map of city 17



from the first day i was playing half life 2 i was wondering WHERE in city 17 i was at every point. i like to be conscious of my location. now i know water hazard is somewhere to the south of city 17, at one point in the game you get to see a very simple map, but i'd like it to be more detailed. and also i would like to know what route i make. it feels like i'm just stumbeling along a path valve made for me, as for all i know i could be going straight ahead all the time, which isnt whats happening of course! is there a map somewhere of city 17, or something that makes it more clearly what path i'm taking?
I'm pretty sure this has been asked before, but I think that if you where to actually physically join the locations in City 17, they would overlap. I know someone did that for HL1 and it did the same thing. Didn't actally match up, you know.
Ya, I was just thinking about that the other day.

There would be a REALLY hard way, by going through all the levels and recording which direction you go, while drawing a map for it, but that would take forever... best chance is to ask valve for concept drawings of the maps and then peice them together like a puzzle...

Edit: Or, while I know this wouldnt work, you could go to the top of the citadel and look around and see if you can see anything like rivers or something or maybe look for Ravenholm. (Rivers would be for the boat levels)
MikeL15 said:
Ya, I was just thinking about that the other day.

There would be a REALLY hard way, by going through all the levels and recording which direction you go, while drawing a map for it, but that would take forever... best chance is to ask valve for concept drawings of the maps and then peice them together like a puzzle...
No, you could just noclip up so you have a bird's eye view of the whole section, then paste it next to a similar screen of the section before it.

Much less work that way :p
Ennui said:
No, you could just noclip up so you have a bird's eye view of the whole section, then paste it next to a similar screen of the section before it.

Much less work that way :p
(make sure you read my edit too)

But ya, I just thought of that, but that also would be hard and take awhile because you have to go through the whole game again and then peice them all togeather...
I think valve were more careful this time than they were with Hl1.
Raising The Bar has a small screen of a rough 3D layout of the area from the trainstation to the citadel. Also, there is that aerial view of C17 texture from the citadel maps.

All the buggy and airboat levels are mapped out, at least. You can find those maps in Odessa's base and the place where you get the airboat gun attached.
Someone on the forums actually managed to accurately pinpoint all the landmarks you visit on the odessa map.

In a related note, I'm nearly finished making a map of Black Mesa with the overlapping fixed. All I need to finish are the top-down views of the train-ride sequences from OP4 and Blue Shift.
If anyone reading this can provide those, I would be thankful.
i think there are parts of city 17 you "skip" over. since i assume gordan didnt do everything he did with out sleeping or this all happened in 2 days, since i think its only night once if i remember (shhhhhhh i'm right). HL1 happened over weeks since i believe a scientist said we've been down here for weeks. and gordan had to sleep sometime. that and the game takes less than a day or two to beat if you play it non stop.

so it can be assumed there are time periods left out and just simple connected together since there are no movies or levels interrupting the game.

would be cool, but pointless and possible not worth it, that in HL3 you could rest places to gain some health back and to give a better time frame to the game, but there is no reason to do this and would make the game feel less like HL, just a random thought.
Mechagodzilla said:
Raising The Bar has a small screen of a rough 3D layout of the area from the trainstation to the citadel. Also, there is that aerial view of C17 texture from the citadel maps.
It's extremely unlikely that that aerial view texture is in any way similar to the City17 street layout. It's either a purchased aerial view of an existing city, or some kind of render of a cityscape. As for the map in Raising the Bar, no matter how I try to work it out, I can't really see how it corresponds with the game I played through. It may be an old shot anyway.
screechrocket said:
HL1 happened over weeks since i believe a scientist said we've been down here for weeks. and gordan had to sleep sometime. that and the game takes less than a day or two to beat if you play it non stop.
I never really thought about this, though I do remember them saying that...
Someone get working on those noclip shots!

Isn't there a command to see a 2D render top-down of the map? I know there was one in HL1.
There might be. How'd you do it in HL1?
cl_leveloverview 1

I don't think it works in HL2 though, only CS:S.
If I wasn't working on Xenos or anything I would do this.
I dunno kupo, the coast map was drawn out accurately down to the terrain elevations. I wouldn't be surprised if Valve created at least a vague sketch of the rest of the city, or incorporated the levels into a stock map for the texture.

It should be possible to make a complete map of the entire game, since everything links up. Everything up to Nova prospekt would connect with everything after the slow teleport, via Kleiner's lab.

As for the scientists being underground for weeks, I dunno where that was said. But a large portion of BM's restaurants, apartments and workplaces are entirely underground. I think it's easilly possible to live down there for weeks or months at a time.
If I recall, both HL1 and 2 were approximately three days long. It's not too hard to go without sleep that long, especially when you have a powered suit and people shooting at you.

