MDL decompiler Error!!! plz help



When i launch MDLDecompiler 0.5 and press choose model i get this error -Extra App ID set to 211, but no SteamAppid. What is this thing? Program is placed in the right folder, and it starts, but dont work goddamnit!

Thx if you can help

Srr i found that, but can find how to delete topic :D srr
find your GameInfo.txt file for the game your sdk is set up for (ex. C:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\%username%\half-life 2 deathmatch\hl2mp for deathmatch)
null out the line that says
ToolsAppId 211
so it looks like this
//ToolsAppId 211
that should fix your Extra App ID error. but remember to switch it back after you're done.
You have to unchek the "Use Steam File Acess". Then you also need the GCF Scape to extract the models out of the game, and after that you use the mdldecompiler on the mdls you have extracted.