Matrix Online-TDR



Your mind has been set free. You're now in the real world. Things may seem strange to you at first, but I can assure you, you'll be amazed at the things you can now do.. I have called upon you because I see something special about you, all of you, you are the ones that will defeat the obstacles that endanger Zion. When I look each and every one of you, I see the best that Zion has to offer, I see the most powerful minds of Zion...I see the answer to all of our problems, the most dominating force of warriors that will die before they let Zion fall. We are the best, we will always be the best, and we will prove that we are the best when that moment arrives...We will one day, be able to go back into the matrix. We are still recovering from the attack from the machines, thank Zion for Neo, but that wont hold us back and it wont keep us down, we will fight till the death as Neo did in the war. We will bring honor to Zion. As a reborn, we show respect, loyalty, and we live by honor! I welcome THE DARK REBORN!! (main site) (forums)

We want members who are going to be reliable, loyal, honest, and fun. Someone who wont undermine authority or try to break us down. We want people who will make this a fun experience for themselves along with the rest of the clan. All we ask of you is to do as your rank specifies which is located on the main site. We're probably the oldest clan alive, started out on GameFAQs and hade around 70 members then we declined, but we stood strong and didnt give up and with all the help and support from our members like a family we're standing strong again.

The Dark Reborn is a combination of people all over the world joining together to play MxO. All major decisions and choices that will affect the clan are carried out by the Council, which consists of 3 persons so there will always be a fair outcome. Also the members have a say in major decisions that affect the clan. We try to provide a fun, active, and interesting home for our members to relax and discuss what ever issues may arise. We have a little game that can be played on the forums where you can fight against the agents and defeat the machines to keep the members active if they're bored. The Dark Reborn doesn't force you to do anything that will make your gameplay experience less fun. Though there are certain guidelines you must follow, they most likely will only enhance your gameplay experience and help you to get the best out of MxO. The game hasnt been released yet so we can't say that we are the best, but we will definately try to be and we will always make sure we're having fun while we're playing. Visit our site & board for more information. We hope you'll join us.
I am getting this game, so far all major game sites say its going to be AWSOME.

I heard the Brothers(Washawisky) going to write one story for the Matrix servers every month. Sounds cool.
yea, there's alot of things thats supposed to make this game great.
Gorgon said:
I heard the Brothers(Washawisky) going to write one story for the Matrix servers every month. Sounds cool.


Wachowski, Gorgon. ;), weird name ain't it.

Anyway ever since Matrix Reloaded and Revolutions - I've lost intrest in the franchise and games. Seriously, they ruined a very epic and original story to bits.
Neo: Whoa
T3hOne: Whoa
Neo00: Whoa
ThereIsNoSpoon: Whoa
T3hNeo: Whoa

And so on and so on...
Thats fine, just keep it in mind :)

Very droll Mistress :) I wouldn't be surprised if that happened at all.

Although, there would also be lots of people called things like Morpheous, Morpheus, Morfius etc etc going on about taking blue pills :O
The Mistress said:
Neo: Whoa
T3hOne: Whoa
Neo00: Whoa
ThereIsNoSpoon: Whoa
T3hNeo: Whoa

And so on and so on...

That strip of Ctrl Alt Del was funny. You know its gonna happen too lol.
Smiht, smith, agentsmith, tehAgentsmith, SmithAgent...:O
lans said:

Wachowski, Gorgon. ;), weird name ain't it.

Anyway ever since Matrix Reloaded and Revolutions - I've lost intrest in the franchise and games. Seriously, they ruined a very epic and original story to bits.

What killed it for you? I was happy with reloaded, and satisfied with revolutions.
What's gonna be funny is when the game has been going on for a while and ppl just start playing the game choose more names like ne0 or teh 0n3 and they run into a pvp area and get pked by someone who's just waits there to see someone with a neo like name.

Teh 0N3: I'm l33t! I'm THE ONE!!!!! I OWNZ JOOO!!!
*Teh 0N3 killed by I_Hate_Noobs
Haha...Yeah. I would like to paly this game, but for some reason it just seems like it will become chaotic. I don't know a lot about it, but what drive do people have in the game? What sense of purpose is there?
drakdragon said:
That strip of Ctrl Alt Del was funny. You know its gonna happen too lol.

I would of posted the strip itself but I was to lazy to find it. I do want to try Matrix Online out, but I doubt its anything that great.
it leaves off from the last movie, where the zionists and the machines have their peace still going on. but there are also rebels who dont want to stay in zion and prefer to stay in the matrix. You can choose between three alignments i believe, Zionists whose goal are to free the minds of the people and get them out of the matrix/get rid of the matrix, then there's the Merovingian whose goal is to keep the matrix open and to exploit it, etc...
People thought that was gonna happen with SWG, But you can't add caps or any symbols, so I doubt it will happen.

