mass effect or bioshock

Oct 29, 2007
Reaction score
I have exactly $60.00(American.) I don't know which of the two titles above I should get. I already know about the "moment" in Bioshock due to the fact that when a game comes out, I need to know everything about it.:dork:

Which of the two games should I get(gameplay-wise, story-wise)?
Gameplay-wise, Mass Effect.

Story-wise however... also Mass Effect.
Mass Effect, in my opinion. Bioshock should be a movie, or a novel, but as a computer game Mass Effect is a winner.
You'll get a lot more mileage out of Mass Effect really.
I'll throw my vote entirely behind Bioshock, even though I'm a fan of Mass Effect. Bioshock's beautiful, engaging, fun, original, and any gripes about the plot are way overblown (I especially think that the good ending ties it up in a way that has some actual significance with the themes in the game).

However, my best suggestion is to simply try the demo, which is available on both Steam and XBox Live. If that doesn't grab you then you'll be able to make an informed decision.
Both good games however I have to say mass effect as:

it's longer, you get more mileage out of it, more replay value and better gameplay IMO

Bioshock is a good game but you'll never play it more than once so I would say rent it or borrow it from a friend or something.
Artistically, BioShock is better and more unique, plus more interesting story-wise. But Mass Effect is WAY longer and more replayable, has tons of stuff to do, and is still an excellent game all around. It really comes down to what you're looking for at the moment.
If you have a good PC I'd definitely wait for the PC version of Mass Effect. The 360 release has some serious technical problems.

Bioshock on the hand was my favourite game of 2007. I don't think I've ever been moved so much by a game.
This is a choce no one should have to make. Both MUST HAVE games. Get Mass Effect 1st because its a much longer game, then save and get Bioshock because its cheap now.
Hard to choose. You should have both games, and there should be a poll in this thread.
I say Bioshock. The story is fantastic, I just don't like the endings. It's a real good game.
both over rated games
but i personally enjoyed Bioshock more
Really, if you know the story, try the demo of Bioshock first to see if you like the gameplay (of course there are more elements than what you see there, but its a start). If you like it, go for it.
I got into Bioshock more, Mass Effect was still a quality game though
I enjoyed the crap out of both as well, but Mass Effect is something that will always be easy to play over again from scratch. A HUGE universe full of interesting characters and beautiful and diverse scenery. Bioshock is a work of art too, but more of a corridor crawl. My vote here would go to Mass Effect (unless you could find Bioshock for $30 or under in which case get that and a DS or PSP game too!!:thumbs:)
I thought both were fantastic and totally gripping in many aspects. I loved Bioshock enough to play through it a good 6 or 7 times around, and whilst I only played Mass Effect once, it was still really really awesome.

However, Mass Effect, contrary to popular belief, ain't as big as they said. It's got loads of side quests but the only real engaging story and gameplay is in the main plot, which to be fair is pretty big. The rest of the game outside of that is quite dull.

Personally, I'd say save your pennies and get both as they're real strong titles and should really both be played.
Seeing as how me and a friend just got done playing Mass Effect for 48 hours straight (not even joking at all) BUY MASS EFFECT. This game is so goddamn great.
Get Mass Effect. As much as I loved Bioshock, it's been around a while longer and you really shouldn't have to fork out full price.

So, get Mass Effect and try the Bioshock demo as previously mentioned. Or get both pre-owned?

Also, blue alien sex.
Both great but flawed games. Bioshock has great atmosphere, a decent plot, amazing graphics and sublime voice acting, but the gameplay and challenge fall a bit short and it goes downhill in the final 1/3. Mass Effect is... longer. Idunno, there were alot of things I liked about it, but in the long run it really failed to grab me, even considering how hyped I was for it. The universe is big, no doubt, but the planets and side-quests start to blend together very quickly, barring a few exceptions. The plot was engaging at times, but the rest of the time it was over-dramatic and dripping with cliche. Mind you that was only my impression of it.

But yeah, I'd go with what Cormeh said - get Bioshock, but not at full price. Maybe get Mass Effect now if you think you'll like it and wait for Bioshock to come down in price. It's brilliant, but it's older and won't last you as long.
It depends a LOT on how you play Mass Effect though. If you're a completion-ist and go through a good chunk of the side missions it will take you some serious time to play through it, although a lot of that time is going to be spent doing minor task around the citadel and other hub areas. And if you're not going to hit all the side quests (which is understandable since they can be really dull), then the game can be beaten in about 12 hours (my first playtime).

One of the reasons I gave Bioshock the nod is because the density of its design is much better than Mass Effect's. You might get a fraction of the playtime out of it, but everything about it has been thought out and designed down to a rather amazing amount of detail. Personally I found that it was that much more absorbing for me, although I did give Mass Effect multiple play throughs.
If you go through and read all of the info briefs in Mass Effect, then I think Mass Effect is a lot deeper. I read most of it and found the world of Mass Effect to be very rich, in terms of historical background. Everything from the evolving alliances, the various technologies, even down to minor races have a background story. Bioshock has a lot of detail surrounding the event itself, but Rapture has very little context in of itself. It sort of appears, nothing happens, and then things go to shit. I enjoyed Mass Effect as an experience a lot more than Bioshock.
Mass Effect. There's so many different ways you can play that game, it's really varied.
If you purchase Mass Effect, you like man.

If you make it for Bioshock, you are the manz.
(didn't read thread yet)

If you really want to know, make this a poll.
Mass Effect, in my opinion. Bioshock should be a movie, or a novel, but as a computer game Mass Effect is a winner.

That statement is retarded. The twist in Bioshock would only work in a medium where you are an active participant.
Rent Bioshock, buy Mass Effect, probably my two fav games last year.
I'll be getting Mass Effect when it hits PC next month, even though I'm sure it isn't going to live up to the standard set by The Witcher. I've yet to buy Bioshock. I know I should and I loved System Shock 2..but I just don't feel the motivation yet...

That EA logo scares me :(
Too busy making morally ambiguous choices regarding little sisters.
Too busy killing off a main character that he/she has grown to love over the course of the adventure.
sorry I took too long to reply... I got mass effect!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :bounce:It's actually pretty good, and I just began it. My character is probably the most overused of all half-life fnas, Adrian Shepard:dork:

I was reading about the characters on a web site, and some seem really neat, like Wrex, Saren, and that Matriarch blue bitch. Thanks for luring me away from the wrong choice!!!!
Bioshock isn't the wrong choice - I don't believe anyone here said that, and you'd be missing out to not pick it up after Mass Effect.