Mass Effect is unplayable.

Mar 7, 2008
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A while ago I bumped my Xbox 360 while my Mass Effect was in and running. Recently I tried the tooth paste method. Putting tooth paste on the disc and rubbing it in until it covers the scratch's. But I think it made it worse. Right now that game will only load up to the start screen just like after the incident.

I really would like to avoid buying a new copy. I think my local Family Video (rental store) might be able to do something. What other ways are there to remove scratch's or replace a disc?

I really want to play my Mass Effect. Especially now with the Bring Down the Sky DLC out.
Did you seriously think that rubbing TOOTHPASTE on a DVD would make it work BETTER...?
Did you seriously think that rubbing TOOTHPASTE on a DVD would make it work BETTER...?
Someone said it worked with there Kingdom Hearts 2. And my cosin did it to.

Look the damn thing was unplayable anyway. So it wasn't going to hurt to try and fix it.
Well, you could have done something smart like tried taking it to a store to have it repaired, I know a few stores over here that have some form of hardware or w/e that can repair atleast some scratches etc on DVDs, they can't however fix actual DATA LOSS, not even MAGIC TOOTHPASTE can do that..
Well, you could have done something smart like tried taking it to a store to have it repaired, I know a few stores over here that have some form of hardware or w/e that can repair atleast some scratches etc on DVDs, they can't however fix actual DATA LOSS, not even MAGIC TOOTHPASTE can do that..

I doubt theres data loss. And OMG back off. Look I just found this.

My guess is the scratch's are to sever for this to work. And one more thing. This is the first thing I've tired to fix it. I was planing on going to a place that fix's them if this did not work. But before that I thought perhaps I could get help for my fellow gamers. But no. Instead I get crap throwen at me.
1: Borrow the game from a local video store
2: Give them back your copy of the game and keep their one
3: ???
4: Profit!
Shoes_Buttback03, yeah because an internet site I've never heard of stating the toothpaste fixes CDs magically makes it true.:)

Anyway, just follow Solaris post.
why not use a cd doctor? those usually help, the hand cranked ones are cheap I believe.
After you put it through the cd doctor, cover the cd lightly in dust cleaner and then gently rub it off with a soft cloth
actually i've successfully used this on multiple discs, it's surprisingly effective

and i keep laughing at Solaris' post for some reason
1: Borrow the game from a local video store
2: Give them back your copy of the game and keep their one
3: ???
4: Profit!

A friend of mine had a bad Halo 2 disk so he went to the local blockbuster and did the ol' switcheroo with the disks. Now his Gears of War disk went bad so he's going to do it again.
A friend of mine had a bad Halo 2 disk so he went to the local blockbuster and did the ol' switcheroo with the disks. Now his Gears of War disk went bad so he's going to do it again.


Also lol toothpaste.
I always thought they would charge you if you return a game that didnt work. I mean, obviously the next person to rent it would say something... and you're the last person who had it.
actually i've successfully used this on multiple discs, it's surprisingly effective

and i keep laughing at Solaris' post for some reason
I've tired the toothpaste method where you rub it in. And the method were you let it sit. Ether this doesn't work or I'm using the wrong toothpaste.

Even if I had the warranty it would have expired even before I originaly bumped the 360.
The toothpaste trick worked wonders on my copy of The Darkness for 360. Too bad the game sucked and now I have bad teeth.

The toothpaste trick worked wonders on my copy of The Darkness for 360. Too bad the game sucked and now I have bad teeth.

Hahahahahaha. Win.
I never thought toothpaste could clear up scratches in discs. I could imagine some idiots using the toothbrush along with it as well..
Actually the toothpaste technique can and does work, as it's an abrasive and can smooth out scratches causing misreads. However this will only work well on light scratches, and not were the data has actually been damaged (IE the other side of the DVD is scratched).
If you are going to use tooth paste make sure it is smokers toothpaste in powdered form. Secondly it is better to use a polish aand shine liquid such as Braso.

haha.. this thread is getting kind of lame now. Come up with something new.
I just want to play my second favorite game Mass Effect. And I really don't want to pay $60 for a new game. And I bet if I go to Gamestop it will still be expensive. Really I'd prefer not to spend any money.

How come there are so many videos and articles saying the f;)*king toothpaste thing work's? I must be doing it wong. lol

Cleaning ur disc

ur doin it wrong
Honestly the toothpaste thing isn't nearly as bad as some of the stuff people came up with for fixing their 360's. Trying to melt solder with a hair dryer...
Well, you could have done something smart like tried taking it to a store to have it repaired, I know a few stores over here that have some form of hardware or w/e that can repair atleast some scratches etc on DVDs, they can't however fix actual DATA LOSS, not even MAGIC TOOTHPASTE can do that..

Wow Gargantou.

I think it's time you either go & smoke a fat one or get laid, because you my friend, are a little tense.


Toothpaste is good for repairing shallow scratches on sunglasses and car bodywork as it contains silica which is a very fine abrasive. You're supposed to use it as if it is a polish, not actually fill scratches with it like it's cement. Use with a soft cloth and gently rub in small circular motions over a long period until the scratches are reduced.

Or look after your disks.
Good God, use


As said before you can only remove light scratches, you won't be able to repair a badly damaged disk. Use a small amount of Brasso and clean the disk lightly in circular motion with a clean <new> cloth.

Job done. Thread locked.
Wow Gargantou.

I think it's time you either go & smoke a fat one or get laid, because you my friend, are a little tense.


Oh comeon, you know me, I'm the trouble starter, the key instigator.:)
All I can say is, why would you put toothpaste on a disc?, even if people have told you it works =S
Toothpaste is used to clean teeth, not discs. teeth.
Or look after your disks.

I do look after them. This was an acident.

Nathan: Look will all of you shut up about it. Theres a s:)*t load of articles and youtube videos that say this works. Enough that I expected it to.
so i keep scrolling past this thread and thinking it's another rant about how horrible the load times are, the lowsy invintory system and large amount of filler are in the game.
Honestly the toothpaste thing isn't nearly as bad as some of the stuff people came up with for fixing their 360's. Trying to melt solder with a hair dryer...

Or putting it in a bucket of water to cool it off while the chord is still in...

What an idiot that kid was.
so i keep scrolling past this thread and thinking it's another rant about how horrible the load times are, the lowsy invintory system and large amount of filler are in the game.
Heh, me too. I'm always like "finally, someone agrees with me", and then "oh wait, it's just the toothpaste guy."