Mappers, Modelers, & Skinners Wanted

Jan 13, 2004
Reaction score
Hello everyone, I'm John "Chief" Phillips, I'm the leader/webmaster/historian for Flanders Fields, a World War One modification for Half-Life Two. My personal previous experiences are with Shores of Victory for Half-Life, and The Last Great War for Half-Life 2, as well as my first (and only) failed project, 1899 (about the Boer War... I know, most of you are asking what that is to yourselves, which is why it's no longer around).

Flanders Fields isn't your run-of-the-mill World War modification, especially since it's not World War Two. The two wars share similarities to a certain extent, but were two very different experiences with different battlefields (not just trenches, but villages, cities, ancient fortresses, forests, and beaches as well), different and unique weapons, and a completely different atmosphere.

We strive for historical accuracy and realism. Utilizing a locational damage system, being injured in certain spots of the body will have different effects, such as a loss of full mobility if shot in the leg (though be it not to the point where it's too slow and boring), being shot in the stomach will decrease overall stamina, and so forth.

For more information about features and game play, you can visit our website, or ask a question in our community forums, or if you find it easier, simply reply here, or even send me a message (all my information is on my profile here).

What We Need
First and foremost, we are in need of two or three skilled level designers, who aren't afraid to push the game, or themselves to the limit. Work will range from wide-open trench lands, deep and broken forests in the heart of Belgium, small French villages, or massive fortresses. All maps we include are based upon real battles of the period, and are to be represented realistically, but within game play reason (we're not going to give players a thirty kilometer stretch of endless trenches... that would be rather boring when it takes the entire length of the game to find somebody else...).

Secondly, we're in need of somebody (one person) who can make a variety of prop models, ranging from a kitchen set to a can of bully beef. However, a repetitive and the least favorite task of any modder will also fall to this position; unwrapping. Models don't have much of a use if the skinner can't apply his talents to it, so each modeler will be required to unwrap his work, as well as pitch in now and then with older models which haven't been unwrapped.

Lastly, we're in need of a talented skinner who can skin anything from simple prop models to complex vehicles, and of course weapons ranging from grenades and bayonets to heavy mounted machineguns. Each skinner will require knowledge on wood, bare metal, and skinned metal texturing.

What We Offer
All work assigned will be assigned with all reference materials, so as each member of the team doesn't have to waste his or her valuable time to search for said reference; your time is better spent on what you came to do, especially since a lot of reference for certain objects is very scarce.

Each member will have access to all work from the team, and all internal releases (alphas and internal betas). Having access to the teams development work and internal releases requires FTP access, which each member has. With this FTP access, each member is allotted his or her own personal space to upload images, documents, and whatever it is they require (within reason, of course). As well as FTP access, each member will have the opportunity to have their own e-mail address, or a forward of which to their own e-mail address.

All work each member provides the team will remain credited to them, and never plagiarized, or released without their consent.

Of course, and perhaps most important of all, a friendly environment. All team members have grown to be friends with one another, and with each new member who joins, that friendly tight-knit community only buds.

Where To Go
If you've read this much, then you're showing some type of interest, great! So, I'll cut to the chase and tell you where to go from here.

Web Site:
Apply Form:
IRC: #flandersfields @

Happy gaming, and I hope to see some new faces around!