McDonalds Is Horrable

A writer who does humorous pieces for the newspaper here always talks about how people put their diaper kids on the counter at fast food places, hehe... makes you think twice about touching counters.

Random thought: Did anybody notice that every single Wendy's is set up almost exactly the same... they have those rail things to form lines to go to the counter, and the doors on the right and the little hallway with the restrooms. I was in Salt Lake City (I live in Houston) for a field trip and we stopped at Wendy's and I thought there was something weird, and then I realize that it looks exactly the same as the ones in Houston.

Another random fast food place comment: In Salt Lake City we went to McDonald's for breakfast... and somebody ordered water and was charged 15 cents for it, heh.
Oh, I guess I just saw two Wendy's in different parts of the country and made a really big assumption.
Most franchises have a set design they have to look like. But it dosn't always have to be exactly like the set model. Im assuming that the Wendy's dfc05 saw were Wendy's with drive throughs. And since LoneDeranger is in New York, Im going to assume that the Wendy's there are all walk in. And there for, a different design.
Ive found in life that its best not to know what your eating and especially whats in your favorite foods. If it tastes good, just eat it. Its better than starving.
Ive found in life that its best not to know what your eating and especially whats in your favorite foods. If it tastes good, just eat it. Its better than starving.


If your an idiot then these new add campaings will affect you and you will eat at mcdonalds and suffer the consequences(if there are any)

But frankly, i have no pity for idiots.
Mmmmm.... Pizza... Much more, much better tasting, with same price.
Oh, yeah, and you know calamari rings? These days, a lot of them are actually sections of bull scrotum.

You Jose-Bové wannabees tree-hugging commie liberal pinkos! Eat the fookin' Big Mac or I'll stuff it down your throat!

Hey, you gotta love McDonald's breakfast. I wish they'd just serve that all day long because then I'd eat there all the time. Mmmm so goood
Originally posted by )[eVo]( Para
You Jose-Bové wannabees tree-hugging commie liberal pinkos! Eat the fookin' Big Mac or I'll stuff it down your throat!


josé bové rulezzzzzz!!!
Originally posted by dfc05
Random thought: Did anybody notice that every single Wendy's is set up almost exactly the same... they have those rail things to form lines to go to the counter, and the doors on the right and the little hallway with the restrooms. I was in Salt Lake City (I live in Houston) for a field trip and we stopped at Wendy's and I thought there was something weird, and then I realize that it looks exactly the same as the ones in Houston.
They have that design in Canada too, my local Wendy's is exactly like that.

O ya, anyone ever have the steak and egg breakfast bagel at McDonalds? I had one about 3 years ago in Calgary, and it was AFWUL!!! The egg tasted fine like all the eggs in the other breakfast sandwiches, but the steak tasted like dried wood. I wonder if the steak and cheese flatbread uses the same steak?