map of city 17

This is kinda fun. I just started (done the first 2 maps), and it's neat to see how they make the levels work together. On an in-chapter scale, things look like they line up. I don't know about if you were to trace the whole game until you're back in City 17 if everything would work out. That's be jawdropping if it did.

Anyways, the first two maps of the game. The space at the bottom between the road and the playground is where I am now, in the Tenements building. Unfortunately I have to deal with vertical stuff in there. I'll probably just put one floor on the map. Or the roof.

Did you notice that if you look out the window of the room where the guy says "In here, quick!" you can see the playground? Also, the APC that pulls up on the street when you look out of the window in Tenements is probably the one you saw on ground level in the alley before the playground.

Gotta love the attention to detail. I think that mapping like this will reveal a lot of little things like that.


  • d1_trainstation_1-2.JPG
    73.4 KB · Views: 557
Lookin' nice there. You should be able to cut off some of those extraneous bits that wouldn't normally be visible. Like that strider patrol street.
But you might as well leave them in for now, just in case.
Unless it overlaps with something important.
screechrocket said:
but i'm saying half life 1 takes place over weeks they even freaking tell you that. so how could gordon never have slept?
I just google searched the script and the only sentence with the word "week" in it at all is:

"Did you see it? They said it was hauled from the Challenger Deep, but I'm positive that beast never swam in terrestrial waters until a week ago. There's a tranquillizer gun in the shark cage, but I'm not sure it would work on this species. You're welcome to try."

That is by no means conclusive proof that the events of Half-Life happen over a week: the scientist is most likely referring to the sample creature being captured a week before the cascade catastrophe - scientists were exploring Xen well before Xen came to earth.

Now, it's entirely true that the Half-Life games give no realistic passage of time, but the idea that it takes you an entire week to get from the test champer to the Icthy pen in aprehension is a little extreme. I'm pretty sure Valve themselves are quoted as saying that the events of both HL games take place over three days each.
Mechagodzilla said:
Lookin' nice there. You should be able to cut off some of those extraneous bits that wouldn't normally be visible. Like that strider patrol street.
But you might as well leave them in for now, just in case.
Unless it overlaps with something important.

The "strider patrol street" is the same street you're being shot at from once you get to "the roof," so it stays. Thank god the strider's gone by then...

Also, it may show up when you return to C17 later in the game, so I want it to be accounted for.
Qhartb said:
Also, it may show up when you return to C17 later in the game, so I want it to be accounted for.
I'm pretty sure it's the street that Dog throws the APC on, because the roof tennement you start on is the one you walk through and out into the playground from.
It is yes. Although, by the time you're back in C17 after the slow teleport, all the Combine walls have moved. But I'd guess the area round the trainstation and Kliener's lab would be fairly consistent, and water hazard and the coast both have maps of them, so I'd guess there's a fairly good chance of it not overlapping itself...
i wonder how big the map of all hl2 is? say you put it ALL together. 20 miles squared ..
screechrocket said:
i understand this, its a game duh. but i'm saying half life 1 takes place over weeks they even freaking tell you that. so how could gordon never have slept?

i assume that half life 2 doesn't take place over hours and that from start to finish you arent playing what exactly happened in gordans life from the moment he stepped of the train untill the end.

HL 2 could possible take place over hours and while your playing you really are living every moment of gordans life from start to end during the games time frame.

HL1 how ever take place over weeks and only a moron would assume freeman could stay awake for weeks on end, fighting aliens and marines.

I understand you never leave his view, but you understand me. the time frames would be to long for the game to be exactly what happens to gordon from start to finish.

I've played HL and HL2 many times, next time dont be an idoit. but the important part is you tried.

Half life 1 takes place over 3 days. Its quite obvious you know. Even Doug Lombardi said so. I mean PFHWEUGSIE. N00b. doug lombardi. n00bzerz.


