Massive explosions hit fuel depot. [England]

i don't think its a terrorist attack, but thats just me. but damn, how does that much ol just go up in flames.
Here is an example of the effects:
Muffin Man said:
but damn, how does that much ol just go up in flames.

Yes, it certainly is baffling. I wouldn't have expected that from huge amounts of a flammable substance stockpiled, and a source of ignition.
SimonomiS said:
Just wow. Seems so unreal for Britain to have a huge explosion like this. No mention of the effect this will have on business? Surely such a sudden disappearance of a vast amount of oil will affect an airport or something.

I read somewhere that it won't affect prices whatsoever

They had saftey precautions, like they said. It shouldn't have been so easy for that to happen.

Also, oil and gas doesn't explode, it burns. Its a common misperception portrayed by hollywood, with the exploding cars. The reason the fuel explodes in your car to push the pistons is that its mixed with air, creating a mist, and when igniting it makes an FAE, fuel air explosion.
Harryz said:
Here is an example of the effects:

My dad said that our local petrol station was overflowing too (with cars).
My uncle (who lives quite close to there) phoned and said it was really dark and how loud the explosions were. He then went on to complain about them replacing Match of the Day with emergency news broadcasts. :|
Jangle said:
My uncle (who lives quite close to there) phoned and said it was really dark and how loud the explosions were. He then went on to complain about them replacing Match of the Day with emergency news broadcasts. :|

Lmao :D
Harryz said:
Here is an example of the effects:

The explosions won't affect the prices, but ****tards panic buying all the fuel will.

Rah, I hate it so much when people do that, I used to work in a petrol station, everytime something happened, people start a ****ing panic buy buying all the fuel and food.

What if something really happened, something that affected everyone?

What the **** is fuel gonna do when you're DEAD?
Big explosions where noone die ftw

Some of the pictures look really fantastic, if someone finds some hi-def ones let me know. I'm really digging the apocalyptic atmos that this thing is putting out, but unfortunately it's probably unwarranted ;(
Laivasse said:
Big explosions where noone die ftw

Some of the pictures look really fantastic, if someone finds some hi-def ones let me know. I'm really digging the apocalyptic atmos that this thing is putting out, but unfortunately it's probably unwarranted ;(

These pictures look surreal..






I can't find any high res ones
wow. The car :/ i feel sorry for that persons car. I hope they wasnt in it at the time.
I really like the bottom pic for some reason, and the one with the three policemen too. Photographers blatantly know this whole thing looks too cool to miss, hence all the funky angles.

There's been some crazy aerial footage of the smoke cloud on the news too. Wonder how long it'll take to disperse?

Jonz0r said:
wow. The car :/ i feel sorry for that persons car. I hope they wasnt in it at the time.

Don't think so, there's been no fatalities or even very serious injuries afaik. I doubt anyone would have survived being in that car.
Laivasse said:
Don't think so, there's been no fatalities or even very serious injuries afaik. I doubt anyone would have survived being in that car.

I don't think we can really say this until the fire is extinguised & the areais thoroughly searched, although authorities do say nobody was left in the oil factory.
Apparently fire fighters are going to start trying to put it out at midnight.
good luck with that, i cant see getting it out but they are the pros =\
That one with the four police officers is fantastic.
This reminds me of the huge fire where I live, Hamilton, back in 1997. This plastics recycling plant went up in flames and burned for a few days. It was really crazy, the smoke plume was huge (see pic on first link for a visual). Nowhere near the size of this one though. That region is going to be pretty messed afterwards, like they had to have a huge clean up at the Hamilton fire, what with all the poisons and pollutants in the air and on the ground. Since plastics are made from oil, its going to be a lot worse there.
Harryz said:
The tripods should be advancing any time soon.
I couldnt help but think the same thing while looking at these pictures, which are absolutely amazing. Good to hear that people were not in the plant when this happened. I hope everything works out and that the firefighters are safe while putting the blaze out.
I was about 7 miles away at the time, me and my mates had stayed round at a friends after a party. At 6.01, I heard BOOM it was so loud I thought a car had crashed just on the road. The room actually shook, it was really strange. Everyone in the room bolted up and was like "What the hell?" one of my mates slept straight through it though. The windows rattled, that was one big explosion. Driving back all I could see was a huge plume of black smoke. Most of the smoke has cleared up over here though, but they say it could burn for a week.