[Map Release!] ZT_Assault - Not another crap port



This was made by a good friend of mine Zeta (HL2world), well he asked me to post it :)


Download : http://homepage.ntlworld.com/cj.oates/zt_assualt.rar


Slight crack in ct tunnel
Hostages get stuck at back door: Will be fixed with an updated .nav file tomorrow
Vent is slighty odd due to trying to fix an exploit

Anyway im (Zeta) happy with the map now so its time for me to move on. Please read the read me for important install information!

Hope you all enjoy it.
Screen update =D (this time in the right thread, stupid u cant edit a post forever)









This map owns! Everyone sould get it!

Its maybe a bit laggy and im not sure if its just me but there doesn't appear to be any cube maps, but its easily the best map out yet!

P.S. I think the suns photoshoped cause it ain't like that on mine ;)
AH_Viper said:
P.S. I think the suns photoshoped cause it ain't like that on mine ;)

do you have a DX7 or DX8.1 card?

thats HDR i think, which i belive only works in DX9 Cards
OMG iam gonna explode :eek:
i am at HL2 world as well and his WIP pics were 1000x worse than that, that looks like something that took qaulity time :eek: drool!
Reaperman said:
do you have a DX7 or DX8.1 card?

thats HDR i think, which i belive only works in DX9 Cards

The blooming doesnt show up on my dx9 card...
DX9 x800 XT PE.... no sun effects.

Im pretty sure theres no HDR in CS Source as yet anyway.... correct me if im wrong.
That map looks absolutely beautiful. I'm gonna download straight away. Very nice work!
I really like that there are entry points for the ct (They obviously entered through the gate near the apc), as well as the "opened" map structure. I've always been kind of annoyed with CS-maps that are contained inside a box (which almost all are).
It looks good, so I'll drop my idea of making assualt myself, as I think you've done it very good. Now I just need to come up with an new idea for a map :)
Downloaded this last night and thought it was great, can't wait to play it in a game. Wondering though, how did you manage to make it so fast?
its a very very pretty map, except it lags like hell, the physical objects should have been set to "multiplayer"
I forgot to mention the same thing Guchi, I also found being on the main roof very laggy. I also found the locked doors stood out too much for some reason, maybe use a different texture?

Great map though :)

I've been waiting for sooo long for an Assault port. What better than a conversion of an already awesome map.... I'm drooling over this one
hmm looks pretty nice, and guys here are raving about it.. looks like i should be dling this... the screens sure show it off pretty nicely, you got that done pretty quick :p
Is it just me or does everything seam very big in the map.
I feel like a dwarf when looking att some things.
It's the best custom map so far -- but that's not saying too much.

- Objects are too big (doors, hostages)... is this a map issue or a CS:S issue?

- Some objects like bottles on the floor are welded to the ground and do not act as they should

- No open vehicle and/or cameras

- Glass breaks like the old CS instead of the new type as seen in CS:S's version of cs_office

- No sun / lense flare as depicted in screenshots, I'm running with highest details on Dx9

It looks really nice, though, and if all of the above issues were fixed, it seems near a professional quality map.
I've played it, and I don't think valve could make assault look any better :D

Good job man!
I don't understand what th big fuss is about porting maps... Why do you guys insist on porting over 3 year old maps made using old technology and textures when you can make a new version from scratch that takes advatnage of the Source engine?

Why don't you make physics play a more important role in the map?
Its plain and booring.
Try to use abit more time on it.
Rico said:
I don't understand what th big fuss is about porting maps... Why do you guys insist on porting over 3 year old maps made using old technology and textures when you can make a new version from scratch that takes advatnage of the Source engine?

Why don't you make physics play a more important role in the map?

Assault was and still is a great map for CS, and I was quite suprised that this map did not make CS:S. I'm very happy this map had been done and Is by far the best port as of quality.
Looks very nice, even though I wasn't a big fan of the original!

Good work. Happy mapping.
I still think I can do a better job :p
And now that I have said that, I have to add proof to my big mouth, right ;)

expect another port of assault, even better looking!