Map Version is 0, expecting 19!!!

MajorPayne said:
I do not know if this helps, but HL2Fallout has a lot of people with various memory errors/graphics corruption who have fixed it by completely downloading HL:S -- apparently if that is not at 100%, some steam installs do not work -- even though they should be separate products. I am trying this now (60 min left -- damnit), and if that does not work, I will re-download ALL HL2/steam files -- long download!

ok cheers mate, will wait until it is done!
MajorPayne: not all have silver, in bronze HL:S is not included.
Odin, it wont work just d/loading the HL2 directory, lastest info as below,

"For you guys getting the "Map version is 0, expecting 19" error please try deleting the sourcemodels.gcf file. I know it sucks to redownload 400mb, but this seems to be the file causing the error.

Let me know in PM if you continue to have troubles or you can file a ticket at:"

The info is in the following thread,

That is from Mad_Dad from HL2Fallout forums.
Seems like that is what we are going to have to do :(
strange thing... all of you guys already have the leaked version on the pc ?
My old 'source models.gcf' is 460,056Kb
My new 'source models.gcf' is 460,054Kb
dl337j00 said:
the game was released, what u mean "leaked"

I just want to know how many of them have the leaked version on their pc...becuase i have it ...maybe it's causing the problem ?!?!
nope. Never even tried to download the leak, out of respect for Valve. From what people are saying about the game, that respect was warranted.

i've sent a mail to erik
So Rolan, Have you downloaded it yet? or are you still waiting and just checked the "shell" file that was created?
nagual678 said:

i've sent a mail to erik

Create a seperate thread so people can see this!
hmmm same thing >>>:
old file 460.056 mb
new file 460.054 mb

but i need to wait really long time with my 256kb connection :(
Awesome. Now, can everyone please log off steam so that the rest of us can get good download speeds? Pretty please? :)
this may help some of you (I am trying it myself right now), but on HL2Fallout, large numbers of people are reporting that if either CS:S or HL:S is not completely downloaded, then they have memory and graphics errors, crashed, etc. Getting BOTH of these (if your package has them) to 100% seems to fix them. To check if you have one of the not totally downloaded, right click on the game in the play games menu, pick properties, and look at the percentage -- Just to be safe, I would make sure ALL games are at 100%. My HL:S was at 86 when I was getting this error earlier, so I am trying to finish it off, and see if this helps me (I had the referenced memory error).
Official VALVE Msg!!!!!!

"Due some steam problems many of our users downloaded a from a currupt source. Therefore we shutdown the whole HL2 server and working on a fix. Expect the fix around 1st. dec. 2004.

Thank you"
MajorPayne said:
this may help some of you (I am trying it myself right now), but on HL2Fallout, large numbers of people are reporting that if either CS:S or HL:S is not completely downloaded, then they have memory and graphics errors, crashed, etc. Getting BOTH of these (if your package has them) to 100% seems to fix them. To check if you have one of the not totally downloaded, right click on the game in the play games menu, pick properties, and look at the percentage -- Just to be safe, I would make sure ALL games are at 100%. My HL:S was at 86 when I was getting this error earlier, so I am trying to finish it off, and see if this helps me (I had the referenced memory error).
I was thinking this too but concluded that it would be a mistake on VALVe's part to force people to download option extras like CS S and HL S.
rantmallory said:
Official VALVE Msg!!!!!!

"Due some steam problems many of our users downloaded a from a currupt source. Therefore we shutdown the whole HL2 server and working on a fix. Expect the fix around 1st. dec. 2004.

Thank you"
Please don't troll this thread.
Go away if you aren't going to be constructive...
Oh btw, I check Steampowered news... No such announcement.
Maybe it was a particular content server that had a slightly mismatched file? Who knows. :)
Rolan said:
I was thinking this too but concluded that it would be a mistake on VALVe's part to force people to download option extras like CS S and HL S.

Nonetheless, I have the worst of the errors (memory referenced error, graphics glitches, and complete crash), and my HL:S was stuck at 86% -- I am finishing it off to see if this helps, and tons of people at HL2Fallout report that this has helped them -- I may have cause my own problem by originally clicking on HL:S then closing the download (when I saw how long it would take) and going to play HL2 -- stupid me!!!
Rolan, did you do the same thing? I did: I clicked to install HL:S, then stopped it when I saw how long it would take, and I didn't want to spare any HD cycles from enjoying HL2.
lol sorry about that
Went into HL2 and found I had no sound so I was like wtf
Check device settings... Sound card uninstalled... WTF

Reinstalling them atm :)

All I done was attempted to download HLS and saw it was going to take a bit so I cancelled... Then after much screwing around, I downloaded source models.gcf again and it worked like a charm.
Yep, seems to be the common thread for all of us who had the error: we wanted to play HL:S first, but then balked when we saw we couldn't play right away and tried to play HL2 instead. :)
Apos said:
Have no idea. EJ is probably looking over my memorydump (found in the HL2 folder whenever there is a crash error). The next step that one support guy suggested was sending over my half life 2 content gcf so that they could try to reproduce the error.

If it was a hardware related problem chances are that it would happen on every game you play. since this problem only comes up on hl2 and seems to be the people who got the game via steam then its possible that its something wrong with the preload information