MAR 09: Neoshock Interview, Renders, Music


Nov 16, 2003
Reaction score
Hey guys, a lot has been going with the Neoshock Dev team, and we're making a lot of progression. Unfortunately, a lot of the work can't really be pimped, and some of it we are keeping to ourselves for the moment. However, here is an update for the fans of Neoshock:

First and foremost: a great interview done by, check it out:

One of our sound artists, Cougar (Christoper Paine), has released his new album, entitled "Amber Light". You can download the self extractor (60MB!) at our music page.

Alien Queen Concept, by Jubal (Chris Coker)

Templar "Ursus" Bomber WIP Model, by Jasp (Pablo Gonzalez Vaca)


HAV Colors, by Lucid (Jennifer Wilder)

Till next time!
looking good. I have to go to bed now. So I will have to read the interview tomorrow.
The interview is 3 pages long! Be sure to click "next page"
Pendragon said:
I don't see a link anwhere here, but I got a link from someone. Fairly interesting interview, although it was mostly old stuff.

Good art though! :)

PENDRAGON, what's REALLY strange is that my background is grey on that interview. I can see the link to the next page plain as day. I'm using Mozilla Firefox tho. Any other IE users having similar probs?
Wow that looks brilliant, but the Alien Queen looks male.
Pendragon said:
I don't see a link anwhere here, but I got a link from someone. Fairly interesting interview, although it was mostly old stuff.

Good art though! :)

Oh i see.. Majestic XII (Cool guy) and... and... .Dev :)
mrchimp said:
Wow that looks brilliant, but the Alien Queen looks male.
"Queen" is the tentative name for the character, which descibes what it does, not its gender. It spawns other little alien babies, but in fact, it's asexual.