Mechanical or wooden pencils?

Do you prefer wooden pencils or mechanical pencils?

  • Wooden

    Votes: 33 39.3%
  • Mechanical

    Votes: 51 60.7%

  • Total voters
wow. I did not expect this much feedback from a simple poll about pencils! I mean, seriously, who talks about pencils for 6 pages?

also, nice Faculty reference!
Oh dear god, not the Faculty.....
these all the way. Just at a finer tip.


and for the finer tip peoples (like me):

Mechanical. Totally precise, and they make you look like an aristocrat.

Oh yeah, Uniballs are good.
Mechanical. School has me writing hundreds of equations in a day, and their precision is much better while still being erasable.

Wooden ones are still better outside of a classroom though, since they're tough and cheap.
Wooden B pencils for drawing, and fountain pen, or regular pen for writing.
I prefer drawing with a wooden pencil as you can be pretty tough on them, whereas mechanicals need a finer touch. In that respect, for accurate analytical stuff a mechanical is great for calmer approaches, but when I go to life drawing classes or if I find myself on top of some car park sketching I'll always take something I can be a little faster and rigourous with.
I facepalm at this thread.

Mechanical btw. I'm lazy.

That doesn't make sense really. It takes more time to bring a mechanical pencil into such a state where it's fully operational than doing the same with a wooden pencil. Actually with the latter there's no such action required at all: it's always functioning properly. You will need to sharpen it from time to time, but the average time of sharpening a wooden pencil is less than the time invested into all the activation processes of a mechanical pencil.
With a wooden pencil you need a pencil sharpener handy.

With mechanical it's just clicky clicky clicky, provided of course you had the foresight to load lead.