masquerading in malberry


Oct 23, 2004
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well one day i decided to go out hunting with my 30-30 in malberry.. its a fine town of about 300 people not to far from my cabin in the woods.

let me describe my woods. its a 3000 acre plot of land that is untouched by society. located in northern new england, its home to lots of wild life. both natural, and what i have created. one creature in particular is a giant silver back gorilla from which i bread. i took sample genes from a pirhana and injected it into the reproducing creature's balls, so that his offspring would have razor sharp teeth, not to mention a mean ass temper.

the gorrilla roams around in the woods killing any hunters that might try to hunt on my land..

so on the way to malberry i stopped in to my buddy dons house (its actually an underground bunker located on the same plot of land) to get some ammo. i needed a back pack full, so he hooked me up with about 700 rounds.

malberry is located in the epicenter of what used to be a volcano. when the volcano blew up, (whiping out most of new england) it left a huge crater, from which the survivors made a new town.

i crept up towards the lip of the crater and set up camp for the long shooting spree i had ahead of me.

will continue later.