Map release: de_mario


Oct 27, 2004
Reaction score
after over a month's worth of effort, work, and sweat... and countless gallons of soda, my third map, de_mario is finally complete. This map is designed to mimick the first Mario Brother's game in design, but keep the feel of coutnerstrike.
I've done all I could ot make this map what it is. I've played through it, I've had friends go through it, I've played agaisnt a small group of friends on it. it plays well, and set up to not give one team an edge....





Uni-Ball said:
and is there music as an ambient sound?
no, i don't know how to do that... and it would get somewhat annoying after awhile... i just wanted a simple mario-esque counterstrike map.
Limpet said:
Can you go down the pipes?
Yes you can go down the pipes, there are 3 underground paths or shortcuts. theres a pipe behind each large castle that leads to the bomb site in the jump area. and theres another one that has 3 entrances/exits, and is sorta shortcut into the big open area or the ct's/t's start.
looks awesome,
if i might suggest something, the sky should be maaaybe a little brighter, like really blue like in all the games.

i look forward to going down the pipes :)
COALslaw said:
looks awesome,
if i might suggest something, the sky should be maaaybe a little brighter, like really blue like in all the games.

i look forward to going down the pipes :)
but its a dark day in the mushroom kingdom... and I havent gotten the hang out skyboxes yet... the bluie sky never its a dreary day in the mushroom kingdom
Limpet said:
Still nice work

thanks, it was a lot of work

Im working on an Scout map using the same design, only its gonna be 4 castles, (2 on each side) and Scouts will be there...
and maybe a basement and some objects in the way... i haven't decided yet
It's pretty blocky... :/

[Edit:] Even for a "Mario" fun map
Now that's a map that screams out for custom textures, if i ever saw one...
there was an old map for cs called marioland. only that one had custom textures that would make a zx81 seem like virtual heaven
3D skybox would be a plus for the map. You could totaly do the cool super smiely hills :)
You should like.. you know... Make the pipese round, and the castles to, at least round the corners off a bit.

It really drags down the whole map. Oh, and it's too dark for my own personal likings.
I played this map with a couple friends and bots. Us vs. them. and I'm not sure if it's a bot problem but your spawnpoints seem kinda poorly placed. the teams would always meet in the same place, about 3 seconds from spawn. and slaughter each other. you only get to see about a quarter of the map. Also, the floating, breakable boxes are a little too... breakable. they just collapse when you touch them and you can't jump off, I'm not sure how you can fix this (except making delayed triggers for all of them, I'm so smart!) but it would be sweet if you could get some awesome jumping routes going.

ps: de_mario + sv_gravity 400 = teh awesome!
Kevnadian said:
I played this map with a couple friends and bots. Us vs. them. and I'm not sure if it's a bot problem but your spawnpoints seem kinda poorly placed. the teams would always meet in the same place, about 3 seconds from spawn. and slaughter each other. you only get to see about a quarter of the map. Also, the floating, breakable boxes are a little too... breakable. they just collapse when you touch them and you can't jump off, I'm not sure how you can fix this (except making delayed triggers for all of them, I'm so smart!) but it would be sweet if you could get some awesome jumping routes going.

ps: de_mario + sv_gravity 400 = teh awesome!

The box was the first major problem I encountered. And after a week of trying different things, that was the best I came about.

It's a small map, that's why I put the tunnels, the pipes, and other things. I'm not sure what else I could do