How about a for sale board on these forums? Many larger forums have these and it would probably work out great on here so gamers could find good prices on hardware and other computer related stuff.
oooh I dunno, its a neat idea but just think of the problems if someone got conned.. Would have to mess about with lawyers to ensure they could cover the site from not being accountable for anything that goes wrong. Personally I'd avoid it, its a court case just waiting to happen
Yeah it is a good idea, I'm just an incredibly paranoid person who'll worry about the worst case scenario first
ok what happened, adding this to the end of that post to try avoid it happening again. This thread was fine and just the one, I reply and suddenly there's two copies of the thread.. What am I doing to cause this when it doesn't seem to happen to anyone else?
All the staff has to do here is simply put up a disclaimer that they are not responsible for any of the transactions. Even if they don't put it up they can not be held responsible as the payment never actually got to them. Most large forums do this and its a great way to get good deals on computer parts and a great way to sell any parts you no longer need.
Unless you mean to run a marketplace with serious intent, all that's gonna happen is that a lot of kids (or people acting like one) are gonna get their money buffed by people who will take advantage of the marketsplace. The result of this will be about 5-10 posts a day which will have a header like this: [Insert name here] CHEATED ME FOR [Insert total sum of $ here]!!!
Having the users sign a disclaimer means that the "sharks" will just have a better opportunity at ripping off the kids that I mentioned earlier without anyone taking responsibility for it. My tip is stick around with what your good at. Let dedicated marketplaces take care of that business. I'd rather have a good HL2-forum than a worse-than-shitty All-in-One forum.
Like D33 said, most forum marketplaces work out great. If what you say is true then there would be no ebay and any other online trading places. Also, any news on this? I am looking for a new vid card .
I don't really understand what people are afraid of. This is no different than buying things off ebay or any other trading site. We can have a thread up that will be for user feedback on transactions. Like I said, I have seen this on many larger message boards and problems rarely occur. There are car sites out there that have users sell parts for around $1,000 and problems rarely occur.