Just imagine the scene from an other viewpoint. If it looks ridiculus it shouldn't be possible (like moving a dead strider through the air).
Well, I'm guessing that the weight being lifted is the sum of everything above it. So even though you can lift a dead body, you can't lift a dead body and you(being a live body). I can lift a piece of ppaer, but not when a car is parked on top of it.

I'm sure there will be a simple mod made that increases the power of the beam so we can have fun tossing soldiers around the city. I can see someone making a game like the old Joust.

Mr.Magnetichead, how about:
"I was just wondering, in half-life 2 you can only pick up dead bodies, so...."

"in half life 2 you can only pick up DEAD bodies"

It's all in the way you emphasise a part of the sentence.
Grow up. You don't have to be rude.
ROFL, the first time i get the manipulator im just gonna grab a combines leg,toss him in the air,then change to my machine gun and mow him down while hes in the air >:D
wow death, your making me sad because im not as cool as you with all those numbers for letters and such
if you could pick up live people, then maybe you could turn the gun around on yourself and pick yourself up and basically be able to fly
Relativity my friends... relativity.

I wanna fly!
Originally posted by poseyjmac
if you could pick up live people, then maybe you could turn the gun around on yourself and pick yourself up and basically be able to fly
impossible... this is an fps, not a third person shooter (I havent even seen third person shooters that allows you to do this) game. Also, even if you could turn it around to yourself, you have no support, therefore cannot lift yourself up. But you could lift of other humans since your feet will support your body and gun along with the human you will be lifting up.
i was jus thinking if your gun runs out of ammo can you toss it on the ground and then pick it up w/ the manipulator and shoot it at people as a weapon.(not talking about shooting bulklets out of the gun while ur manipulating it) Just a thought.
Originally posted by harhar
impossible... this is an fps, not a third person shooter (I havent even seen third person shooters that allows you to do this) game. Also, even if you could turn it around to yourself, you have no support, therefore cannot lift yourself up. But you could lift of other humans since your feet will support your body and gun along with the human you will be lifting up.

thats a nice theory. well have to see i guess
impossible... this is an fps, not a third person shooter (I havent even seen third person shooters that allows you to do this) game. Also, even if you could turn it around to yourself, you have no support, therefore cannot lift yourself up. But you could lift of other humans since your feet will support your body and gun along with the human you will be lifting up.

OMG!!! I just thought of something!

If the beam has to stay the same length, and when you are lifting things up, you act as a support, well, then wouldn't you be able to:

Find a body or something on the floor... Get a gravity gun beam on them... And then move the mouse down, therefore pulling the beam towards you, and if it can't get shorter, then you should go up in the air, with the dead body as your support...

:cheese: Would that work or not?

Don't know if this is relevant, but perhaps the Manipulator isn't just a tractor beam weapon thingy, but actually reduces the apparent weight of an object somehow (But not the mass, obviously). The orange blast seen when throwing could be a wave of kinetic energy.:E

Just me letting my brain freewheel...:rolling:

i agree with you brian damage.

my theory is that the manipulator creates some kind of energetic field around the object which completely absorbs the gravitational force appealed from earth thus making the object practically weightless.

i thought of that as i saw how easy it seemed to be to tear the radiator off the wall and moving with it like it's made of polystyrene.

the downside may be that the size of the field is limited
so that a car is probably the biggest object to be lifted...if we're lucky.

unless there is a miniature matter anti-matter reactor inside which could
easily provide the required energy.

p.s. i just registered here to reply to that
stupid, eh?
Yea im with that idea. It looked so easy too toss around that dead guy too. And the barrels and so on. And since Gabe sade that the manipulator will upgrade trew the game I think u will be able too lift pretty heavy stuff after a wile.

U think they will have the manipulator in mp?
That would be some good fun.
Have like "who can trow this dead guy the longest contest" lol
I can't wait to push Combine forces over with the bodies of their dead comrades... Ahahaaaaarrr!

Ahem. 'Scuse me.
perhaps, perhaps not but there will definitively be plenty of mods on this
Picture this

you got a scintest following you but he wont go any further.

you turn around with the manipulator.

he screams "no gordan ...WAIT!"

you toss him over the obstical.

problem solved. :cheese:

(just because he lands on a hive of headcrabs dosent make my idea any less good)
Originally posted by burnzie
Picture this

you got a scintest following you but he wont go any further.

you turn around with the manipulator.

he screams "no gordan ...WAIT!"

you toss him over the obstical.

problem solved. :cheese:

(just because he lands on a hive of headcrabs dosent make my idea any less good)

Or get the manipulator and turn it on at a headcrab and chase your allies around you with it.