maybe video not video tomorow


May 27, 2003
Reaction score
hmmm.... i just had this small brainstorm... what if the direct feed they are going to release tomorow is the actual demo they played... you know to walk around in and stuff.... how cool to shoot the pachinko machine... its released in steam under GAMES so hehe maybe there is multiplayer :p "who can shoot the pachinko machine first" or to give you a taste of Multiplayer physics and how they will work.... probably not but had to get it out :D
Originally posted by Iced_Eagle
hmmm.... i just had this small brainstorm... what if the direct feed they are going to release tomorow is the actual demo they played... you know to walk around in and stuff.... how cool to shoot the pachinko machine... its released in steam under GAMES so hehe maybe there is multiplayer :p "who can shoot the pachinko machine first" or to give you a taste of Multiplayer physics and how they will work.... probably not but had to get it out :D

No, don't get your hopes up, it's definatelly just a bunch of movies. Valve said they aren't going to release anything like that before Sept. 30.
You gotta admit though... that would be awesome. I would be speechless.
Originally posted by Iced_Eagle
hmmm.... i just had this small brainstorm... what if the direct feed they are going to release tomorow is the actual demo they played... you know to walk around in and stuff.... how cool to shoot the pachinko machine... its released in steam under GAMES so hehe maybe there is multiplayer :p "who can shoot the pachinko machine first" or to give you a taste of Multiplayer physics and how they will work.... probably not but had to get it out :D

now you're gonna be dissapointed when its only the same videos with better quality.
Originally posted by Jager
You gotta admit though... that would be awesome. I would be speechless.

Yep, if they released it I would buy a new video card that same day instead of waiting till September. Valve/Ati are you listening? :p
Would kick ass although VERY VERY VERY unlikely.
Originally posted by jasonh1234
Is there a set time that the media is being released?

No unfortunatelly. I'm not going to be back from work till 6:00 PM anyway :(
I work at home. :)
On a side note, this site is killing my productivity. :-P
That would ruin the game....And I wouldnt be able to try it anyways :p
I have a feeling that it may not even be released tomorrow. They repeatedly said "Sometime in about a week." They never really seemed sure about a specific date.

Another thing, will this end the announcement process? After this do we get TF2 info? =D
I think they will start talking about TF2 alot closer to the HL2 release date. But if i'm wrong plz kick me in the nutz
A friend of my Uncle's vet who's son goes to school with the guy who lives down from the street of a friend of a friend of mine told me that the video will include TF2 teaser footage.
It would also kick ass if they wired a million dollars into my bank account, but that's not happening either. :)
or maybe valve said... f*** this lets just release hl2 now.... that would kinda sux cause of teh buggies :x
Valve have a habit of shocking the community. They love doing it. You never know. ;)
They the kings of playing their cards close to their chest, being very secretive, and then doing something that blows everybody away. Maybe this wasn't so much with HL1, but the way they played E3 and the subsequent blackout gives me a little hope that they'll have a real surprise for us soon.

God, I hope so. These forums have unfortunately lost much of the fun and friendly debate they had just after the first videos came out. Need a fix.
I can wait for HL2 til September, and I don't want any new footage because it would ruin the surprise once the full game is out. What I do want is some MP info for sure. TF2 more then likely won't be included due to it being already offered retail at most outlets as pre-orders. CS2 is a possibility since they are close with Valve and not much news on a new version of CS lately. And considering it's the biggest online FPS game for over 4 years now would make sense to up the ante. Condition Zero is all but dead, so maybe it's included.

MULTIPLAYER INFO please!! TF2 info would be nice also, like how come it takes 5 years to make it when you were working with the original engine?
Nah, they have to release CZ as a full retail box just because it's been in the pipe so long, and it will be the "default" package for CSers until CS2 arrives. I really don't think CS2 is as close as people think, but you never know.
Originally posted by TAZ
MULTIPLAYER INFO please!! TF2 info would be nice also, like how come it takes 5 years to make it when you were working with the original engine?

They WERE working with the original engine. Then they started developing the Source engine for HL2, realised what capabilities would have and started developing TF2 on Source also. They stopped all news and media coverage, making us think it was dead, on TF2 because they wanted to keep quiet about the source engine so they could surprise us all 3 or 4 years later and make us very very happy :)

Remember, TF2 has been in development just as long as HL2... a lot can happen in 5 years.
valve are still trying to iron the bugs out of 1.6 beta so i doubt people will be working on a version 2
It has been hinted at by people over at CS-Nation (people in particular who are still in contact with Gooseman aka Minh Lee, I believe) that CS2 is in development and that Gooseman (CS's creator) is leading the development team.
It will be nice to watch those videos without the idiot talking about his stupid 486 no matter what they release! :)
"'Will this run on my 486?'"
What annoys me the most was the guy that just sat there clapping. There's always one isn't there? They'll just sit there slapping their hands together. It's good, yes but please clap at the end.
lol. There is always one dude that slaps his hands together. Very true. hehehe.

Yeah just enjoy being there at e3 and do the clapping thing at the end.

If i hear another '486' joke i'll puke. :D
haha, first time a saw the 25min movie, i felt like killing him. as u Kamakiri said, clap at the end. it's so annoying when people starts *clap clap* as soon as they see anytihng they like, GOD! i could have cut his hands of...
did you not get your million dollars Apos? mine got wired in to my bank today im well chuffedim off to buy a computer powerfull enough to run the game :)
Originally posted by azmodan
haha, first time a saw the 25min movie, i felt like killing him. as u Kamakiri said, clap at the end. it's so annoying when people starts *clap clap* as soon as they see anytihng they like, GOD! i could have cut his hands of...

I wasn't bothered by that, it actually made the whole thing a bit more exciting. :bounce:
Originally posted by azmodan
haha, first time a saw the 25min movie, i felt like killing him. as u Kamakiri said, clap at the end. it's so annoying when people starts *clap clap* as soon as they see anytihng they like, GOD! i could have cut his hands of...

/me slowly backs away from azmodan...:dozey:
Kleptomaniac: so u likes the stupid hands? :) oh, that was so annoying :p

guinny: dont worry, as long as ure not clapping when u shouldnt :p
Originally posted by azmodan
Kleptomaniac: so u likes the stupid hands? :) oh, that was so annoying :p

guinny: dont worry, as long as ure not clapping when u shouldnt :p

Sure, I mean, I would be bothered if no one at the first showing of Half-Life 2, probably the most anticipated game ever, would show any imotions at all :cheers:
By the way, what's the pachinko machine? :(
Smacking your hands together is a show of emotion? Or is it just an annoyance? ;)