Massive Study Finds That Marijuana Doesn't Cause Cancer

theotherguy said:
Tobacco smoke isn't radioactive. It just contains many toxic carcinogens. The chemicals in the tar alter DNA, not radiation. And I don't see why cannibis wouldn't contain these carcinogens, seeing as the two plants are physically very similar, but I suppose it doesn't.

Cigarettes contain hundreds of chemicals and additives. Smoking weed is just straight up bud.
You know, now that I do more research I find that the smoke is radioactive! Wow I did not know that.
theotherguy said:
You know, now that I do more research I find that the smoke is radioactive! Wow I did not know that.

I thought you had a 5.3/4 GPA :laugh:

133% go you!

What's that, like an A+++++++++? :upstare:
Erestheux said:
Yeah, 5.3. Good job.

I take it you have no idea what a GPA is, and you have no idea that it is out of 4, right?

1 - D
2 - C
3 - B
4 - A


So he he has a high B+.

Well, that's the standard scale. Yes ours is out of 4.0, and the top 50% have over a 4.0 due to pap classes giving you an extra point, and AP classes giving you two extra points. The scale is more like this

2-C /regular D /PAP
3-B /regular C /PAP D/ AP
4-A /regular B/PAP/ C/ AP

so its out of a 6.0 scale. Someone with all 100's in all AP classes would have a 6.0. Our valedictorian had a 5.963., and our lowest student had a something like a 1.2
theotherguy, weighted GPAs mean jack shit. it's all relative to courses offered at the school. for instance, at my school, you can't take all APs; there are some classes where only standard courses are available and they are a requirement, so it will automatically drag your GPA down to an unweighted level.

lets put it this way; I smoked for a year and a half, and during that time I got a 1520/1600 on the SAT (2200/2400), a 3.6 unweighted GPA (weighted is more than a point higher) and essentially suffered no negative cognitive effects whatsoever, barring that my extreme shortterm memory got a bit worse, but it's always been horrid, and it's the same as normal now.
Well have fun making fun of people who have 3.5 GPA's, but know what they are talking about.

Weighted GPA's don't mean jack shit to anyone, especially college. That's really stupid and not the actual scale. So maybe you think your feel-good high school gives you the right to belittle some guy with a pretty damn good GPA, but it actually doesn't. :| Colleges and employers don't look at "weighted" GPA's which add another 2 scales for no reason whatsoever.
weighted GPA's are one of the biggest deciding factors in college acceptance, and it is the primary reason why the top 10% rule is full of crap. Why shoudl the valadictorian of hicksville with a 4.0 be treated the same as the valedictorian of our school with a 5.963? The rural students go into college thinking they're smart and become completley unprepared for college and drop out within a year.

I'm not saying smoking marijuana would have a negative impact on your GPA, but I was saying that a 3.4 on a weighted scale is by no means very good.

Erestheux said:
Well have fun making fun of people who have 3.5 GPA's, but know what they are talking about.

Weighted GPA's don't mean jack shit to anyone, especially college. That's really stupid and not the actual scale. So maybe you think your feel-good high school gives you the right to belittle some guy with a pretty damn good GPA, but it actually doesn't. :| Colleges and employers don't look at "weighted" GPA's which add another 2 scales for no reason whatsoever.

that weighted scale was added by the college board. they came up with it. It isn't there for no reason, its to seperate the kids who are really prepared for college, ie, the ones who took difficult classes, from the ones who got perfect scores in easy classes. Joe shmo who got all 100's in welding, PE and senior release is not going to do as good in college as the student who takes all AP classes and makes perfect scores in them.
Whatever you say.

Most high schools don't give into dumbass feel-good bullshit like weighted GPAs, which are not ever, ever used when someone says "What's your GPA?"

Insulting someone's unweighted GPA is pretty goddamn ignorant. Assuming its weighted (which it usually isn't) is pretty bad too.

Colleges don't use weighted GPA bullshit, k? My college GPA is 3.69, I guess I'm an idiot, huh? :|

My high school didn't use GPAs, either, at all. They just used percentages and a list of classes. Colleges don't just look at the numbers, they also look at the classes and all kinds of other stuff. Damn, dude.

The fact is, you just insulted some guy's GPA that was pretty damn good for no reason, and then just used some arbitrary feel-good scale. I think you owe him an apology.
why would colleges use weighted scores? There aren't exactley any classes geared for that since you're already in college. Every university that I have visited has told me the same thing: they look at the difficulty of classes taken, and what scores you got in those classes. With the exception of state schools and trade schools, private universities look very very closely at the course selection at your high school.

I don't know, I guess its just a culture shock for me. unweighted scores in my area are almost unheard of.
Its a pretty big shock to me, as well, that they would just make a whole different scale for different classes. Where I live, AP classes are just weighed more to the final score and put on a curve, but its still out of 100. And then they take the final 100 and make a GPA out of 4.

Making the scale go up an extra 2 points is completely ridiculous, if you ask me. It just seems like some sort of feel-good campaign to make average kids feel bad about themselves and feed above average kid's egos. If you can't get above a 4.0 even with a 100 average in every class, just becuase you didn't take AP classes, that's completely ludicris. : /
Colleges generally unweight the GPA and then look at the classes the student took instead, in the context of the classes the school offered.

If you took two APs over the course of two years and your school offered 20, you're less likely to be accepted than someone who took the hardest classes at their school, but their school didn't offer APs.
Ennui said:
Colleges generally unweight the GPA and then look at the classes the student took instead, in the context of the classes the school offered.

If you took two APs over the course of two years and your school offered 20, you're less likely to be accepted than someone who took the hardest classes at their school, but their school didn't offer APs.

yes. that's exactley what I mean. Our school is weighted as a wake-up call to students, because we offer AP classes for almost everything, which means students who take fewer get a real indication of how colleges are going to feel about them by thier GPA in relation to everyone else. In my district, if you want to get into a good college or even a decent one, you must take all PAP classes every year after elementary school, and then take as many AP classes as you can. Otherwise, the better colleges will look at the number of classes you take, see that our district offers out AP classes like candy, and will then throw you out. I'm already out of line and fearing for my college career because I was stupid enough to take the "optional" sixth grade math, which now means I am inelligible for 2 AP classes that the majority of my peers are taking.
I don't understand how that warrants skewing and messing with the GPA scale like crazy, at all. In fact that still sounds really stupid and unneccesary to me.

Colleges don't just look at your GPA...