Joking. But yes, it takes place over 3 days.
Half-Life 2 takes place over 2 or 3 days, I don't remember which - Half-Life is over 3.
KoreBolteR said:
i wonder how big the map of all hl2 is? say you put it ALL together. 20 miles squared ..

That's kinda what I'm wondering. If anyone wants to make maps compatible with what I'm doing, so that we can put them all together (and see if things line up between chapters as well as they do within them), I'm working at "cl_leveloverview 5" (5 is the scale).

For some reason, it only shows a few sectors at a time, depending on where you're standing, so a good amount of compositing is involved.

I've found it handy to bind the following:
cl_leveloverview 0 // first person, so you can see when you're running into walls and such
cl_leveloverview 1 // larger scale to see how things line up
cl_leveloverview 5 // small scale for the screenshots and large areas

I'm very impressed with how consistent things are so far. It looks like they may have made a big map for the whole chapter and broke it up into nice little chunks.
kupoartist said:
I'm pretty sure it's the street that Dog throws the APC on, because the roof tennement you start on is the one you walk through and out into the playground from.

That sounds right. I remember there's an indoor-walkway part of a building that goes over that street at the beginning of the game (when you're on the roof), and when you return, it's fallen.

I haven't worked on it since i made that image, but I think the train tracks that you work your way past right after you get the crowbar will be the same tracks you rode in on at the very start of the game.
special-ed said:
how someone can go that slow is beyond me, I beat hl2 first time playing in 4 hours..
I bet you were one of the people that came on the forums later and started screaming "OMG THE STORY MADE NO SENSE!!!!11!1!!!1!!!"

Half-Life 2 takes place over 2 or 3 days, I don't remember which - Half-Life is over 3.
3 days, if you look at the map names, they all start with "d1", "d2", or "d3".
Half-life 2 is longer than a few days... *spoiler*

Remember when Gordon and Alyx telported out of Nova Prospekt, the were stuck in the telportation system for a week or 10 days (i can't remember which)
Ren.182 said:
Half-life 2 is longer than a few days... *spoiler*

Remember when Gordon and Alyx telported out of Nova Prospekt, the were stuck in the telportation system for a week or 10 days (i can't remember which)
Relative to Gordon it was only a few days.
To everyone but Gordon and Alyx it was over a week.
To the player (Gordon) the teleport was instant, therefore it WAS instant, therefore it was just a few days.
Awesome work Qhartb!! The world thanks you for your efforts! Keep it up!

(Still deciding whether I want to do any or not...)
Ok. It doesn't completely line up, but it's clear that there was an effort to keep things close.

The Tenements building is just a bit too long (east-west, pretty much the complete far stairwell would have to extend into the alley) and not tall (north-south) enough. The overall shape of the building, however, is as the exterior requires.

The second encounter with the train station (right after you get the crowbar) is a bit south of where it was the first time. If they tried to match things up with a computer, this may be due to the fact that the "Kleiner's Lab" you teleport out of is not the "Kleiner's Lab" that you rematerialize outside the window of.
I call dibs on AntiCitizen One and Follow Freeman, and as proof here is the first segment of that Chapter. More will come shortly.

Edit: Here it is, the first part of Anticitizen One, from Dog to infinite manhacks. I decided that since the underground road takes you so far away from the rest I may as well start a new compilation. Find it at :
This is all very cool.
Okay I'll be honest, I'm only commenting so this thread shows up in my User CP, so I can follow the work. I'll shut up now.
Mercenary is a RETRO game, back on the old Atari 8-Bit and Commodore 64 and YET it had more depth than HL2 will EVER have

