Massive Study Finds That Marijuana Doesn't Cause Cancer


The Freeman
Dec 31, 2003
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Take that, propagandists! A UCLA study on the correlation between marijuana use and lung cancer, done by a prominent pulmonologist named Donald Tashkin, has shown that there appears to be "no association at all, and even a suggestion of some protective effect," between marijuana use and cancer.

This is a huge blow to a lot of anti-drug people, and it takes away one of their largest bits of ammunition in the war on drugs.

article said:
Federal health and drug enforcement officials have widely used Tashkin's previous work on marijuana to make the case that the drug is dangerous.

article said:
Tashkin found that even the very heavy marijuana smokers showed no increased incidence of the three cancers studied.

Donald Tashkin said:
"This is the largest case-control study ever done, and everyone had to fill out a very extensive questionnaire about marijuana use. Bias can creep into any research, but we controlled for as many confounding factors as we could, and so I believe these results have real meaning."


Also, I'd like to note that contrary to popular belief, I do not smoke marijuana. I have in the past; I might in the future, but at the present moment I could not in any sense be considered or defined a marijuana user. Just for clarity's sake.
Ennui said:
Also, I'd like to note that contrary to popular belief, I do not smoke marijuana. I have in the past; I might in the future, but at the present moment I could not in any sense be considered or defined a marijuana user. Just for clarity's sake.

DeusExMachina said:
Who claimed it caused cancer?
Like every antidrug argument ever. Also, this guy, before he did this study.
I bet the participants in the study were glad to help.
Heheheh, wooo! Oh man, this shit is greeeeeat! Plus it doesn't make my neck tumorous! WOOOO!

There's also studies out there that say second hand smoking doesn't cause negative effects... and can actually have beneficial effects.

Breathe cigarette smoke into your infant's faces, people. Apart from the bad smell and skin problems... you'll be ensuring them a healthier life.
"The world's leading health organisation has withheld from publication a study which shows that not only might there be no link between passive smoking and lung cancer but that it could even have a protective effect."

"Withheld from publication" implies to me that it failed peer review.
Raziaar said:
Breathe cigarette smoke into your infant's faces, people. Apart from the bad smell and skin problems... you'll be ensuring them a healthier life.

If I didn't already have someone threatening to kill themselves in my signature, that would be siggified. Lawl.
Why can't be illegal narcotics harmful? I mean, there should be something bad for your mind when you smoke these things, right?

Or not. :p

Btw, I once mentioned to my dad that a lot of people think that Marijuana is not harmful, and he went berserk. :)

Haha good news!

On a related story, in my town last week there has been a series of police dawn raids, in which 750,000 pounds worth of cannabis was confiscated.

So much for my month long session when the parents go away D:
[OLDNEWS]Pot is relatively harmless. It can kill your ambition and make you content to sit home and smoke all day though. It's still much better than cigarettes and alcohol.[/OLDNEWS]

Also cocks.
gick said:
Haha good news!

On a related story, in my town last week there has been a series of police dawn raids, in which 750,000 pounds worth of cannabis was confiscated.

So much for my month long session when the parents go away D:
Holy god, theres no way that number is correct. 750,000 pounds is like 100 acres of it.
The cop who found that could have become an instant billionaire! :O
Ennui said:
Holy god, theres no way that number is correct. 750,000 pounds is like 100 acres of it.

I mean 750,000 pounds stirling. I cant find the currency button on this new keyboard.

In all seriousness, I'm f**ing pissed off about that. I dont smoke very often, and the one time I go to pick up, all the dealers have been busted. :frown:
Oh, that's way less than I thought you meant :P. There was a big bust around here a year or two ago, $1.2 million or something.
I watched one of them happen, actually. Police with guns kicking in the doors, helicopters etc. I thought it was pretty awesome, until I realized what it was they were arresting them for.

