Mechanical or wooden pencils?

Do you prefer wooden pencils or mechanical pencils?

  • Wooden

    Votes: 33 39.3%
  • Mechanical

    Votes: 51 60.7%

  • Total voters


Feb 15, 2009
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personally, i like mechanical just because it irritates me when i have to walk all the way across the room to re-sharpen wooden ones. This happens often, as I hold my pencils with a grip similar to Chuck Norris.
Pens :|

But mechanical if I absolutely have to use a nasty pencil.
Don't know difference between pens and pencil.

I like these I guess. Erasers are my friend.

depends what i'm using it for.
for design work mechanical is great (easily resharpen them),
but for art wooden ones are preferable (you can get more of a range - eg 6B-6H etc)
They bleed if you leave it on the paper to long, but that's part of it's versatility.

Maybe you shouldn't leave your pens on the paper so long, you disappoint me.

Pen of the Gods



Pilot G2 07 (heavy tip) pens are pretty much all I've used in school to write with since 2000 or so. When I have to use a pencil I usually use a mechanical one (although I like old-fashioned wooden ones just fine) but nothing compares to the Pilot G2.

edit: that's right, **** you ZT, this pen rules
I prefer mechanical when I have a choice. Nothing worse than a stubby dull regular pencil.
Can't draw for shit with those compared to the V series. They go dry easy to.
They don't go dry easily, at least not the ones I get (which are the medium point rather than fine iirc). I dunno what your qualifications are for a drawing pen though so I'm not touching that. Any gel pen is fine, I just love these Pilot G2s for some reason. I also tend to use the little pocket clip to attach the pen to my bottom lip when I'm in class but not writing.
This is the one issue I've never had an opinion on. They both has so many pros and cons.
Wooden. I feel I have more control over the thickness of the point.
Mechanical, no bullshit to deal with. And my art is always in pen.
wooden pencils i eat so not to good.

pencils barely last days with me.
some of us still have to write crap...for school and shitty jobs (I'm in the former) T_T
Mechanical. If you break off the tip on a wooden pencil mid-lecture, all is lost. With a mechanical, no problem.
That and whenever i sharpen a wooden pencil, the ****ing tip breaks off every time
I had to go through the day with a pencil that was just a tip and an eraser
Wooden. Mechanical pens are the drawing impliments of Satan himself.
Mechanical hands down. Far superior to those of years past. Better ones come in future
Mechanical Pencil

Recommended pencil is the .5 Bic Rondo :-


An Extremely light and comfortable mechanical pencil and well worth hunting a couple down (one for backup), although they aren't cheap. Used one for the last 6 years and wouldn't even look at buying any other brand. If you ever see one on sale buy it, you won't regret it.

Pen wise for sketching...

Work buy in a lot of these for us:-


Which are all right for disposables and come in a wide range of line thicknesses. I generally use a .1 or .2 as they are thin but still deliver strong lines (no good for shading, but great for diagrams). The pen nibs tend to die long before the ink runs out tbh, but as I'm not paying for them so it's no biggie ;)

However for on the move sketching I'd go with a decent ballpoint like an Parker Urban:-


It's a little more hefty that a disposable, but it's a comfortable pen to sketch with and will pretty much last forever. I use blue ink instead of black as I find the line quality is a lot more legible esp when scanning.
personally, i like mechanical just because it irritates me when i have to walk all the way across the room to re-sharpen wooden ones.

I like mechanical better also. I don't think any of my classrooms even have pencil sharpeners anymore, and I don't have a sharpener of my own.
I still prefer the wooden pencils. You can press down on the pencil fairly hard and the magnesium won't break. The mechanical pencils break with just a bit pressure.