Map Designers/Builders - Wretched Abandon


Jun 26, 2004
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Wretched Abandon is looking to recruit a few people to lead the way for map designs. The open positions are:

Map Design.
Map Builder.

The roles of each are not to build the maps, but to create designs of them. The general job of the Map Designer would be to create in-depth map-outs of the maps that will be available in the game. They will be laid out primarily in a bird’s eye manner. These will not be half-arsed sketches, but instead guild lines mappers can use to build the maps.

In a design it will be expected to have:
- Birds eye view of the map.
- Different floors and sections drawn separately to make things clear.
- Detail such as; boxes, trees, windows, etc.
- Annotations to point out all important areas.
- Correct scaling.

It would also be wise for the designers to have knowledge of what is capable in Hammer. They will not be required to build the maps (unless they also wish to apply as a mapper), but they should be aware of mapping limitations.

Whilst we are not focused right now on laying out the position of Map Building we're keeping it open and aware just in case anyone has any interest, so don’t be afraid to ask.

I wont go hardcore and post lengthy descriptions of the mod as I've done that about 5 times before on this forum. If your really interested then I'm sure you can find a couple of threads on the other pages. Feel free, however, to check out or ModDB entry at:

Our website is terrible but we have a proper one being made, so hopefully that will replace the freewebs link shortly.

For those too lazy to visit the ModDB entry (which has some artwork), I'll post a short description of our mod taken from that very page:

- Features –
- Three different sides, Mars, Moon and Earth.
- Six classes per side, each with unique weapons and abilities, strengths and weaknesses.
- Balanced team play.
- Realistic location based damage. A head shot will result in death.
- Firearm kickback and accuracy. Weapons will need to be fired realistically (Much like counterstrike).
- Iron sight aiming.
- Real-time bullet effects. Bullets will travel to their target and will drop over distance, as well as ricochet of appropriate material.
- Atmospheric locations ranging for lush forests and fields to vast deserts and intense city streets.
- Indoor and outdoor combat.
- Thumping soundtrack.

Lovely. If anyone has any questions or comments, feel free to email me, PM me, or post here. Cheerio chaps.
Just wondering, do you mean Concept Artists to draw the maps for the real mappers? (just asking, im allready in a mod :) )
Ravioli said:
Just wondering, do you mean Concept Artists to draw the maps for the real mappers? (just asking, im allready in a mod :) )

The job will be to layout the maps, essentially design them as much as possible. This makes the mappers life a little (much) easier, and also allows the mapper to tweak the design should things not fall into place.

So in answer to your question, yes.