This game looks ok, EQ2 looks better.
Players of The Matrix Online will inhabit an enormous urban sprawl, which spreads for miles in all directions. There are subways, nightclubs, skyscrapers, and dark alleys that all seem normal on the surface, but beneath this urban exterior, a secret war is being waged for the survival of humanity and machine alike. Here, you and many operatives like yourself, will determine who shall inherit the earth.
Matrix Online looks kinda dumb, reminds me too much of Anarchy Online.
I used 2 play EQ, was fun for a while, played until i was lvl 9, kept on getting stuck and got tired of running back and forth to get stuff for my armor, bone marrow this n that.. I played FFXI and CoH. those were fun :).
I thought enter the matrix was the worst game ever made! So i can't say i'm expecting Matrix online to any good.
enter the matrix was complete crap, but this game shows promise...
bud7miker said:
I thought enter the matrix was the worst game ever made! So i can't say i'm expecting Matrix online to any good.

Enter the matrix was made by totally different people, and its a totally difference type of game, you can hardly compaire the 2.
I still don't get it though...The zionists (being outside the matrix) could just unplug all the people causing problems :)

Also, what is your goal in the game? I mean, you go around beating people up quoting neo, but what is your purpose? MMORPG's need something to aim for, otherwise its just an expensive FPS or something.
I loved the Matrix...Matrix Reloaded and Revolutions were pretty good...but not even in the same league...there were just so many things lost from the Matrix that made them hardly feel like the same world.

-The urgency to get to a phone was gone after the Matrix (In fact...I don't even think it showed any character use a phone to leave in the 2nd two movies apart from the scene where Agent Smith copies himself into Bane)
-Agents weren't as dangerous anymore (Morpheus stands up to one in the freeway scene and wins..)
-In no way was there any tension whatsoever when Neo fought...we just sat there thinking, "'s he gonna kick their asses now?"
-More things I can't mention because I have class in 20 minutes and I have to get to campus.
Farrowlesparrow said:
I still don't get it though...The zionists (being outside the matrix) could just unplug all the people causing problems :)

Also, what is your goal in the game? I mean, you go around beating people up quoting neo, but what is your purpose? MMORPG's need something to aim for, otherwise its just an expensive FPS or something.

They can't just umplug the people because the people living in the matrix haven't been born yet, in the sense that their bodies in the real world are still locked up inside a pod which is apart of millions of pods protected by the machines. And they dont want to unplug people because they want the zion population to grow. Now the Zionists, just recovered from a major attack from the machines are now under a truce but as you can tell the truce is gonna get broken. Here's a lil C&P.

Zion is out to free the humans from their enslavement, which is a pretty obvious goal. But the other two factions, the Machines and Merovingians, aren't so thrilled by these ideas. "You'll be approached by representatives of both the Merovingian and Machines," says Ragaini. "You're very valuable to them and want you to work for them. They realize that the ability to break the rules of the Matrix is something that is very valuable to them and they will make it worth your while to join their cause. They'll present not only rewards for doing so but the Machines and Merovingians have arguments for why Zion is wrong in their beliefs. The Machines will try to explain that if all the humans are released the machines would suffer a huge power crisis essentially forcing them to break the pact and the truce. They're actually advocating that humans and machines can co-exist. Likewise the Merovingian, the ultimate hedonist and super-powerful exile, is going to tempt players with the fact that they can live in The Matrix like a god."
Before anyone gets this game, if they haven't seen the trilogy before, i recommend you see it, it will answer almost every question you will have about the game.
If anyone wants you can also register at my board which is located at the site, if you want to see more pix, you may or may not have seen them yet but we have them, and we do discuss some of the issues of the matrix aside from the clan's business.
I've been interested in this for quite a while. But to me it looks too....bland. The combat seems repetitive from what gameplay videos I've seen. But I shall still keep my eye on how this game turns out and I may end up buying it in the future..but at the moment I am leaning towards Everquest 2. I can only afford to have one MMORPG going at once lol...
true, well if you ever decide to pick it up give my clan a try :). Btw, cool Alucard Avitar.
I'll give you one thing though, EQ's graphics has improved dramatically, but the combat still doesnt really look like it's changed alot from the first one, judging from the trailer i've seen. There's been a hell of a lot added to EQ to create EQ2 and it does look like it's going to be great but so does MxO. The fighting looks great, this you can tell if you saw the shaky cam vid of MxO, the fighting wont be repetitive because you'll get new moves and such, so yea mayb when u start out but eventually you'll have a wide variety of moves, hacks, viruses, buffs, debuffs, etc.. to use on your opponents. And the graphics are pretty good, you can go into every house, building, store, club, etc... take the subway if you want. It's really gonna be great, they are really working with the beta testers to make it fun, so the more they testers complain the better the game will be. So I feel it will be great, dont lose faith in it.
I'm in the beta test, but I can't tell you aaaanything.