Map Idea, need a solution




I am new to Half Life 2 modding. I have been modding Max Payne 2 for about a year and a half now, and have been told i'm one of the best ;)

Anyways I've been playing around in hammer, and it is alot easier than maxed(max payne mapping program). I didn't map much for max payne because of how complicated it was to do somethning simple. I want to make a good cs: source, or hl2 deathmatch, or both map. The Idea I have is for it to be a ghost town. You know, the kind with lots of old buildings on 1 long road, and of course have alleys and areas behind the building.

But I have 2 big problems! The first is how do I keep players from leaving the map? I was thinking of a big fence, but that wouldn't make much sense now would it? So maybe having the towwn surounded by mountains. Any Ideas?

The second problem is tying a ghost town into cs: source or hl2 theme. Why would terrorists be bombing an old ghost town? Maybe there is a special landmark there that is very important?

Those are my problems, any input is appreciated.

heh, this branches off a bit but why not do an old gold mine and the buildings around it? The terrorists want to destroy the mine by bombing it because a new vein of gold was discovered and they're anti-corporations who would benefit off of it, or something?

that fits the old west broken down theme and makes it way easier to cut off (just have the mine on one end, the old buildings, and mountains around).
can you draw that out, or find a pic that represents it...cause I'm not quite sure what u mean.