Many 360 games now $39.95


Feb 3, 2005
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Sounds like many 360 games will be selling for less than PC priced new games (Half-Life2 for PC was $54.99 here)
By Brendan Sinclair, GameSpot
Posted May 24, 2006 10:35 am PT

With $59.99 price tags being the standard for next-generation games and the cost of the systems themselves going through the roof, penny-pinching gamers will no doubt be happy to see that what goes up can still come down. While Xbox 360 games like Rockstar's Table Tennis and Koei's Dynasty Warriors 5 Empires are being released for under $40, many of their once full-priced competitors are joining them in the low end of the system's pricing spectrum.

Electronic Arts has reduced the prices of the Xbox 360 launch titles Madden NFL 06, NBA Live 06, FIFA Soccer 06: Road to FIFA World Cup, and Tiger Woods PGA Tour 06 at its official online store. All of those titles, as well as the more recently released Burnout Revenge, have been marked down to $39.95.

EA isn't the only company cutting costs for consumers.

THQ's The Outfit is now being offered from the publisher's Web site for $39.99, and Ubisoft is selling Peter Jackson's King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie for $39.99 at its own online store.
These are all games that have been out for a long time, though. All games get marked down after a while, it's not new. Plus, many of those are crappy EA sports games.
Regardless, prices for a dozen games drop $20, it's good news! And it said competitors will be following suit.

I rarely buy games brand new when they first come out. In the past 10 years, just about the only games I've bought when they first came out were Half-Life2, Vice City, Resident Evil, and Oblivion. These are games that I took a chance on, knowing they wouldn't let me down.

Of course, used game stores are all over the place here - it isn't usually a good idea to buy a game if you haven't read some reviews yet.
Many of those could be current gen games with their lack of any truly next-gen performance, but still good for games in general I suppose. Those titles pretty much blow though. Too bad there just aren't that many 360 games out that show off what the system can really do. When games like Bioshock are $40, then that's saying something!
VirusType2 said:
These are games that I took a chance on, knowing they wouldn't let me down.
Doesn't sound like much of a chance to me...

this sentence from that article made my skin crawl:

Gamespot said:
EA isn't the only company cutting costs for consumers

as if they're just looking out for the consumer
Call me when they drop the prices for the AAA games, not the sports/flunked games.
This can only help since poeple might buy 2 games instead of just 1 when they go to the store. People might invest more into their Xbox360 game collection.

I wonder if Sony will drop their blueray game prices from $70.
CptStern said:
this sentence from that article made my skin crawl:

as if they're just looking out for the consumer
Yea really, I agree. I saw that and rolled my eyes with disgust ;)

I totally agree with all of you.

I'm not interested in the budget games there, but there are some other games that I still really want, like EA's Fight Night: Round 3, Condemnded, Oblivion,

and maybe Perfect dark, Hitman:blood money, maybe graw or something... eventually, when they are ALL lower priced too.
I am all for lower costs all around but a quick google search led to EB games where a King kong is $39.99 for the 360 and the special Signature Edition of the game for the PC is $19.99.

New PC games arrive at significantly lower prices then 360 games and they depreciate in value even faster. Besides all the games you listed are sequels with minor improvements.

How much are wii games supposed to cost?

First party Nintendo games are not going to pass the $50 mark, that's what Iwata said.
DrDevin said:
I am all for lower costs all around but a quick google search led to EB games where a King kong is $39.99 for the 360 and the special Signature Edition of the game for the PC is $19.99.

New PC games arrive at significantly lower prices then 360 games and they depreciate in value even faster. Besides all the games you listed are sequels with minor improvements.

First party Nintendo games are not going to pass the $50 mark, that's what Iwata said.
Well it's easy to say a game is a sequel now a days, thats really all we see anymore for the most part. There are certain genres that there will always be a demand for that game, like sports titles. I never ment to imply that 360 games would be cheaper than PC games...

While I don't want to argue for no reason, three of the games were originals as far as I know, and they said other companies will be lowering prices if they want to compete.

THQ's The Outfit is now being offered from the publisher's Web site for $39.99, and Ubisoft is selling Peter Jackson's King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie, and there is Rockstar's Table Tennis. These aren't sequels as far as I know.

The Football game looked pretty perfect sweet when I saw a kid playing it at the store... not really my thing though. My friends would have been all over this.

Has anyone played the King Kong game? I heard it was pretty good. I still haven't hardly had enough time to really get anywhere in oblivion yet though.

Far Cry instincts would be sweet if they lower the price of that eventually. Far Cry wouln't run on my PC .. 12 fps and less on the demo.
about time they lowered the price... i was tired of the same games that came out last november still being 59.99 :\
ElFuhrer said:
These are all games that have been out for a long time, though. All games get marked down after a while, it's not new. Plus, many of those are crappy EA sports games.
all ? did you read it ? table tennis was just relased and dyansty warriors 5 comes out soon.

the price drop is good, i don't care if they are 'old' (months old ? boohoo), i'll be picking up a cheap oblivion [hopefully] & fifa 06.
destrukt said:
all ? did you read it ? table tennis was just relased and dyansty warriors 5 comes out soon.
Yeah, because no one in their right mind is going to pay $60 for a realistic ping pong sim. :laugh:

destrukt said:
i'll be picking up a cheap oblivion [hopefully]
Hahaha! Yeah, good luck with that. One of the only seriosuly worthwhile titles out there for the machine...I don't see a price drop there for a while yet. Same goes for the 360 this holiday season. They simply don't have to.
VictimOfScience said:
Yeah, because no one in their right mind is going to pay $60 for a realistic ping pong sim. :laugh:
.. apparently it's awesome, so i wouldn't be suprised. ;)
VictimOfScience said:
Hahaha! Yeah, good luck with that. One of the only seriosuly worthwhile titles out there for the machine...I don't see a price drop there for a while yet. Same goes for the 360 this holiday season. They simply don't have to.
oblivion is already cheaper then most other games here, it's like $79 or $89 au as compared to $100 to $115 for other games.
VictimOfScience said:
Yeah, because no one in their right mind is going to pay $60 for a realistic ping pong sim. :laugh:

Hahaha! Yeah, good luck with that. One of the only seriosuly worthwhile titles out there for the machine...I don't see a price drop there for a while yet. Same goes for the 360 this holiday season. They simply don't have to.
I would. I'm such a whore for Ping Pong....

Burnout Revenge?

Hurrah! I ain't played that since Burnout 2. (And Demo was rather fun.
Anthraxxx said:
I would. I'm such a whore for Ping Pong....
Hahaha! Yes, I like it quite a bit too...but IRL! If I really want a digital ping-pong fix, I will go to the timeless Pong.
friend bought tabble tennis today and he's loving it, i'm going to rent it out soon and see how good it is.