Matrix 4 and 5 are coming!


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Jun 11, 2004
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Says he met the Wachowski's (no emphasis on the word brothers), for lunch over Christmas and stated that they had completed work on a two picture script treatment that would see him return to the world of the matrix as Neo. Says the brothers have met with Jim Cameron to discuss the pro's and con's of 3D and are looking to deliver something which has never been seen again. keanu stated that he still has an obligation to the fans to deliver a movie worthy of the title "The Matrix" and he swears this time that the treatment will truly revolutionise the action genre like the first movie. Wachowski's are working on a movie called "Cloud Atlas" at the moment, once that concludes they will talk again.
Says the brothers have met with Jim Cameron to discuss the pro's and con's of 3D and are looking to deliver something which has never been seen again.


Matrix 1...awesome
Matrix 2....ok
Matrix 3....WTF just happened here?
Matrix 4....equivalent to Star Wars Ep1
Matrix 5....Star Wars Ep3

nuff said

Says he met the Wachowski's (no emphasis on the word brothers), for lunch over Christmas and stated that they had completed work on a two picture script treatment that would see him return to the world of the matrix as Neo. Says the brothers have met with Jim Cameron to discuss the pro's and con's of 3D and are looking to deliver something which has never been seen again. keanu stated that he still has an obligation to the fans to deliver a movie worthy of the title "The Matrix" and he swears this time that the treatment will truly revolutionise the action genre like the first movie. Wachowski's are working on a movie called "Cloud Atlas" at the moment, once that concludes they will talk again.

Unless the intention is to have Keanu wake up and realise the 2nd & 3rd films (+ game & cartoon tie-ins) were in fact a horrible dream, I'm honestly not sure where they can go with this. I mean Jesus, in terms of fan good will, the Wachowskis (man, and blind date gone terribly wrong) really blew it big time. Also I'm not sure how much more of people stood around wearing sunglasses giving their best "Blue Steel" look in inappropriate locations I can put up with. There's a time and place for sunglasses, and it generally involves sunny conditions, not dank dark cellars, or nightclubs.
What. It would be better to introduce a new franchise than try to save one already dead.

The sequels to the Matrix show what happens when you go wild with a big budget - it's like there's two children in a candy store.
I...can't even remember the Matrix films. I don't think I ever properly saw the first one.
isnt the matrix stoped being cool around 2003?
The first was easily one of the best action movies of all time, so hopefully they can pull something out the bag.

They ****ed up two and three by making him god at the end of the first film. They should've ignored some of that and made him vulnerable in some way, like maybe only being able to use the powers every so often, and require more training to master them.

The new glasses/clothes/hairdos were also retarded. They should've stuck to the thrown-together cool look from the first.
They ****ed up two and three by making him god at the end of the first film. They should've ignored some of that and made him vulnerable in some way, like maybe only being able to use the powers every so often, and require more training to master them.

This. Without threat, there is no peril.
I'm tentatively hopeful about these films. The second and third are decent, though breathless and panicked, and the series could do with a real ending.
I don't really understand why people even liked the first one. I mean, the premise was pretty cool, and the effects were certainly good, but even as a kid (I think I was like 12 when the first one came out) I found it to be pretty disappointing.

The second and third are decent

What a moron.
3D focused pretentiously unrevolutionary computer based franchise sequel? Didn't this just come out?

Thank God this was false. Cyberpunk died January 1st, 2000. Let it stay dead.
I don't really understand why people even liked the first one. I mean, the premise was pretty cool, and the effects were certainly good, but even as a kid (I think I was like 12 when the first one came out) I found it to be pretty disappointing.

I thought it was cool when I was a kid. But I happened upon it playing on tv last year. A lot of the dialogue is really cringe-worthy, and the acting is icky at times. I got a chuckle out of it though.

I only watched maybe half of the second one, and never saw the third.

Yeah, what indeed.

