Massive explosions hit fuel depot. [England]


Oct 9, 2005
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Three large explosions have rocked a fuel depot near Hemel Hempstead in Hertfordshire shooting flames hundreds of feet into the sky.

Police say there are casualties and emergency services are at the scene.

The first blast happened at 0603 GMT at the Buncefield fuel depot, close to junction 8 of the M1 motorway, 10 miles from Luton airport.

It is being treated as an accident and rumours that a plane was involved are unfounded, said a police spokesman.

Witnesses said another two explosions followed the first at 0626 GMT and 0627 GMT.

Eyewitness Sam Matton, who lives half a mile from the depot, told BBC News: "The sky is sort of orange. The flames have got to be 60ft up in the air."

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The M1 has been closed both ways between junctions 6a and 12.

The M10 motorway is closed in both directions between junction 1 and junction 7 as well as some artillery roads in Hemel Hempstead.

Luton airport is so far reported to be unaffected.

A spokeswoman said no flights have been affected by the explosion and the smoke was not affecting the flight path.

The area near the site has been evacuated, while police have advised residents living nearby to keep their windows and doors closed due to fumes.

Many houses have been damaged, with some reporting feeling effects from the explosion as far away as Oxfordshire, while it was heard in Surrey and Norfolk.

Blast scene
Police have confirmed there were casualties at the oil depot

Eyewitnesses reported buckled front doors, cracked walls and blown-out windows.

The Buncefield depot is a major distribution terminal operated by Total and part-owned by Texaco, storing oil, petrol and well as kerosene which supplies airports across the region, including Heathrow and Luton.

It is also used by BP, Shell and British Pipeline.

"We are doing everything we can to support the emergency services and to bring the situation under control," said a Total spokesman.


One eyewitness, Jonathan Barr, told the BBC he was working a night shift in the building next door to the fuel depot at the time of the blast.

He was sitting in his office "and the next minute I was on the floor and it was pitch black. I was thrown off my chair," he said.

It is a scene of utter devastation
Colin Campbell, BBC reporter

He received cuts and bruises.

He said he and a colleague had to break a window to get out because the doors were buckled.

They got out of the front of the building and were taken to hospital by passing motorists.

Malcolm Stewart, who drives a tanker at the terminal, said there were 20 tanks on the site, each holding three million gallons of fuel.

BBC reporter Colin Campbell said: "There are huge fireballs gushing out of the fuel depot.

"Many people are standing by filming the scene on mobile phones. There are gigantic flames, it would be impossible to contain at the moment, it is out of control.

"It is a scene of utter devastation."

BBC correspondent Sinead Wilson, who lives in nearby St Albans said there was a huge plume of smoke covering the sky.

"There is a smell of gas, lots of fire engines, police cars in the area," she said.

"It looks to me as if the entire depot is under fire."

Dave Franklin told BBC News: "There was a massive loud bang which broke windows above us and to the right. The whole sky just turned orange and black."

Michael Vatty said: "The impression was that it was a clap of thunder, but as soon as we got up we saw the flames. We had the garage door blown in, the front door was also blown in."


I live about 40miles away from that place and i was woke up by the explosion and a couple of house alarms were going off.
I've been away all day, and had been hearing stuff about explosions, but wasn't sure where or what capacity.

Holy shit.
I know this incident is treated as an accident, not as an act of terror, but it did made me think of the last statement by Ayman al Zawahiri earlier this week. He wanted more attacks on oil installations.

"I invite the mujahadeen to focus their attacks on the oil wells stolen from the Muslims, because most of the revenues of this oil go to the enemies of Islam,"

and, yes, I know al-Jazeera aired that video as a mistake. It's originally from september. But still.
Shakermaker said:
I know this incident is treated as an accident, not as an act of terror, but it did made me think of the last statement by Ayman al Zawahiri earlier this week. He wanted more attacks on oil installations.

