Max Payne 2


Jul 1, 2003
Reaction score
I heard lots of comparrisons with Farcry, Stalker and Doom3 but not many with this

not only does it have a very stylish site with cool music it also does this


I know Max Payne wasnt to everyones taste (i loved it but many found it repetatave) but you can already tell its going to have great style and graphics.
If development times are anything to go by mp2 doesnt stand a chance, no multi player and you just know the story is goin to be crap like the original. Should be a good game though :cheese:
I'm actually greatly anticipating it. I enjoyed the original much-so, and this just looks set to improve on it in every way; proper physics and ragdoll, body decals, hugely improved graphics... I think it's going to be great.
Not crap per se... Just hammy and knowingly-cliched. No multiplayer's no bad thing. And development times? It's out in October.
Could be ok, but it could just be Max Payne with nicer graphics and a less constipated Max.
I think it's not going to be as good as Max Payne.... I loved it's cliched and tongue-firmly in cheek style :) .... it was great ... gun-fun... and since you will find out just how much I've played mulitplayer :p

I agree with Abom :D
As much as Multiplayer is great fun, and realistic games are too, there's nothing better than a good 30 minute session of Max to relax. Yum.
The TrueMatrix and Kung Fu mods were hella cool. Newer versions of those'd be just dandy!
Wicky Matrix...
Originally posted by mrBadger
I think it's not going to be as good as Max Payne.... I loved it's cliched and tongue-firmly in cheek style :) .... it was great ... gun-fun... and since you will find out just how much I've played mulitplayer :p

I agree with Abom :D

Originally posted by kendo
If development times are anything to go by mp2 doesnt stand a chance, no multi player and you just know the story is goin to be crap like the original. Should be a good game though :cheese:

Max Payne had one of the better stories in any game (hell, 50% of games dont have a story), and the comic narrative style was brilliant. This game doesnt need multiplayer, its all about the SP experience. And what is the bit about dev time supposed to mean? Its been in dev. for 2+ years, and its out next month. Pretty standard dev time.
really nice hi-res textures on max payne 2 :) looking forward to it
Originally posted by el Chi
It's out in October.
I think its going to be great, but the october release date is probably a bad idea since everyone will be playing hl2. I'll still buy it as long as they make the AI better.
Originally posted by el Chi
But it could just be Max Payne with nicer graphics and a less constipated Max.

Thats signature material.
Max had a great story, it was cliched but knowingly so and it wasnt so much the story but they way it was told that made it a clasic. It even had an 'omg im realy in a computergame' easter egg.

The release of HL2 probarbly wont effect max that much even if it does come out on time most people will probarbly have finished it within a week or two (assumeing late october) and besides their very different games, ones a FPS the others 3rd person.

BTW if you want to play Max Payne online try this
Originally posted by Jerjerod
The release of HL2 probarbly wont effect max that much even if it does come out on time most people will probarbly have finished it within a week or two (assumeing late october) and besides their very different games, ones a FPS the others 3rd person.
One or two weeks? Max Payne took like a day to complete, its quite short :)
Even if MP2 is twice as long, its still not very long... Not to mention, its still an FPS in 3rd person. But with a bit more story...

Btw, on the picture in the original post: Its horrible. Doesnt follow photo rules. Cause all I see is his face and crotch :x
I meant people will finish HL2 in about a week, so theyll be done with the SP by the time Max 2 comes out.
Keep in mind, HL2 might actually have MP worth playing, not like the crapassed MP HL shipped with, so people might be more busy than you think :)
You can complete any fps single player within a few days if you play it intensely enough. Max payne took me about a week to complete because i took my time, i'd say it took about 10 hours.

The only games which really last for ages are RPG's, omg Baldurs gate 2!
Originally posted by Animal
The only games which really last for ages are RPG's, omg Baldurs gate 2!
I still havent finished BG2 :p
Cant remember the exactly where I got though. After the underwater caves, when you come back to the mainland... Or a little bit after that, I beleive one get a task to find something that got stolen. I still havent bothered finding out where in the game that is, if I only got like halfway through, 1/3 or nearly finished. All I know is that it took me some time to get there, then I got tired trying to go on :)
Same here, i couldn't complete it either, i got really far (well i think i did) after about 2 months of playing but then another game came out and i just forgot about it and ended up uninstalling to free up some space.

