Maybe DNF Ain't Quite Dead Yet...


May 9, 2004
Reaction score
From the latest issue of PC Gamer:

"We're dying here. On the one hand, we want to tell you all about the earth-shaking exclusive we've got lined up for next issue. On the other hand, it's such a massive secret, it makes the Manhattan Project look like a gardening club. So we must remain mum for now, but trust us: our August cover will unveil a story well worth the wait"

I know that the Manhattan Project was the codename of the development for the atomic bomb during WW2 - but wasn't it also the name of the last Duke Nukem game?

Maybe I'm reading too much into this - just thought I'd share.
Wow! That would be amazing if it WAS DNF... But it seems like they would have been much better off showing it at E3. Unless it's still not ready to be shown at E3 (IT SHOULD BE DONE BY NOW! :| )
UK PCgamer has a new look next month :D
BlazeKun said:
Wow! That would be amazing if it WAS DNF... But it seems like they would have been much better off showing it at E3. Unless it's still not ready to be shown at E3 (IT SHOULD BE DONE BY NOW! :| )
hey if we are gonna be optimistic...
Doom3 wasnt shown at E3 and they said it was because it was so close to release, there really was no point in showing it again.

with that reasoning... maybe *IF* it was DNF, we might just be surprised outta nowhere with a gold date.

but hey thats INSANE optimism :)
BlazeKun said:
Wow! That would be amazing if it WAS DNF... But it seems like they would have been much better off showing it at E3. Unless it's still not ready to be shown at E3 (IT SHOULD BE DONE BY NOW! :| )

George Broussard of 3dRealms said:
>>5.) Any decision or "leanings" regarding attending e3 2004 in may?

I don't think we care about E3 anymore and may never go again.
maybe thats why :upstare: ....also, they said they don't want to hype it up again until it is truly almost done

I'm not sure if this is DNF, but it probably isnt gonna have much info if it is. You can probably dig up more info from the 3drealms forums. But maybe....
I've kinda forgotten about DNF, it's been under development for soooooooooo long.. :|
From PC Zone (the HL2 one):

"I don't think we care about E3 anymore and may never go again"

That was from "George Broussard, the man behind vapour-ware-incarnate production Duke Nukem Forever"
I was just going to say that, honest :p

Edit: I wonder if the reason DNF was been under development for so long is because they licensed the Unreal 3.0 engine, I believe when DNF first started out, it was being developed in the Unreal Warfare engine, someone correct me if I'm wrong.
Mr-Fusion said:
DNF does not exist. Stop believing in it and it will go away

Look at these poor,pathetic, misguided bastards.

If you continue to believe in DNF you will end up as one of them!! The warning has been given.

If hl2 gets delayed again (please dont) and you still beleive in it then you will become one of them, except for hl2.
Mr-Fusion said:
DNF does not exist. Stop believing in it and it will go away

Look at these poor,pathetic, misguided bastards.

If you continue to believe in DNF you will end up as one of them!! The warning has been given.
lmao that site is just sad sad. lol it sounds like they are trying to cover their asses:
"What's taking so long?": Lots of things. We had too few programmers early on. Some tech took too long to do. We switched engines. We started over a time or two. And a bunch of other stuff. Point is, we know it's late, and you know it's late. Let's stop talking about it, ok?

lol they started over acouple of times?? Jeebus this game will never come out! Ill be suprised if it gets revealed in the next Pc gamer, or ever for that matter.
Max35 said:
I was just going to say that, honest :p

Edit: I wonder if the reason DNF was been under development for so long is because they licensed the Unreal 3.0 engine, I believe when DNF first started out, it was being developed in the Unreal Warfare engine, someone correct me if I'm wrong.

Didn't they change engines a couple of times? I thought that was one of the reasons why it had been in development for so long. IIRC they originally started work on it using the quake 2 engine.

I won't get excited about it until I'm 100% sure of it's release(date).
Mr-Fusion said:
DNF does not exist. Stop believing in it and it will go away

Look at these poor,pathetic, misguided bastards.

If you continue to believe in DNF you will end up as one of them!! The warning has been given.