Back on topic: Hopefully this will make more people realize that if you want to sit at home and have a smoke, you really arent harming anybody. Not even yourself.
I think if you wanna smoke Marijuana legally, you have to pass a test of some kind. An intelligence test. If you don't score high enough, your ass ain't getting any.
DeusExMachina said:
I think if you wanna smoke Marijuana legally, you have to pass a test of some kind. An intelligence test. If you don't score high enough, your ass ain't getting any.
Works for me.
gick said:
I watched one of them happen, actually. Police with guns kicking in the doors, helicopters etc. I thought it was pretty awesome, until I realized what it was they were arresting them for.
Hang on, armed police for weed? Wow, we're really good at this 'prioritising' thing, aren't we?
Which rational person didn't know this already? Anybody? Anybody at all?

The only illnesses pot smokers need to worry about are respiratory problems, which are nowhere near as big an issue as they are in cigarette smokers and are an entirely different ballpark from cancer. And no, schizophrenia does not count as an illness generated by marijuana consumption.

It's a sad fact that these kinds of studies need to be pushed into faces again and again. One one level, I blame the shitty misinformation that many governments shovel out in their programs, but I also can't help but feel that many people simply want to demonize weed for some inane reason.
15357 said:
Why can't be illegal narcotics harmful? I mean, there should be something bad for your mind when you smoke these things, right?

Or not. :p

Btw, I once mentioned to my dad that a lot of people think that Marijuana is not harmful, and he went berserk. :)


Your Dad?
well even if it doesnt cause cancer, it causes alot of other negative aspects like apathy, paranoia and mental confusion. I'm sorry, but people like students should not be smoking weed. Nobody I know who smokes weed does good in school at all, and all they worry about is how they will get their next hit of the stuff.

I wouldn't oppose pot for medicinal purposes, or even the way the netherlands does it in "pot bars" or whatever, but people and especially kids should not be smoking it in public or at home. It would just be another thing we'd all have to worry about. For instance, I don't want a bus driver smoking pot on the job, just to give an example.
*Tries to suppress seething rage*

Who in the hell is saying that kids should smoke it, or that people should smoke it on the job? Do we let kids drink? No. Do we let the bus driver get smashed on Rum and Coke? No. What makes people think that weed would be any different? SINCE WHEN HAS ANYBODY IN THEIR RIGHT MIND ENDORSED THAT?

Man, you'll have to excuse me for getting bitched up about this. But that is such a common strawman that people bring up out of the blue.

And FYI, many drugs (yes, that includes legal and OTC ones) have negative effects, including but not limited to, paranoia, apathy, and confusion. And even with marijuana, the effects are primarily short term.
also with marijuana, paranoia, apathy, and confusion are mostly byproducts of yourself reacting a certain way and you can change them (at least the paranoia... apathy and confusion less so)
I think cigarettes need to be illegalised before weed is legalised.

I.E. impossible defined.
Article said:
However, marijuana also contains the chemical THC, which he said may kill aging cells and keep them from becoming cancerous.

So, it does not cause cancer, but could possibly prevent it? Oh man, hahahahaha. That's hilarious.

I have to say I am very confused, though. I figured that any smoke intake into your lungs would cause cancer, although cigarettes much more so. Just because cancer is caused by cells which are damaged, and I figured that no matter what kind of smoke it was, it would do at least a little damage. Whatever, I guess not. :P

However, even lung cancer is somewhat rare with cigarettes. The big problem is emphysema. I would like to see a marijuana-related emphysema study, too.

Plus all of this doesn't matter at all if you use a vaporizer or a pill or something.

By the way, why would cigarettes have to be illegalized? Why couldn't they just both be legal?

Also, why the hell is pot illegal? Is it because the public is so misinformed?
Well frankly I don't give a damn. Regulate it instead of prohibiting it. I guess I have an emotional vendetta against weed because it's caused alot of my friends to go down the tubes and try other more harmful drugs. I hail the day of directstimulation media so we can synthesize the high and get people off of these money-grabbing worthless and addictive crops.