I've reinstalled it a few times but never really got that far, it's just too damn big!:eek:
Originally posted by dawdler
Not to mention, its still an FPS in 3rd person.

"'s still a First Person Shooter in Third person"?

Originally posted by bastard_loud
"'s still a First Person Shooter in Third person"?

At least I actually posted something that isnt... uhm... retarded... Considering the topic.

And yes, it is a FPS in 3rd person. The name FPS is from before real 3D, when you couldnt have 3rd person (it would be butt ugly). Max Payne is just one of the evolutions that comes from the FPS genre. You kill people. You shoot them. You dont do anything else. You dont have conversations, you dont buy armor, you dont have henchmen, absolutely nothing. You simply kill people. Hence it is a shooter. It is a person shooter. You even have a camera that you move around, with a crosshair on. The only difference is that its slightly off position, and the engine is rendering a model in front.

Look how well posting one can be. It doesnt have to make sense, hell, it doesnt even have to be right. But it does beat saying "assmonkey" does it?
Max Payne is NOT a FPS game, no matter how much text you try to use to make it seem so. Yes it's a shooter, and sure it's a person shooter.
But it's not a FPS. Rendering a model in front MAKES it 3rd person, no matter what genre it evolved from. Would you say Tomb Raider is in first person?

Now now people, let's play nice.
Originally posted by Animal
Max payne took me about a week to complete because i took my time, i'd say it took about 10 hours.
Yeah, MP was a piece of piss (because it supposedly scaled to your own skill) - I hope MP2 is more challenging.
completeing it on Newyork minute was quite challenging, but the higher difficultys should have been options to begin with. I wish theyed do a multiplayer game though if anyones played 'The Specalists' youll know its possible.

And bastard_loud shut up with the third person FPS thing you know what he meant, if your not going to add anything to this thread other than pointless flames then go away.
If i would've known what he meant i would've been wrong, just like him.
I'm just pointing out that his whole first person/third person analogy is dead wrong, and him trying to prove otherwise is just silly.

But ok, i'll give in: MAX PAYNE 1 AND 2 ARE FIRST PERSON SHOOTERS!!!!!11

Ignorant people.
Originally posted by bastard_loud
If i would've known what he meant i would've been wrong, just like him.
I'm just pointing out that his whole first person/third person analogy is dead wrong, and him trying to prove otherwise is just silly.

But ok, i'll give in: MAX PAYNE 1 AND 2 ARE FIRST PERSON SHOOTERS!!!!!11

Ignorant people.
Just as a curious question: What do you call Bf1942? I would call it an FPS... Multplayer FPS, but FPS nonetheless. Not really a true FPS, but not many are. And I happen to like playing it in 3rd person :)
I haven't played Bf1942, so i can't really comment on it.
What i do know, though, is that Bf1942 wasn't the topic of discussion.

I believe the topic of discussion was the original Max Payne game, a game that's played in 3rd person, and did not feature the possibility to play it in 1st person. With your previous arguments in mind, this would make Max Payne a 3rd person shooter - not a FPS in 3rd person.

Just admit you're wrong, because posting arguments which have nothing to do with the discussion, will just make you look moronic.
You know what he meant!

He was just saying that HL and Max Payne are similar in their play styles, i.e move a crosshair over the screen and shoot shit.
Originally posted by Animal
You know what he meant!

He was just saying that HL and Max Payne are similar in their play styles, i.e move a crosshair over the screen and shoot shit.
Shoot shit? :)
At anyrate, that is correct. Rendering or not rendering a model in front, its still a camera and a crosshair. And you kill people, without any roleplaying elements whatsoever. There arent any real games in 3rd person... Possibly if one can find one where you dont have a crosshair and dont kill people. Which rule out 90% of all games :p

My point with BF1942 is that it handles like every other game, UT2k3, Tribes, CS, whatever. You have your rifle on the side, just like every other game. You kill people. Its an FPS. But one click and its 3rd person. Isnt it an FPS anymore? That was the question, not about the game itself.