Max Payne Kills Internet Connection


Aug 15, 2003
Reaction score
I'm running a hub with two other pcs connected to a 2mbps dsl connection, and whenever I'm playing MP the other pcs' internet connections slow to a halt. Now I it's MP that's the cause of it because when I alt-tab the connections work fine, when I go back in the game, nothing works and I did it a dozen times.

After searching through Google I found out that other people had the same problem. But on the official MP site the 1.01 patch doesn't mention this bug at all. I was wondering if any of you guys have a fix for this.

Thanks in advance : )
... is your PC acting as the router (Internet Connection Sharing) or do you have a physical router?

If the other computers depend on your computer for their Internet connection... then it might be that your computer is under too much stress while playing MP2 (or they could have made MP2 slow other processes down to get extra speed) to continue with the rest of its instructions.

I just got a DLink wireless/wired router and I used to have a Linksys router... and neither of them had this problem while I was playing MP2.
No router, just a hub and the other pcs depend on this machine for internet. I don't get it, MP2 runs fine, every other game runs fine too. It's really strange : |
The problem was just resolved. - Your computer is using all its brains to run MP2 for you, not to play operator for your shared internet.

Cyberman: "I just got a DLink wireless/wired router and I used to have a Linksys router... and neither of them had this problem while I was playing MP2."
I have this problem too.. I'm using standard DSL 1.3mpbs with a D-Link Ethernet Card. No I don't have a router, no I'm not connected to another PC.
same here... Cable 512k and mp2 kills the connection 100% dead!
Originally posted by FictiousWill
The problem was just resolved. - Your computer is using all its brains to run MP2 for you, not to play operator for your shared internet.

That doesn't make sense, MP2 isn't a processor hog.
Same with me, internet is awful on my other comp when im playn MP2
Perhaps MP suspends windows? Hmm apologies for jumping to that conclusion, but sureely there's a simple explanation?
Originally posted by )[eVo]( Para
That doesn't make sense, MP2 isn't a processor hog.

Are you sure it isn't? I haven't looked myself, but I do know MP1 was a huge processor hog
Well I can only play my older bro is not around his cpu, *sigh*

But I got to play two hours today, I got to chapter 3: Mob wars, I dunno why but I love those wacky italian meatballs lol I'm only kidding, no offense. I just can't get enough of that NY accent hehe.

This game rocks! And Mona Sax, what a hot bitch lol! :D

Like Vlad said "I'd fudge her!"