mass effect or bioshock

What? "Luring you away from the wrong choice?" Bioshock was never the wrong choice, we told you that it was necessary to get both, not that Bioshock sucks. Maybe you should read the thread again?
My bad...
I didn't mean the wrong choice, either. I don't even know why I typed that. ;(
I've been thinking about getting that too, just to know what Bioshock's atmosphere's like. Zero punctuation says it's not bad, but is shallower than everyone thought. Hell, I'll give it a try!:)
Wait for the PC version of Mass Effect.
They just announced that the downloadable content will be free.
EDIT: On seconds thought, I better not upset said tiny niche of ''hardcore'' gamers. Heh.

The atmosphere was probably one of Bioshocks strongest elements, but I enjoyed the entire game and all it's aspects. Probably my game of the year next to Halo 3.
Just get more money/time and get both. Both are amazing games in there own right.

Tho I think Mass Effect > Bioshock