That site is no more pathetic than this one. Or did you forget September 30th? “IT WILL COME OUT FOR SURE! I BELIEVE! OMFG IT WILL HERE NEXT WEEK!” “WHERE IS THE GAME! OJ|MFMG!”.
hehe :D

We're leagues ahead of the sad souls dwelling in the DNF forums.
I hope it IS DNF... but it'd probably be pretty mediocre by now... I hope HL2 doesn't turn into the next Duke Nukem Forever
On the DNF forums there's a brand new topic that says "The E3 2001 Video is amazing".

I hope we don't turn out like that in 2007... "Remember the E3 2004 vid? That was awesome...."
George Broussard of 3drealms said:
Not us guys. Sorry.

Just letting you know as I'm getting emails about it.

HA HA! Oh well.... :dozey:
It better not be the next duke nukem game or I will be pissed.
i would love it to be DNF, but on the other hand id never get my hopes up. they will release WHEN ITS DONE

i antisipate this release just as much as i do HL2 and DOOM3
I think they'll work on the game on the current engine and then just scrap the project in 1 or 2 years since they've gone bankrupt or something. :/
CrazyHarij said:
I think they'll work on the game on the current engine and then just scrap the project in 1 or 2 years since they've gone bankrupt or something. :/

Probably...maybe some sorta of gamer fund will help. But we can't predict the future...
took this from the link thenerdguy provided...take it with a grain of salt if u happen to be a DNF fan...

Will there be an option in the Graphics Menu were you can select Not only very High Details but also INSANE Details?

The game will default to max details. That's why our recommended specs are so high. Really, with what we're doing, there is max detail, and as you drop things out you lose a lot of visual quality, so I kind of see it as all or nothing.

sounds like if u don't have a high end PC, the game may not be worth purchasing.. that is if they ever do get around to releasing the game.. :|
Dr. Freeman said:
took this from the link thenerdguy provided...take it with a grain of salt if u happen to be a DNF fan...

sounds like if u don't have a high end PC, the game may not be worth purchasing.. that is if they ever do get around to releasing the game.. :|
naw you gotta be positive, by the time they release the game, what they are calling "high end specs" now will probably be equel to a 486 now... that is if the game isnt delayed again.

The Video they released when it was on the Unreal Engine was very impressive. Though that was like... 2 years ago.
3 years ago. The game looks at though it will still be rather promising since all they've done is improve upon the technology for those 3 years. I'll still get it when it comes out.
George broussard is a retard...

But aside from that, i remember i was really REALLY looking forward to this game back in it just feels like hot air for me.

Would be cool if it comes out at some point, but if it gets luke warm review/previews - i won't get it, and i'm a Duke nukem fan too...
Hmm. If its not DNF, what's the most earth-shattering exclusive that anyone could think of?

Possibly Doom 3, possibly even HL2 if there's enough actual information going around; Halo 2? But that'll be console first... um... Unreal 3? Maybe they're a bit late when it comes to playing internet catchup? Meh, I've run out of ideas.
Notice how in that interview Greg keeps saying "Don't other games have this stuff too?"... can't they innovate atleast a little? It sounds like now they're just trying to finish it so it'll be a game on par with all those other regular games.
Could this be it? could it be? could this be the one time when mother nature goes against herself? when DNF actually gets finnished? the end is nigh!
Mr.Reak said:
That site is no more pathetic than this one. Or did you forget September 30th? “IT WILL COME OUT FOR SURE! I BELIEVE! OMFG IT WILL HERE NEXT WEEK!” “WHERE IS THE GAME! OJ|MFMG!”.

Its not quite the same though really. Valve have kept on giving out info and have released new videos. They also appeared at E3.
Id be shocked if it was DNF. I can only think DNF, Doom 3, TF2, HL2. We shall wait and see.
Farrowlesparrow said:
Its not quite the same though really. Valve have kept on giving out info and have released new videos. They also appeared at E3.
I agree, Mr.Reak you should be happy that valve at least reassures us with media...I think 3D realms has also forgotten that trait...

BTW- are there any DNF screenshots?
It's either TF2 or DNF I think, I hope TF2.
PvtRyan said:
It's either TF2 or DNF I think, I hope TF2.
How can it be TF2?..what does that have in common with Duke Nukem project manhatten?