Mayor blames Hate Murders on video games

xlucidx said:
I doubt the mayor would listen to anything I'd have to say.

But I guess writing to the guy wouldn't hurt...
Oh god, this might draw Jack Thompson to my city :O :x

it might ..dont worry you have 15,412 fellow members ready to give you hand :)

write it and they will come
Goddamnit. How predictable, how ridiculous, how imbecilic. That mayor should be shot for using a calamity like this to further his own anti-videogame agenda.
violent video games are good for kidls like me who take their anger out on the games instead of the kids at school.
OvA said:
I don't know what you guys are talking about, ICP is awesome.

They were once on the Howard Stern show promoting something or other. Stern
(no, not the stern) asked them if their music was promoting violence, and they replied by saying that if listening or viewing violence (playing too) makes you want to do those thing in real life, you are a f*cktard.

ICP still blows.

Their music is tasteless... all they really do is rap about murdering people.

And I'll get started on that letter in my free time at school.