Max Payne 3

  • Thread starter Deleted member 56031
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Well. at least the last games subtitle "Fall of Max Payne" now makes more sense.
Shitty track record, amirite? OH WAIT--they're ****ing awesome. Global Operations was a fun as hell and underrated budget MP shooter, I enjoyed the piss out of it. They also helped with a lot of the popular maps that are still in regular rotation in CS 1.6 today. Rockstar gave them a shit load of money and they've hired in some of the best talent around. Bully was goddamn brilliant. Not to mention Rockstar has industry leading QA.
Global Operations was goddamn awesome. Loved it way more than Counter-Strike. In fact, last week I was just thinking "Man, I'm still pissed that Global Ops never replaced Counter-Strike".
lol! They're just making another Grand Theft Auto clone. this has to be a joke...

well good luck with that, I won't be buying it
4 sucked. You can't make a Die Hard film without him saying "yippie-kayey mother****er".

Ugh, that annoyed me too. It was the first **** in the movie, it wouldn't even get its rating jacked up!
I'm going to be cautiously optimistic because of the developer on this. But I gotta say I find it difficult to see how this will retain the noir feeling of the first two games. And I don't dig Max's look at all. I hope it's a lure just to shock people and at some point he cleans the **** up. :\
I think it looks cool.

Cover system is a good idea. You always spammed the arrow keys or a-d running back and forth when in a tight spot. Or just standing starring into a wall waiting for a couple of enemys to stop shooting.
I used to dive (fly) around the room in random directions like a pinball, shooting mofos. It was stupid, but the rest of the game was pretty good.

The narration seemed cool in MP1, but in MP2 it was an embarrassment.
A cover system is a very natural evolution of the Max Payne gameplay. It looks cool, and more importantly people were already doing it ... it just looked stupid. I don't see how anyone could have a problem with that ... slow-mo diving into, out of, or between cover is ****ing cool and very Max Payne.

What isn't cool is .... every ****ing thing else. Seriously, what the ****!? I have faith in Rockstar Vancouver ... but goddamn. What the **** are they thinking? This just seems like such a retarded move for the series. It could be a promising new IP ... but it just doesn't make any goddamn sense for Max Payne.

That is an abomination. Who is responsible for this atrocity?

Samon should give every RockStar dev an infraction and ban Sam Houser.
Rockstar Vancouver are making a game that parodies all the rogue, hit-rock-bottom antiheroes.

And no one can convince me otherwise! LALALALALA!
Are you suggesting that I'm a rogue, hit-rock-bottom antihero?
A parody of them, yes. So basically, no.
I heard this game's using RAGE engine, which is sad because it's poorly optimized for PC. I'll pass this.
I heard this game's using RAGE engine, which is sad because it's poorly optimized for PC. I'll pass this.

because improvements can never be made.

seriously, this game will have almost a year between the first and only game that has used RAGE on the PC (GTA4).
The environments will be much smaller too, so that will help a lot.

I don't know, I installed Max Payne 2 today and it's pretty boring. I remembered it being better.

MP3 is long overdue, but they are going to have to make me interested in it at this point. Max should roll out in a walker or wheelchair.
That looks so absolutely terrible.

agreed. who's the jeen-yus that figured giving max payne an additional 100 pounds would somehow compel people to like it more? Can't make too many judgments so early on but I can easily say this has a 3 percent chance of being played on my computer.
max payne used to be unreal, i remember stopping at gateway and playing it on their SUPER DUPER system, which by today's standards is an etch-a-sketch with a keyboard and mouse.
Hey guess what guise? Samon doesn't like the aesthetic of the new Payne game!