Mb useage per hour?


Dec 13, 2005
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Hi, Im new to online games, and was hoping someone could give me a rough estimate of how much Mb (say, per hour) HL2 DM uses. I am on one of those limited meg usage per month deals, and at 2Mbps, it chews through it fast! Please give me some idea, so I can make sure I have enough spare each month to play. Im getting addicted already!

i've never been aware of a situation where playing games alone caused the limit to be reached - the amount uploaded is tiny o.0
Its just that one of my mates plays BF2, and says that uses about 100 Mb per hour? Coz that could become a problem, if you times that by 7 days a week! lol.

PS thanks for the quick reply - still hoping to get a loose figure though.
but thats megabits
isnt a broadband connection capped at like 100megabytes or more
Honestly, I dont know the difference between megabits, and megabytes. He said megabytes to me, which 100 seems a lot per hour for a game (to me anyway). I'd just like to have an idea of how much per hour it goes through so i can go "ok, I have X megabytes left, that will give me Y hours gaming time.

PS I thought Mb was megabytes, not megabits. sorry for the confusion
Strange....well, write down your Mb usage, then play DM for a half hour or an hour, then write down your usage again and see how much it changed...
Lol - I'm trying to take the easy (lazy) way of finding this out! Don't suggest that I actually do something for myself! Lol. Sometimes (a lot) someone knows more than you and is willing (not so often) to share the knowledge.
A bit is a single 1 or a 0
A byte is 8 bits e.g. - 10011010
A megabit is 1000 bits
A megabyte is 1000 bytes

As such a megabyte is 8 times larger than a megabit, so the distinction is important. So, if he is using 100 megabits an hour, he is only actually using around 12-13 megabytes.
Hmm, try typing this in the console:
cl_showfps 1
You should get your FPS and some info about how much you're uploading and downloading in the bottom right corner.

Link said:
A bit is a single 1 or a 0
A byte is 8 bits e.g. - 10011010
A megabit is 1024 bits
A megabyte is 1024 bytes

As such a megabyte is 8 times larger than a megabit, so the distinction is important. So, if he is using 100 megabits an hour, he is only actually using around 12-13 megabytes.
With really big rates, you only have 60KB/sec download and like 40 KB/sec upload, so isn't 12-13 MB a bit large? :|

Oh, and I fixed some errors in your post :p
Thanks for the info guys, very helpfull. I have only got broadband in the last week or so, so I'm still keeping an eye on how much I'm using, as I have a limit. I'll use the info you gave me to try and get some sort of average useage figures, and try to remember to post them here in case someone else is curious. That is unless someone else beats me to it. Of course I have never tried online gaming before, but man I'm enjoying it already! One last question for DM - is it all on all? I went to a server thinking it was rebels vs combine, but kept getting killed by both, so I just started letting rip at anything that moved! If there are different games (ie: teams / no teams) how will I know which type of game I have joined, to aviod doing team kills? Every time I killed any one, a box came up saying "press esc for forgiveness options". A little confusing!
ontopic - gaming will only download and upload a few mb in an hour at most so you'll have plenty to spare for downloading things
offtopic - well you can see in the server info box and if you're still not sure hit tab - in dm if its all yellow its pure deathmatch, if its blue and red its a team fragfest
Thanks again! Sorry for going a little off topic.
OK - after a little experimenting, just as a general guide, the MB useage for Deathmatch over an internet connection is about 15 MB per hour. (for me anyway). :thumbs:
I cant be bothered with these ISPs that cap bandwidth usage, particularly when they give you a decent line (2MBit). It's like hiring you a ferrari, but limiting your mileage to 20 miles a week :frown:
Tell me about it! But unfortunately, we dont have much choice here in nz. ISP's even try to offer things like "80GB per month for just $100 per month" ! GRRRR...
AfternoonLemon said:
I cant be bothered with these ISPs that cap bandwidth usage, particularly when they give you a decent line (2MBit). It's like hiring you a ferrari, but limiting your mileage to 20 miles a week :frown:
2mb is more like a lada
john3571000 said:
i've never been aware of a situation where playing games alone caused the limit to be reached - the amount uploaded is tiny o.0

I've just found out that online gaming can easily do this. HL2 seems to average around the 15MB downloaded per hour mark, while BF2 is around 50MB per hour! So if say someone had a 2GB limit ( common in NZ ) they would only get just over 1 hour per day- if they did no surfing or downloading at all. And this is not counting any uploading, I'm assuming uploading does not count toward the monthly meg usage limit. Hmmmmm....... online gaming can be a resource hog, so I'm glad to know a bit more now, before I just plow in and have no more fast internet for the other 3 weeks of the month!
Reaktor4 said:
2mb is more like a lada

Compared to 56k dial-up, it's like a freakin space shuttle, so don't try to look down on everyone, and remember the little people. Sometimes it's like living in a third world country here, technology wise.
Shasta said:
Compared to 56k dial-up, it's like a freakin space shuttle, so don't try to look down on everyone, and remember the little people. Sometimes it's like living in a third world country here, technology wise.
Nah, you only get the space shuttles in sweden and japan... 56k is a unicycle
I wasnt looking down on anyone.. i have 2mb
Reaktor4 said:
Nah, you only get the space shuttles in sweden and japan... 56k is a unicycle
I wasnt looking down on anyone.. i have 2mb
No worries.

Unicycle - lol.
AfternoonLemon said:
I cant be bothered with these ISPs that cap bandwidth usage, particularly when they give you a decent line (2MBit). It's like hiring you a ferrari, but limiting your mileage to 20 miles a week :frown:
I've got a 3Mb connection and a 30Gb/month cap that's shared between 4 people and we seem to do ok on it. Caps aren't that bad.

Reaktor4 said:
2mb is more like a lada
Alright, alright, you've got a really fast connection and a huge e-penis.

...and why does Sweden have the space shuttles? I never understood that. Not that they shouldn't, they just don't seem like the most likely candidate.
Bah. I'm a swede, and i don't own no space shuttle:hmph: .

Well, at least i have a 10/10 line with no cap.

*points finger and laughs*
el Chi said:
I've got a 3Mb connection and a 30Gb/month cap that's shared between 4 people and we seem to do ok on it. Caps aren't that bad.
I've got a 2Mb connection, with a 4Gb cap- 2Gb on peak (8am to 12midnight) + 2Gb offpeak (12 midnight to 8am). The worst part is- I researched the prices v connection speed v limit for a week before I signed up with anyone, and taking all of these into account, this was the best deal anyone had. Any uncapped ones were either ridiculously expensive, or at a slow speed like 128k, or both. Yay NZ.

Telecom promises to phase out telegrams soon, and our horse-drawn mail delivery service is on its way out too. But the fastest way to get a message to someone is still to tie it to an arrow, and fire it in the right general direction.