Max Payne 2 Trailer... characters look better than hl2 or good as.. download inside!

MP was excellent. Great story, great fun. Plus it could own your system when 5000 shell casings were flying out of your gun.
yeah man, when you compare screenies of hl2 and that max............. hl2 stands out graphically a TON! an assumption alone that max payne 2 looks better is all out rediculous? what the f where you thinking? max payne has always looked good, but the hair alone puts hl2 way on top.

I own Max Payne 1, and theres honestly no noticeable difference. It all looks the same graphically - maybe the characters movements are more fluid, and Max himself looks a little beefed up, but other than that, it looks exactly like the same as the first one.
Graphically speaking, hl2 owns maxpayne2.

I played max payne 1, there's story, but the gameplay is monotonous. It's always shooting shooting, slow motion, shooting, slow motion, shooting......etc......etc....uninstall. Maybe max payne2 will be better with shooting, shooting, slow motion, shooting, sex, sex, kiss, shooting, slow motion, sex, slow motion, sex, slow motion, sex.......uninstall.
hey man i liked the shooting, story shooting, shooting, story shooting shooting...

i loved it, i'd only play it once through but i loved it!

favorite max payne moments :

when the pizza delivery dude lets you then alerts /me clicks on slow motion duel shotties left then right rolls turns around jumps backwords and shotties another going through a room..

when your walking on the high wire and you see a room up ahead and you must enter through the window and tehre is a shower/tv... click on slow motion dive through the window, firing at the first dude who gets up to flee for his life, hit roll, jump up, shottie the second .. stare at the tv, becuase there is a flamingo on it and creepy repeating phrase being said...
Originally posted by Goombatommy
I own Max Payne 1, and theres honestly no noticeable difference. It all looks the same graphically - maybe the characters movements are more fluid, and Max himself looks a little beefed up, but other than that, it looks exactly like the same as the first one.

Well the game is pretty much an heavyly modified version the original MAX-FX engine. I think it looks great. The player models were the ugliest part of MP1 as the enviorments looked great. Remedy fixed what they needed to make the player models on par with the rest of the visuals in the game.

I'll definately be buying MP2, but I won't really start playing it until I've beat HL2 atleast once.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again:

I loved Max Payne, who gives a crap if it doesn't have Multiplayer, it's just great damn fun to play! A nice refreshment from all this Multiplayer craziness. I can't wait for MP2; another slice of the action-pie.
Originally posted by Apocaliptik
You know why there was no MP on Max Payne ? Because its impossible to create bullet time in a multiplayer enviroment. THINK about it. You cant have one person see everything slow while everyone runs at a normal speed. Its impossible to do slow mo in a multiplayer world without everyone slowing down. Its this little thing called time.

The Specialists mod for Half-Life allows for bullet-time effects in Multiplayer. They use a pick-up system.
Originally posted by Apocaliptik
You know why there was no MP on Max Payne ? Because its impossible to create bullet time in a multiplayer enviroment. THINK about it. You cant have one person see everything slow while everyone runs at a normal speed. Its impossible to do slow mo in a multiplayer world without everyone slowing down. Its this little thing called time.

It CAN work. Hasnt anyone played THe Specialists Mod for Half-life . If you havent i suggest you do, bullet time and slowdowns are handles perfectly. It is by far the best mod for halflife. So much action and such sexy slow downs. I cant say ive played max payne so i dont know how they do it but Specialists is straight outa matrix with lots of style.
Originally posted by Abom|nation
I've said it before, and I'll say it again:

I loved Max Payne, who gives a crap if it doesn't have Multiplayer, it's just great damn fun to play! A nice refreshment from all this Multiplayer craziness. I can't wait for MP2; another slice of the action-pie.

Damn right. :)
I agree too, it was a fun game.
lets hope someone makes a kungfu mod for mp2 like there was in mp1, that was so much fun
Originally posted by gamevoodoo
Graphically speaking, hl2 owns maxpayne2.

I played max payne 1, there's story, but the gameplay is monotonous. It's always shooting shooting, slow motion, shooting, slow motion, shooting......etc......etc....uninstall. Maybe max payne2 will be better with shooting, shooting, slow motion, shooting, sex, sex, kiss, shooting, slow motion, sex, slow motion, sex, slow motion, sex.......uninstall.

... youre serious arent you... omfg. What the fck else is there to do.

