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Halflife2.net forum users agree not to post any material that is protected by copyright, trademark or other proprietary right without the express permission of the owner. This includes magazine scans and stolen Half-Life 2 content such as source code, screenshots and files.
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We do not mind discussions about piracy or warez, as long as they are just that... discussions. Linking or giving information about any site that distributes illegal software, or warez, seeking help to circumvent any copyright laws, or encouraging software or media piracy is grounds for an immediate ban. Note that patches or cracks used to bypass CD checks in games are also banned.
(if I interpret them correctly) I should not be banned for asking some questions about the HL2-beta editor.
I and about 10 of my friends set out last year planning for this years school project and we desided to do a mod. Since we started to plan last year we still thought hl2 would be out pretty soon, so we chose that platform. We have now been building up our project around hl2 and it is too late to change to another game. Because hl2 (especially the hammer editor) still is not out, we are beginning to have some problems.
I've downloaded the hl2beta and tested the version of hammer in it and it works fine for me.
Could I actually map the basic structure now, before hl2 comes out, and be able to run it with the final hammer or will I run in to any problems, in case, which?
Copyrighted Material
Halflife2.net forum users agree not to post any material that is protected by copyright, trademark or other proprietary right without the express permission of the owner. This includes magazine scans and stolen Half-Life 2 content such as source code, screenshots and files.
Piracy, and Warez
We do not mind discussions about piracy or warez, as long as they are just that... discussions. Linking or giving information about any site that distributes illegal software, or warez, seeking help to circumvent any copyright laws, or encouraging software or media piracy is grounds for an immediate ban. Note that patches or cracks used to bypass CD checks in games are also banned.
(if I interpret them correctly) I should not be banned for asking some questions about the HL2-beta editor.
I and about 10 of my friends set out last year planning for this years school project and we desided to do a mod. Since we started to plan last year we still thought hl2 would be out pretty soon, so we chose that platform. We have now been building up our project around hl2 and it is too late to change to another game. Because hl2 (especially the hammer editor) still is not out, we are beginning to have some problems.
I've downloaded the hl2beta and tested the version of hammer in it and it works fine for me.
Could I actually map the basic structure now, before hl2 comes out, and be able to run it with the final hammer or will I run in to any problems, in case, which?