Max payne 2 gone GOLD !!

this is uber great news... but this is the hl2 forum...

At last some consolation. I'll pick this up for sure!

edit: Wait a minute. Where did you hear this?
lol. So MAx Payne 2 will come in and steal the scene well better max payne 2 then nothing.
Niiice ... this is great news. So how long does it usually take before a "gone golder" hits the shelf?
Its due out oct 15, and if its gold now they'll probably mak that date :)
got to get both this and hl2 (plus doom3 and halo)
well its just wait... im sure it will come to a certain Site soon with a name of a exploding star (hmmm...)... if i like it, i'll buy it. If i dont, we'll, then i throw it of my sweet little computer
*heads over to "super 'small car that women drive'"

damn not there yet.

gonna d/l and then buy... just can't wait till it's in the stores though
I'm not sure what I want to buy:
Halo or Max Payne 2....HELP ME OUT!
Max Payne (1) was easily completed and only fun while it lasted but Halo has got Multiplayer which I've heard kicks ass!
Originally posted by Frank
I'm not sure what I want to buy:
Halo or Max Payne 2....HELP ME OUT!
Max Payne (1) was easily completed and only fun while it lasted but Halo has got Multiplayer which I've heard kicks ass!

Ehh... I played a few days halo multiplay and then i got sick of it because in ctf, just when I´m getting to the flag, an own guy shoots me, takes the flag and scores a point and the tker doesn´t get punished. This has happened several times. The other thing is that they shoot you just to get the weapon, and they receive virtually none punishment. I already uninstalled because i got bored to it.
Originally posted by Mixmaster
Ehh... I played a few days halo multiplay and then i got sick of it because in ctf, just when I´m getting to the flag, an own guy shoots me, takes the flag and scores a point and the tker doesn´t get punished. This has happened several times. The other thing is that they shoot you just to get the weapon, and they receive virtually none punishment. I already uninstalled because i got bored to it.

What are the other MP games?
Well ... its all up to you which one you should get. If i were you i would get Max Payne 2 and then play Halo at a later stage. Halo is an "old" game. been out for years now. If you cant get enough of Space suits shooters, aliens, alien worlds and stuff like that i would get Halo.

If you still long for that feeling you had when you were playing Max Payne for the first time and almost had a boner (hehehe) when you completely mastered the bullet time feature. Then there is no question about your choice.
Ok, after reading the reviews on I've decided PROBABLY not to buy it. I'll wait and see if Max Payne can run on my computer and then we'll see
This is actually pretty cool. Too bad Valve couldn't master the art of keeping their mouth shut until they were sure of something. Game developers can learn from this... big do you suppose the game will be? Is it CD's or DVDs?
Yea to be honest im gettin tired of halo i might just go sell the thing. (but keep it installed heheh). There are other modes of play but honestly from what ive played ctf is the only worth while one. Mna i really should have just waited for ut2k4 since its mp would have a much greater polish than halos bs. And man i hate when someone kills you just for the gun. :flame:

EDIT:Ahhh damnit nvm you have to have the cd in when u play :dozey:
this game is going to ****ing own.

btw, halo is a great game, although.. I've never come across someone killing me for my gun.. or the flag.
Looks nice : )

Is this game taxing on the processor? what are the gamers' recommended specs?
Originally posted by )[eVo]( Para
Looks nice : )

Is this game taxing on the processor? what are the gamers' recommended specs?

Good question. I dont think the specs would be any higher than ut2k3 (for atleast the minimum).
Originally posted by )[eVo]( Para
Looks nice : )

Is this game taxing on the processor? what are the gamers' recommended specs?

I dunno, solid objects don't take a strain on the system as much as high quality water or cloth, cloth I would say is the most beefy.

MP2 is mostly made up of rigid bodies from what it looks like (boxes, cabinets, planks, barrels)
Loving the developers right now, a game released on time! Great move by them too tho, I think they'll sell alot, especially now where HL2 is further delayed. People need a game to waste their time with!
Halo was a dissapointment to me. I had heard it was so great for so long and when it finally comes to PC I realize just non-special it really is. The only reason this game receives so much hype is because its the ONLY worthwhile exclusive on X-BOX, I'm convinced of that now. The single player is fun, but only the vehicle sections are truly great. The on foot action is so damn repetitive, I can't believe the extreme overuse of the tilesets, you go through the same 4 rooms 200 times in the game. The multiplayer sucks too, although I wasn't expecting much from it. Don't get me wrong, its a decent game, but it's nowhere in the vacinity of the "Best FPS Ever" as so many people have billed it to be.

But Max Payne 2 looks really sweet. I can't wait for that game. The first game was awesome and MP2 looks to build upon it in all ways.
So close I can taste it :) Hope there's a demo soon.