Me drumming. (I know you're just burning to see this.)


Aug 13, 2006
Reaction score

I just noticed, taking a second look at this... that... I look like a fish on some of the parts. XD

Well, anyway, you might wonder about a few things, so here they are.

1. Why I kept stopping: My drumsticks kept breaking, as you see, i switch pairs every time I play, and I can't remember which are the good ones, so the bad ones that Vibrate are scattered all over the place, and that what i had to play with.

2. Why the video stopped short: The camera we were using ran out of space, so we had to settle with what we got, being that my mom got home right after that, and she hates it when I drum.

3. What drums I use: I have a mix. the blue part is the first kit I ever got, a Pulse, and the red part is a Rhythm Art, which only has 5 nuts, so it's very hard to tune to lower frequencies, so I just tune them higher than the blue, while the tone quality of the blue is incredible. My snare is a 13" Pork Pie snare, which is a company centered here in St. louis, and I never play on any kit without bringing it. I love this thing.

4. Why I chose an easy ass song: Well, I figured this would get a lot more clicks than any Van halen would, and plus my friends wanted me to do Metallica, so... there it is. :)

5. Why I am such a sexy beast, and why my friend with the camera isn't: Who's the one who does the hip thrust?

6. Why do my cymbals look like shit: Umm... They're cheap pieces of shit, thats why.


Thanks for watching. :)
F*cking nice dude.
Hah, @ the banged to shit cymbals... Jesus Christ. :p
Oh christ I need to go back home. Drumming kicks ass amirite?

Nicely done :p
It was all done with a Sony Cybershot Camera... No Micing involved. XD

Only because me no has the money. :(
That's why I'm tellin' ya to get some!

You sure have the money for a huge kit though...
Look at the condition his kit is in though. :p

Could do with a few replacements.
You win, your cymbals really do sound like shit :p

Awesome drumming, I'm jealous.
After 5 years it better god damned be awesome... Theres only 1 song ever that has given me trouble, and thats Light Up the Sky by Van Halen, and seeing my name, you can guess I can play every other van halen song, as well as Blackened, battery (Both pretty much the same beat.) and Some gallop double bass shit.

I have written my own drum solo, for god's sake.
Drumming skills are measured by how many songs you can play? Hmm.

I've always hated this about people who play drums/guitar/bass/whatever. All they do is just learn their favorite songs. A desire to create music should be the first thing you're doing. You learn the instrument as you go. Otherwise you're just.. reciting.

No offense, not directed at you really.
No, by how hard the songs are. :p

Not every day you find a drummer that can play Hot For Teacher note for note, and then some, or Won't Get Fooled Again. Or maybe it is, and I'm more mediocre than I thought... But I doubt that. :D
Instruments are personal tbh.

I love to just improvise on the drums. Sometimes I'll record to see how it sounds.
Maybe I just much prefer being a musician than being simply skilled at an instrument.
I wish I could record. I made up an awesome beat the other day, and I was thinking about it all day so i wouldn't forget it... and guess what happened... Forgot it... Many more to come though, just wish i had a recording device. :(

Btw, I didn't even see this, but at 3:16 I did a super awesome kick ass stick twirl between beats. 'Rn't I kool? :F

I'm taking a guitar class this semester, it moves pretty fast, so I'm, naturally, slinking behind a bit... Not only that, but my fingers hurt like shit when i pluck the string cause I can't get callouses... Usually I can pick up any instrument and play, but the guitar... perplexes me... Obviously, the simple drums are much better suited to me.
Wtf, Van Halen was a guitarist.

And you're also not too bad.
Niice dude, and I thought I played hard. Jesus christ would you look at that kit... D:

Still jealous, though. All I've got is a 5-piece, hats and ride, and one tiny, very bust-up crash which sounds like a half-splash half-china in a washing machine. Also no double bass, which really kills my ability to play any decent covers. :(

Oh, and wicked drummer hair too. \m/
I is Chad.

Hi. Whats your name?

Did you watch the video?

Here's a better question, whats 1+1? :D


No. Not me.

Nice try though. ^^

I was a little freaked out when it started looping "CHAD", though.
Why is your Bass drum in the attic? YOU QUITTER! ><

Edit: Re-read, just says Bass...

I r reedign 4 phun