Max Payne 2 demo released

i liked the demo....that game seems the havok physics
How do you take screen shots? And can you record demos? I wish I could have recorded some demos for some of the stuff I've done.

Also I dunno why they didn't make a multiplayer. I think the game would have been great if they did. They could have set it up like the specialists, in the concept of when you use slow motion the whole server slows down. I know I would play it on-line.
I liked the demo a lot. Very good graphics, nice effects, a deep story and great level design. All the little pushable objects give the game a realistic feel.
the best part was when i came up some stairs and some asshole burst out of a door and i laid waste to his bellicose ass and he sorta slumped agasint this barrel. it looked like he just was kinda sitting there, but in a dead way. i sat there staring at his oddly propped-up body for quite a while. it reminded me a bit of that scene towards the end of "blue velvet", because the height of the barrel was such that it almost looked like he was standing.

some things about the physics bug me though.. like jumping. the accelerations seem all wrong, especially how slowly he comes down, like a gently floating baby leaf.. and why do the dead bodies take so long to settle down, sometimes, they keep shifting and twitching for days on end.
I didnt understand one ****ing thing that waas going on in the demo. I never played/read about/knew anything about max payne 1. Load times? I never had any load times? When did it load for yall?
The thing that really impressed me was the explosions once a canister exploded and this body flew down stairs tumbling and then i threw it down another stairway and another oh yea and objects are okay except its hard to push some.It was disapointing that you couldnt pick up stuff and you couldnt kick bodys around.
Max Payne 2 has the type of physics you'll see in HL2 except HL2's will be better. Also the graphics in MP2 are very nice hoping to see better in HL2 :)
Originally posted by Solidarnosi
lol. okay I'll try it again. I must have looked at the config controls screens five times, oh well. Old age catching up fast I guess. Thanks guys.

Can't you change your key configs in the game..or no?:eek:
Originally posted by RabidMeatloaf
Can't you change your key configs in the game..or no?:eek:

Here's what happened: I'm looking for a "use" key to bind, right? Don't see one. Finally post here, get giggled at, go back and look.

"Sniper or Use key":x Okay sorry I missed it the first time, but really I have never in my life seen a multipurpose 'snipe/use' key before.

Anyway, it was fun, better than I thought it would be. I will wait for $10 price, and get the fps mod. Kicking stuff around is kinda fun. And some of the textures are great - check out the trash bins in the beginning, the plastic bag is textured around it & is translucent! Pretty cool. Physics feel decent too, especially now that DumpEx has shown us what *not* to do.
Originally posted by Pressure
Max Payne 2 has the type of physics you'll see in HL2 except HL2's will be better. Also the graphics in MP2 are very nice hoping to see better in HL2 :)

Yeah. Except for the vehicles. Why are they so rubbish. They really let the game down. You can't drive them, when they are being driven in cut scenes they look unrealistic, they are bad models, and you can't interact with them. Why?

(PS. Woohoo - Zombie :D )