Edit: Would this 'cl_leveloverview 1' command work in Blue Shift and Opposing Force?
Mechagodzilla said:
I dunno kupo, the coast map was drawn out accurately down to the terrain elevations. I wouldn't be surprised if Valve created at least a vague sketch of the rest of the city, or incorporated the levels into a stock map for the texture.

It should be possible to make a complete map of the entire game, since everything links up. Everything up to Nova prospekt would connect with everything after the slow teleport, via Kleiner's lab.

As for the scientists being underground for weeks, I dunno where that was said. But a large portion of BM's restaurants, apartments and workplaces are entirely underground. I think it's easilly possible to live down there for weeks or months at a time.
If I recall, both HL1 and 2 were approximately three days long. It's not too hard to go without sleep that long, especially when you have a powered suit and people shooting at you.

Edit: Would this 'cl_leveloverview 1' command work in Blue Shift and Opposing Force?
Shooting morphine helps as well.
I wonder how to zoom in and out... I remember doing it in HL1.

The problem with that is, we would have to get everyone to use the same level of zoom.

But otherwise, this can work! Another problem is, these maps use uhhh what are they called... I don't know.. But it's the thing where part of a map doesn't appear until you actually go into it.

Hmm I'm not sure I'd have enough free time to do this :(

But it sounds fun anyway. I'm sure we will have some volunteers.
i voulunteer, i'll take anti-citizen 1
screechrocket said:
that and the game takes less than a day or two to beat if you play it non stop.

Someone beat it in about 30 minutes, actually, no cheats.

Anyway, a map of city 17 wouldn't work, as previously stated, you'd probably overlap.
Pesmerga said:
Someone beat it in about 30 minutes, actually, no cheats.

Anyway, a map of city 17 wouldn't work, as previously stated, you'd probably overlap.

i dont think i've ever played HL1 straight thru in one sitting so i couldn't remember how long it took, i just threw out a time that seemed somewhat reasonable.

but 30 mins gez, i would like to see a video of that like the 3 hour HL2 vid.
I like to think that HL1 maps NEVER overlapped, but HL2 maps overlapped SEVERELY, so that destroys HL2's credibility, I suppose!

Have any of you ever played Novagen's Mercenary? Now there was a game I physically mapped for, and I mean, DREW every room and corridor on PAPER, in order to know where I was going and what items I needed to continue.

"Well, why didn't you use NoClip and screenshot?" I ask you cry? Well, Mercenary is a RETRO game, back on the old Atari 8-Bit and Commodore 64 and YET it had more depth than HL2 will EVER have, but it was still tough to get through without mapping.

Only HL beats Mercenary AND HL2, IMHO!
Foebane said:
I like to think that HL1 maps NEVER overlapped, but HL2 maps overlapped SEVERELY, so that destroys HL2's credibility, I suppose!

Have any of you ever played Novagen's Mercenary? Now there was a game I physically mapped for, and I mean, DREW every room and corridor on PAPER, in order to know where I was going and what items I needed to continue.

"Well, why didn't you use NoClip and screenshot?" I ask you cry? Well, Mercenary is a RETRO game, back on the old Atari 8-Bit and Commodore 64 and YET it had more depth than HL2 will EVER have, but it was still tough to get through without mapping.

Only HL beats Mercenary AND HL2, IMHO!


There's a reason why this is a HL2 FANsite and not some forum where we dick around and try to find every fault in HL2.

edit: need to add disclaimer..

Disclaimer: Please excuse me if I'm coming off as an stupid, idiotic, ass.
Shens said:

There's a reason why this is a HL2 FANsite and not some forum where we dick around and try to find every fault in HL2.

edit: need to add disclaimer..

Disclaimer: Please excuse me if I'm coming off as an stupid, idiotic, ass.

Ooh, I'm scared by your use of the Size 7 "FAN" word! OMG, must get under cover now!!

Oh come on, even you with over 3000 posts can't say that HL2 is perfect!? I mean, NO game is perfect. I refuse to believe that all people who post here believe their game is the best ever in all of PC game history, let alone mere FPS history.

COME ON! There must be SOME dissenters? Or have they all been captured and hanged by the neck until dead, already!?
i think that the hl2 maps overlap, because you go back to where you came from e.g the first apt. building where you get chased through at the start you end up there again in anticitizen 1 or follow freemen(i can't remember which way round they come) but i think it still has credibility.

p.s. while i was writing this i just had a thought that there aren't many poison zombies are there. 5 i think. or 8 at max. correct me if i'm wrong
Foebane said:
Ooh, I'm scared by your use of the Size 7 "FAN" word! OMG, must get under cover now!!

