Mass Effect 2; MAKO replacement announced; accessed through Cerberus Network


Space Core
Nov 10, 2003
Reaction score
Before people get pissed off about DLC, bear in mind that each DLC will not add to the overall price, Original purchasers (wasn't sure if that includeds standard edition players) of the game will have full access to Cerberus, whilst if your buying second hand, that you will need to purchase a seperate activation code for Cerberus (Because the code is tied to a specific online user account). From the sounds of it, it sounds vaguely simillar to what stardock did with Galactic Civilizations 2, whereby if you activated a genuine copy of the game online, then you would get extra parts for the spaceship designer and full tech support. Whether or not the Cerberus Code is seperate from the game code is yet to be explored.

'The Cerberus Network' is activated exclusively by original purchasers of Mass Effect 2 through a single-use unlock code that comes included in retail and digital versions of the game worldwide. 'The Cerberus Network' is a conduit for players to receive bonus content as well as daily messages and news on upcoming releases for Mass Effect 2 for no extra charge. For players who do not buy the game new, 'The Cerberus Network' can be unlocked through a one-time, in-game purchase of a new activation code*.

For those people who will get the MAKO blues upon release, do not fear, because we will not be forgotten

After launch, BioWare will release another DLC pack for Mass Effect 2 that introduces the Hammerhead, a new vehicle in the Mass Effect universe. This agile hover tank features improved handling on rough terrain and maneuvers deftly in combat -- a necessity for players traveling across harsh planetary environments throughout the galaxy. In addition to this new vehicle, BioWare will release new missions and unique in-game items, including Cerberus Assault Armor which boost shields, health and heavy weapon ammo and the M-22 Eviscerator Shotgun
I miss the good old days when gaming was just buying the DVD , going home , installing it and then you were finished with everything.

Except half the time, it was getting it home, finding out it does not play right, wait a month for a patch....
where are they saying ithe hammerhead is a replacement for the Mako? the hammerhead doesnt come out till after release
Well, there is no Mako in the core game, so this would be its replacement, if you chose to buy it. I guess.

I'm kindof glad I don't have a decent rig right now, I'd buy the lot super-super-quick with the tin and everything if I could run it
wha? no mako? how are you supposed to get around on the various moons?
AFAIK you get dropped in, and explore on foot. Neatly cuts out the tedious exploring, and lets them polish the side-quests properly. I wonder how the new vehicle fits into all of this.
Instead of there being a specific drop point you can choose your landing location, I believe.

Course I might just be pulling this out of my ass.
sigh, sounds like more corridor crawling

Better than it was, baby, and this means they get to flesh out the locations, which apparently are much sweeter this time around!

ok OXM said that but still
the xbox 360 version of mass effect 1 has the 2 DLC packs on sale, are they worth it for 240pts??
the xbox 360 version of mass effect 1 has the 2 DLC packs on sale, are they worth it for 240pts??
The first one (Bring Down the Sky) is free for the PC version so I've actually played it. It's alright, but ultimately is just a MAKO mission done to the level they probably should have been all along. Three or Four secondary buildings (all using the same prefab layout you'll have already seen), a bunch of huts and a new (but not massive) main-base area with one of the game's better paragon vs regenade choices. Oh, and the Batarians are new (they'll be in ME2 I believe. Hopefully two choices you make in the DLC will have consequences in the sequel).

It's hardly the best post release content ever released, but it's probably the best of the side-mission stuff you can do in Mass Effect 1.

As for the second DLC. I've vaguely heard it's not as good, but haven't played it for myself. Some kind of fight club / collesium mode (alike to Borderlands' 2nd DLC IIRC).
well for $3 i may want to do it. i tried playing through a second play through but the 1st game was pretty remember-able so i may pass
So can anyone give me a quick explanation how this transfer thing works? Something about you keeping your character and all the decisions etc. Does it work with steam? And if you don't have Mass Effect 1 anymore, what happens then?
I just loaded up Mass Effect and was absolutely distraught to find my save file is gone. Can I play the game to an acceptable, side-quests and all, standard within one week? D:

Still freaking hyped.
So can anyone give me a quick explanation how this transfer thing works? Something about you keeping your character and all the decisions etc. Does it work with steam? And if you don't have Mass Effect 1 anymore, what happens then?
You'll need the original save files. It finds them some way during the first few minutes of the game, or the character creation, you can make alterations to your starting class and appearance.

Failing that, one recent description made it sound like you could simply start a new game and tweak which choices the game starts with. All in all, the whole system has probably been over-hyped and people are going to be crying into their milk when tiny events aren't taken forward by the game.
Can I play the game to an acceptable, side-quests and all, standard within one week? D:
I did, on Normal. There is supposedly some sort of bonus for having a maximum level character that I will miss (you have to complete the game once to unlock levels 51-60), but again, I doubt it's worth the extra effort.
I just loaded up Mass Effect and was absolutely distraught to find my save file is gone. Can I play the game to an acceptable, side-quests and all, standard within one week? D:

Still freaking hyped.
I managed it. It is definitely possible if you get into it and get shit done.
I'm actually quite p'd about the Cerberus Network. Can someone tell me what the point of it is except to punish people who like to buy their games second-hand?
That's exactly what it's for. When a game is bought second-hand, EA get no money from that purchase. It's pretty much as bad as lending the game between several friends.
Pretty outrageous, when you think about it. When you buy a book second-hand, you don't expect to be told "Sorry, pages 50-60 are only available to people who buy this book first-hand". Second-hand goods are part of the industry for any commodity.

People who buy games cheaply second-hand are people like me, who can't afford to buy all their games as soon as they come out but definitely don't want to pirate them. I can see piracy increasing if this catches on.
Think about it this way: the DLCs to come aren't spectacular, so you aren't really missing out on anything.

Also, 3$ for ME1 DLCs? Jesus, that's like... 1/3rd the price of a SINGLE Fo3 DLC... And for more content.