Heres HL1 shoot shoot shoot , run shoot shoot , jump search for the exit to the next roomf shoot shoot solve some rediculous puzzle shoot shoot shoot.
**** u man, haven't u seen the hl2 video, u can drive cars, u can use objects in the world to kill the ennemies, u can shoot as well, and people in hl community are able to make better game than max payne. I like the specialist more than max payne. the specialist offer more action than max payne, it just doesn't have a story. now it's enough, have u heard of max payne community? i never heard of any, but if there's any, it must be a damn small one. when i said "**** u", i only mean to **** those who insult me.

btw, i don't mean to be against the moderator, since he never insulted me, but i just hate to see no one can express an opinion against what the moderator says. I notice this in many many threads, whenever a moderator says something, people will reply by saying that they are with the moderator, that they agree totally what the moderator say.

Now don't ban me!!!!!!
Originally posted by gamevoodoo
**** u man, haven't u seen the hl2 video, u can drive cars, u can use objects in the world to kill the ennemies, u can shoot as well, and people in hl community are able to make better game than max payne. I like the specialist more than max payne. the specialist offer more action than max payne, it just doesn't have a story. now it's enough, have u heard of max payne community? i never heard of any, but if there's any, it must be a damn small one. when i said "**** u", i only mean to **** those who insult me.

btw, i don't mean to be against the moderator, since he never insulted me, but i just hate to see no one can express an opinion against what the moderator says. I notice this in many many threads, whenever a moderator says something, people will reply by saying that they are with the moderator, that they agree totally what the moderator say.

Now don't ban me!!!!!!

Feel free to have an opinion against me, I won't do a thing... I'm just another user like you guys as well, you forget that we're all brought here by the love of a game, and most probably, gaming in general ;)

I too am a religious fan of the Specialists, it's one of the most innovative, well-structured Half-Life mods I've ever seen. But as I said, Max Payne's a great Single-Player experience, I think Multi-player would probably ruin it, yet the Specialists team took inspiration from Max and the Matrix and made a cracking mod. Both are quite different from each other, but still excellent.
The music kicked far as I can remember...
Does anyone know the sys-specs for it?
Originally posted by Piecemak3r
max payne blew ass NO MULTIPLAYER....woop, there goes ANY replay ability :p

Max payne was as close to an "art game" as you could ever get. It was a bout story and style with decent, not outstandig, but decent gameplay to back it up.
If anyone killed my loved ones I would kill them and piss on their graves, so yeah the story was cool because I could put myself in that situation. But after a couple of levels you forget why you're actually killing all these's like a bad habit.

Just to answer my own question on page 3:

1Ghz PIII/Athlon or 1.2Ghz Celeron/Duron processor
32MB AGP graphics card with hardware transform & lighting support
1.5 GB hard drive space
Windows 98/ME/2000/XP
DirectX 9.0
Keyboard and mouse

Originally posted by gamevoodoo
**** u man, haven't u seen the hl2 video, u can drive cars, u can use objects in the world to kill the ennemies, u can shoot as well, and people in hl community are able to make better game than max payne. I like the specialist more than max payne. the specialist offer more action than max payne, it just doesn't have a story. now it's enough, have u heard of max payne community? i never heard of any, but if there's any, it must be a damn small one. when i said "**** u", i only mean to **** those who insult me.

btw, i don't mean to be against the moderator, since he never insulted me, but i just hate to see no one can express an opinion against what the moderator says. I notice this in many many threads, whenever a moderator says something, people will reply by saying that they are with the moderator, that they agree totally what the moderator say.

Now don't ban me!!!!!!

Funny thing is... I agreed with Abom|nation, and I'm a moderator??? So confusing :) isn't it :p... ah well... oh, and the MP community have done very good work... Matrix mods, Kung Fu mods... etc :)
I have to say, people are all over the place screaming that the expressions are better than those in HL2, but I'd just like to point out that there were no expressions in that video, or it would appear in any screenshots. The faces look great, no doubt, but if they're static - and it looks like they probably will be, or close enough - then it's not the same.
It's an impressive trailer though (oooh, the violin intro music sounds good and so did the crack of thunder), but check nw909's sig for my worries... It'd better be significantly different or it won't be worth it.
But True Matrix was nang* and so was Kung-Fu.

*nang = good in London slang