Yeah, that's what I thought of too.
Zawahiri, throughout, addresses the Muslim masses and the mujahideen, calling for everyone to stand up in the name of jihad, and to attack oil reserves in Arabia.

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (usually shortened to the United Kingdom or the UK) is a country located off the north-western coast of continental Europe, surrounded by the North Sea, the English Channel, the Celtic Sea, the Irish Sea, and the Atlantic Ocean.

So there you go.
Yeah, but the instant I heard it, the geography of the situation didn't immediately spring to mind.
Anyone seen the satellite images?

From Foxnews:

The explosions were located at Buncefield Oil Terminal, near the town of Hemel Hempstead in the country of Hertfordshire.


According to Sky News its going to take several days to put out, eek. =/
The smoke looked scary. I wouldn't like to be living near there and have to breathe that in.
Dear ****ing god, that explains this sky above me, i woke it was quite bright, suddenly the lowest / darkest clouds came down over the entire sky. Its bloody thick black smoke, its like a volcano has erupted! Its really surreal, its 12pm and dark already. Never seen anything like this. Smokes moving east on the satelite picture and i live in north-east London :(
Ren.182 said:
Wheres these sattelite images?

Holy crap!
Thats on big ass fire.

And theres 20 tanks involved each with 3 million gallons of fuel... thats a LOT of fuel :|
IT almost looks like something out of Stalker......
Hmm interesting:

Douglas Beddwell

I used to be a tanker driver based at Buncefield and was also the union's health and safety representative.

It's always had an exemplary safety record. The containers are designed to smother any fire that might erupt.

In theory you need two explosions to create the fire - one to break the pipe and one to set it alight.
Wow... thats a lot of fumes being spewwed into the atmosphere... Bye bye O-Zone layer :p

Those pictures are amazing though.
I agree, those pictures are cool looking (not to say there's anything cool about the event).
guys, my house started to shake when the blast happend,

I thought it was an earth quake....

I can still see the black clouds from my window...
Gorgon said:
I can still see the black clouds from my window...

Yeah, they said ti could take a while to put the fire out...

Jonz0r said:
with some reporting feeling effects from the explosion as far away as Oxfordshire, while it was heard in Surrey and Norfolk.

Nope, nothing here....

Actually, I'm starting to get a burning sensation between my toes, maybe nothing..

I got a feeling this is just the beginning, only time will tell....
Hell, I felt the explosion and I live in America.

Okay, that's a lie.
if you didnt put "That was a lie" i would of belived you :p >.<
I don't think shockwaves travel quite that far.
Here's sum pictures...


Picture of a building close to the area..
Why do i feel i've seen these pictures before? Oh yes because they are on the first page of this thread! :burp:
You better watch it, mate. You're going to make me bypass my better judgement.
Hectic Glenn said:
Why do i feel i've seen these pictures before? Oh yes because they are on the first page of this thread! :burp:

those two weren't
Most of them were, you obviously didn't notice this message at the bottom.

' Last edited by lister : Today at 04:55 PM.'

They had changed, incase your still a bit confused.
Ennui said:
You better watch it, mate. You're going to make me bypass my better judgement.
Lol was a joke? The americans didn't do it.
They're not clever enough :p
Just wow. Seems so unreal for Britain to have a huge explosion like this. No mention of the effect this will have on business? Surely such a sudden disappearance of a vast amount of oil will affect an airport or something.
SimonomiS said:
Just wow. Seems so unreal for Britain to have a huge explosion like this. No mention of the effect this will have on business? Surely such a sudden disappearance of a vast amount of oil will affect an airport or something.
Idd, I really wonder what effects it will have.
You might feel repercussions but I don't think it'll have a huge impact. Not like Katrina wiping out half the oil in the US :O that sucked, gas went up to ridiculous prices.

Thats messed up.

I hope it isn't another terrorist attack... that would suck.

Even if it isn't a terrorist attack, it still sucks.