The reason THC is so potent is because our brains produce it naturally to aid in certain neurological processes, the same with opiates found in heroin. It can be very benificial for medicinal purposes. And yes, I know in most cases it in itself is harmless. But it creates a mentality that other drugs are just as harmless, just as fun, and then comes the downward spiral. Cigarettes are similar, yet deadly.

I don't really hate the drug, I just hate the people who take the drug, and then don't give a **** about the world and leave me, leave society and quit trying in life.
Well, I mean... other drugs are legal... alcohol and tobacco. Both of those are considered acceptable in today's society, and both of those are much more harmful to one's health.

I think that marijuana would loose its label as a "gateway drug" once it is legalized and considered acceptable in society. I think a whole part of that "If this doesn't hurt, neither will crack!" mentality is the illegality and propaganda surrounding it. When there are entire organizations advertising on primetime television about the dangers of marijuana, and a person looks up the facts about marijuana use, and realizes that most of the "Above the influence" shit is pure propagandous lies, they don't trust anything about illegal drugs.

If the truth were well-known, and it wasn't illegal, I think the whole "gateway drug" phenomena would dissappear.

I've had a bunch of my friends do the same, but I don't blame marijuana, I blame them. I'm fairly sure they would have started other bad habits without the help of pot, too.
Viperidae said:
I think cigarettes need to be illegalised before weed is legalised.
Thats a ****ing great idea. Lets put all the nicotine addicts into the same boat as the crack addicts and let criminals make a few extra tens of billions every year.
Erestheux said:
So, it does not cause cancer, but could possibly prevent it? Oh man, hahahahaha. That's hilarious.
Thats been known for quite a while. There was a study a few years ago in madrid in which rats with tumors were injected with thc. I cant remember if any of them recovered completely but the ones who didnt have the injections died a lot quicker.
I have to say I am very confused, though. I figured that any smoke intake into your lungs would cause cancer, although cigarettes much more so. Just because cancer is caused by cells which are damaged, and I figured that no matter what kind of smoke it was, it would do at least a little damage. Whatever, I guess not.
Tobacco smoke is radioactive while cannabis smoke isnt; thats the reason.
..they don't trust anything about illegal drugs.
Which they shouldnt.
gateway drug
Its the 'gateway drug' because its the illegal drug most people come across first. There is no chemical reason that people 'start with weed'.
But then ive said all this a hundred times before..
I've smoked every once in a while. It hasn't made me lazier or ruined my intellect. I still came out with a 3.4gpa for senior year..which is damn good for me.
Marijuana may not cause cancer, but guess what? Ihhaling smoke repeatedly CAN.
...which is why people eat it, vaporize it, and use bongs.
Reaktor4 said:
Tobacco smoke is radioactive while cannabis smoke isnt; thats the reason.

Tobacco smoke isn't radioactive. It just contains many toxic carcinogens. The chemicals in the tar alter DNA, not radiation. And I don't see why cannibis wouldn't contain these carcinogens, seeing as the two plants are physically very similar, but I suppose it doesn't.

FoB_Ed said:
I've smoked every once in a while. It hasn't made me lazier or ruined my intellect. I still came out with a 3.4gpa for senior year..which is damn good for me.

Ha. Well I'm sorry, but in my school 3.4 is not anywhere close to good. You would literally be in the bottom 30-40 students. I have a 5.3 and I'm still just barely in the top 10 percent.
theotherguy said:
Ha. Well I'm sorry, but in my school 3.4 is not anywhere close to good. You would literally be in the bottom 30-40 students. I have a 5.3 and I'm still just barely in the top 10 percent.

Yeah, 5.3. Good job.

I take it you have no idea what a GPA is, and you have no idea that it is out of 4, right?

1 - D
2 - C
3 - B
4 - A


So he he has a high B+.