Mercenary had almost zero content when compared to HL2. Wireframe, no textures, very few objects. If you tried to remake Mercenary with a modern-day engine, it'd take about 10 years.
Shock Horror! An inconsistency! Not a major one though. Two roads that can't actually be reached, that are suppossed to be the same, are not lined up, nor do they even remotely resemble one another. Anyway I've just started Follow Freeman but I think I've done enough for tonight so I might continue tomorrow.
Yeah. My "inconsistency" with the trainstation isn't bad. It seems that they (very reasonably) made indoor sections generally the right shape, but not necessarily exactly right. This happens in Tenements and Kleiner's Lab. I'm just going to take the things that are obviously supposed to line up outdoors and use those to make the map.
Wich photo editors do you use to overlap the pic's?? Everything gets messed up in paint...(I'm trying to do the coast)
Wow, necropost.
Probably Photoshop or, -twitch- GIMP, if you're looking for a free program. Just download the demo for Photoshop, though.
Fonaki said:
Wich photo editors do you use to overlap the pic's?? Everything gets messed up in paint...(I'm trying to do the coast)
Paint is for Primary School. I recomend Photoshop.
wilka91 said:
come on guys, work faster!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:rolleyes: Nobody had even posted in this thread since April, until this guy necro'd it. I doubt anybody's working on it anymore.
Pi Mu Rho said:
Mercenary had almost zero content when compared to HL2. Wireframe, no textures, very few objects. If you tried to remake Mercenary with a modern-day engine, it'd take about 10 years.

This is exactly the thought I had switching from 2d to 3d.
2d offered way more lets say hmm.. Depth, I mean in many 2d games, you really do have more option. But in 3d you have way more feel to it I guess, that's kind of why I switch between the two, 3d has nice goodies and its a experience of its own, but many 2d games still have depth, and choices. It's interesting, and to me 2d isn't dieng any time soon, because its effects are yet to be reproduced in 3d.
wilka91 said:
come on guys, work faster!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I just had to sleep a few houres, back in busnies now (is that how busines is spelled??)

Edit: have taken all the pic's of the coast now, and I have made 4 images out of them...will try to make one big now, and hopefully hosted the image somewhere so you can see.

Edit2: Ok, couln't get it too one one file, so two is OK right?? BUT, the files are at 7 and 8mb each, and maximum filesize at imageshack is 1mb. Any suggestions??
ríomhaire said:
I had to laugh at AIM disabled in the middle. It could do with a neetening up.

How do you get rid of it??

Edit: wrong, but anyway, how do you get rid of the hud and aim thing?? And the AI disable is only a little work in paint, wich I didn't bother do:p
Fonaki said:
How do you get rid of it??

Edit: wrong, but anyway, how do you get rid of the hud and aim thing?? And the AI disable is only a little work in paint, wich I didn't bother do:p
Impulse 200
cl_drawhud 0

I'm running into trouble with, among other things, the fog effect on some maps. How big is Source SDK?
ríomhaire said:
Impulse 200
cl_drawhud 0

I'm running into trouble with, among other things, the fog effect on some maps. How big is Source SDK?
You should be able to turn off the fog with
fog_override 1
I have done like you said now, ríomhaire. Cleaned up all the green areas, and deleted the two "AI disabled..." spots.

Also, I tried to do ravenholm, but that is way harder than my skills allows. All the houses look the same, when I tried, it became one GIGANT unsolable puzzle. I only managed to get the traintracks correctly. So good luck to anybody doing ravenholm..

Edit: SDK is around 500mb, but I don't think the download are bigger than 50mb. Because, most of the files are .bsp-files from the game, and you have them alredy from the game.
MikeL15 said:
Ya, I was just thinking about that the other day.

There would be a REALLY hard way, by going through all the levels and recording which direction you go, while drawing a map for it, but that would take forever... best chance is to ask valve for concept drawings of the maps and then peice them together like a puzzle...

Edit: Or, while I know this wouldnt work, you could go to the top of the citadel and look around and see if you can see anything like rivers or something or maybe look for Ravenholm. (Rivers would be for the boat levels)
the view from the citadel has to be fake. there are way too many lights and half of the city was supposed to be consumed by the citadel.
Is anybody still makeing on the map?? (I kinda feel I have done my part:p)