Max 8 > Max 6


Companion Cube
Aug 7, 2003
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I need to get some models of mine to 3d max 6 from 3d max 8, dose anyone know if this can be done and if it can be done what would be the best way of doing it?
Export to .3ds, import into Max 6
I tryed doing that today but my rig rufused to work :/
i know that theres a script to go from max 5 to max 6 saves ur scene as a script and then recreates it based on the script if your familiar with maxscript then you can make one yourself. other than that i have no idea...why would you want to do this in any case?
Stormy said:
I tryed doing that today but my rig rufused to work :/

rigs are harder,, I dont know if I ever sucessfully gotten a rig to a different version...
the usefull information on the rig wil be lost when you export it too .3ds ...

You will have to re-rig it. Its sad, but, its just one of those things. Thats why you shouldnt install new copys of max until you finish your current project, or anything that you are aware of that might break.
How about exporting to hl2 .smd and improt it in the other prog? the rig should still be there