McDonald introcucing HL2 !!


Feb 22, 2004
Reaction score
As said, McDonald is now introducing HL2-menus:

Headcrappy Meal !
Including either a crowbar; Combine soilder; Gordon Freeman or a live-size, living, breathing headcrap!! :bounce:

Can you come up with any other HL2 dish?
omg how sad is this... im sorry but this is pathetic...
A bland piece of bread with a millimeter thick piece of over date "meat", some wilted salad and one drop of ketchup.

O... no wait.... that's a regular McDonald's dish...
merc said:
omg how sad is this... im sorry but this is pathetic... hl2 fanboys = losers lol


Says the person who visted valve itself.. :p

Nah, only joking... I kinda agree. This is trully scraping the barrel for something to talk about.
September 30 Combo
One big lie, special marketing, extra deceit on a 'steam'y hot bun
It's really starting to show that there's not much to talk about
merc said:
omg how sad is this... im sorry but this is pathetic... hl2 fanboys = losers lol


Flame people more?
"Could I have a the McAlyx supreme and Breens Reserve Cola Combine Pack please?"

"That will be five dollars. There will be a year long delay on the fries, sir"
Raziel-Jcd said:
Flame people more?

Well, you've got to admit, this thread is funny only because it's so unbelievably stupid.
what the hell is this? and why have you not been exterminated?
ytinupmi said:
what the hell is this? and why have you not been exterminated?

Hehehehee...that is hilarious man, I actually laughed
Seppo said:
Well, you've got to admit, this thread is funny only because it's so unbelievably stupid.

Ya, it might be stupid/funny but there is no need to bash people about.
Kifpe said:
As said, McDonald is now introducing HL2-menus:

Headcrappy Meal !
Including either a crowbar; Combine soilder; Gordon Freeman or a live-size, living, breathing headcrap!! :bounce:

Can you come up with any other HL2 dish?

first "headcrap" i thought was apropriate because its mcDonalds but "life-size living breathing headcrap!!" made me think;

You do know its HEADCRAB right?
rofl headcrap

I guess that works on multiple levels :D
poseyjmac said:
yes but mine overrides yours, because i have more post count of course. :thumbs:
Hmm well that is true mate :D
I think this thread is a headcrap. =/ Kudos to freeman fries, though.
Striker said:
good box of alyx cereal!!!! :bounce:

since when did mcDonalds do cereal? and alyx cereal... wtf is that meant to be!?
hmmm, maybe ill take an alyx apple pie. mmm, like warm apple pie.
God, why do so many people say "headcrap"?! It's like the idiots of Natural Selection persisting in saying "turrent", or the utterly weird RPGers (well, the especially weird RPGers) who say "rouge" instead of "rogue". I mean... I mean... :flame:

Coo', now my head is on fire again. I hope you're happy.

What would freak me out more than anything is going down to McDonalds and finding a Half-Life Happy Meal with a toy headcrab and a wind up G-man.

Then again going down to McDonalds would freak me out anyway, since I'm not a people person...