And I'm glad its false, making TWO more films would be outrageous. The first for me is one of the best and most revolutionary action films ever made, anyone who says otherwise simply doesn't like action films or has something wrong with them (or they just need to stop being so ****ing critical of everything >.>). The second was fun; really cool (and funny) action sequences, and an awesome car chase, but the third? I really couldn't decide if I liked it or not, sure it was very intense, but it was also VERYYYYYY over the top and it occurred to me several times that it just didn't feel like the Matrix anymore.

The latter statement really did become apparent when, as people have said, Neo basically became invincible, and lot of the aspects of that, i.e. all the flying around, and the weird final battle with Smith, was just all very cringe-worthy at times. Whereas when compared to the first film when he decided to fight Smith instead of running, it was a powerful moment and gave the entire fight scene a new edge (coupled with the fact that it was an AWESOME fight), because you know that as Morpheous said, anyone who stood against an agent had perished.

Its merely a case of sequels failing to hit the mark of the first, most successful film. Its nothing new really.
Keanu Reeves is a truly horrible actor. How this guy ever got big baffles me. The average local theatre actor/actress who makes $1000 a month is a hundred times more talented than him, and most other Hollywood shitheads. I'm not kidding, go to a local theatre, and you will find more genuine and convincing performances than what you will find in 9 out of 10 movies on the big screen. This shit pisses me off.
Keanu Reeves is a truly horrible actor. How this guy ever got big baffles me. The average local theatre actor/actress who makes $1000 a month is a hundred times more talented than him, and most other Hollywood shitheads. I'm not kidding, go to a local theatre, and you will find more genuine and convincing performances than what you will find in 9 out of 10 movies on the big screen. This shit pisses me off.

Have you seen him in the rubbish Dracula film? Hilarious. I'm glad Sofia teased her father about it via LiT. Because you know, divine truth shines out of the ass of LiT and if you don't know that by now what're you doing on the forum.
I'm tentatively hopeful about these films. The second and third are decent, though breathless and panicked, and the series could do with a real ending.
FFS I'm glad I'm not the only one. It must be because of our birthdays.

But I'd be ok with this not being real too, because otherwise no Trinity...unless they do some crazy shit which we know they have done before.
What if, The matrix is actually inside another Matrix. Thus making them take the fight to yet another level... Where Neo is not only a god, but probably godzilla too.
I used to love the whole trilogy when I was 10/11. Haven't watched it since then so I don't know how I would take it now.
The second and third aren't too horrible if you watch with the idea that everything "outside the Matrix" is still in the Matrix.
everything "outside the Matrix" is still in the Matrix.

That was basically the conclusion I arrived at, after seeing that scene in "Revolutions" where Neo destroys a few sentinels with his mind. Plus the fact that he was still able to "see" with his eyes fried.
That was basically the conclusion I arrived at, after seeing that scene in "Revolutions" where Neo destroys a few sentinels with his mind. Plus the fact that he was still able to "see" with his eyes fried.
That's exactly what brought me to this line of thought too :D The idea of humanity being godly flies right in the face of the entire premise of the Matrix. So if he can act like a god, he must still be in the Matrix that allowed him to.
It's been forever since I've seen it, but isn't a body basically "created" for Smith "outside" of the Matrix too? That would certainly also support it still being another Matrix.
It's been forever since I've seen it, but isn't a body basically "created" for Smith "outside" of the Matrix too?

No, the way I remember it, Smith manages to upload his personality into one of the people that were jacked into the Matrix at that time.
That's exactly what brought me to this line of thought too :D The idea of humanity being godly flies right in the face of the entire premise of the Matrix. So if he can act like a god, he must still be in the Matrix that allowed him to.
I never had a real problem with that, guess I allowed it just cuz it was Neo/Jesus. But your line of thought certainly would make sense...I wonder if a fourth film would investigate that possibility. Could've been more awesome if done sooner (like before Inception).