Oh come on, even you with over 3000 posts can't say that HL2 is perfect!? I mean, NO game is perfect. I refuse to believe that all people who post here believe their game is the best ever in all of PC game history, let alone mere FPS history.

COME ON! There must be SOME dissenters? Or have they all been captured and hanged by the neck until dead, already!?

I never said HL2 was perfect. I don't believe HL2 is the best game in PC or FPS history.

Step 6 - a: Refer frequently to pretend hordes of lurking supporters, who have mailed you privately to express their agreement and gratitude.... but aren't willing to come out publicly and say anything. (See also here.)

b: Accuse your opponent of trying to intimidate your hordes of supporters.... add indignantly that you "will not be silenced".

Step 10 - Claim that *everything* is a matter of opinion, that there are no such things as facts or truth.
Stop flaming in our thread.

Anybody else willing to help take screenshots with the overview command?
screechrocket said:
HL1 happened over weeks since i believe a scientist said we've been down here for weeks. and gordan had to sleep sometime. that and the game takes less than a day or two to beat if you play it non stop.
Uh. What?

Half Life 1, the game play, occurs over a period of at least 2 days and 1 night. The game starts off in the morning (the time is listed in the intro, around about 8-9 am). You see some night scenes outside not too far into the game. This is very memorable because you come across two soldiers talking (scriptedly) about "this freeman guy" who has killed all their "buddies". This is at night, and I believe shortly before you launch the rocket to send the satellite up. From thence onwards, all outdoors scenes are in daylight, but if you follow the same sort of time progression, by the time you reach Lambda Core it's probably nighttime again.

So no, Gordon does never sleep in HL1 and you never 'skip' over areas, neither in HL1 or HL2. You play from the perspective of someone who is constantly on their feet and does not sleep, rest or stop whatsoever.
lol, how could Gordon have slept if you never leave his view, and are constantly playing?

Have you never played the game or something?
vegeta897 said:
lol, how could Gordon have slept if you never leave his view, and are constantly playing?

Have you never played the game or something?

i understand this, its a game duh. but i'm saying half life 1 takes place over weeks they even freaking tell you that. so how could gordon never have slept?

i assume that half life 2 doesn't take place over hours and that from start to finish you arent playing what exactly happened in gordans life from the moment he stepped of the train untill the end.

HL 2 could possible take place over hours and while your playing you really are living every moment of gordans life from start to end during the games time frame.

HL1 how ever take place over weeks and only a moron would assume freeman could stay awake for weeks on end, fighting aliens and marines.

I understand you never leave his view, but you understand me. the time frames would be to long for the game to be exactly what happens to gordon from start to finish.

I've played HL and HL2 many times, next time dont be an idoit. but the important part is you tried.
Foebane said:
Oh come on, even you with over 3000 posts can't say that HL2 is perfect!? I mean, NO game is perfect. I refuse to believe that all people who post here believe their game is the best ever in all of PC game history, let alone mere FPS history.

Half-Life 2 is not perfect. Half-Life, however, is. But Half-Life is not the best game of all time. That award goes to OOT.
screechrocket said:
i understand this, its a game duh. but i'm saying half life 1 takes place over weeks they even freaking tell you that. so how could gordon never have slept?

i assume that half life 2 doesn't take place over hours and that from start to finish you arent playing what exactly happened in gordans life from the moment he stepped of the train untill the end.

HL 2 could possible take place over hours and while your playing you really are living every moment of gordans life from start to end during the games time frame.

HL1 how ever take place over weeks and only a moron would assume freeman could stay awake for weeks on end, fighting aliens and marines.

I understand you never leave his view, but you understand me. the time frames would be to long for the game to be exactly what happens to gordon from start to finish.

I've played HL and HL2 many times, next time dont be an idoit. but the important part is you tried.

Did you read the post above you? HL took place over 2 days...

Why the hell would you want to buy a game where you sleep anyway?
Screech, you are no longer making sense, denying the FACTS we are telling you. But the important part is you tried.
In Half Lifes 1 and 2, you always see exactly what Gordon sees, no matter what, you are living Gordon's life.

But this brings up odd concepts of time dilation. You can beat the game in 12 hours even though it spans 2 days.
how someone can go that slow is beyond me, I beat hl2 first time playing in 4 hours..
how long was Gordon unconcious from getting jumped by the marines? you know,before they tossed him in the trash compactor
T.H.C.138 said:
how long was Gordon unconcious from getting jumped by the marines? you know,before they tossed him in the trash compactor

Can't be more than a few hours. It was still daylight.
thanks for the reply! I figured it wasn't very long but I wasn't sure..also I just thought I should bring that aspect into play here with all the timeline talk
Those marines were so stupid IF THEY FIND THE BODY? wtf, just kill him with a grenade or something lol..