Medal of Honor: Airborne hi-res screens (go and die 56k)

TheBleeding said:
I really don't see what is so absurd or unbelievable about someone else picking up a fallen soldiers weapon.

in real life it's not absurd a video game where every single prop is made by a human being ..yes it is
I don't really see why its so unbelievable for characters to use other soldiers weapons in a game either. I think its pretty good, actually. We use other soldiers class of weapons in games, so why can't they? Whenever I could get a German weapon in Brothers In Arms or COD I would. Much better, I find.
TheBleeding said:
I don't really see why its so unbelievable for characters to use other soldiers weapons in a game either.
Me neither. In fact, I the devs have said time and time again that this one is all about weapon customization and that there will be a huge number of customizable weapons. Now if the AI is as good as they say it will be, then I don't doubt that enemies will pick up your fallen comrades' weapons but also that you will also be picking up theirs should they drop/lose them somehow. It should be very open-ended and very realistic. I am very excited to see real footage at E3!
About the graphics:
They will only look that good if you play the game in high-resolution. While they are great, I don't find them unbelievable in 2006.
The light that the overhead lamps produce looks terrible (fake!), but I can't make any judgement on that if the game is unfinished. Other than that the graphics - especially the character faces - look great.

About the weapons:
The first thing I thought when someone noticed the Thompsons is that its probably a place holder, but who knows. Obviously, when working on a game where you play the alliance, the alliance weapons would be put in game first.

About the game:
While the medal of honor games have been tarnished by some average games, I still find it the only WWII shooter that is any fun. And they are alot of fun. Hopefully this game is their best one ever, then I will buy it.
All the Medal Of Honour games sucked, it's just the first didn't suck as much as the other ones.
I think that all of the medal of honour games after allied assault were shite. This one better be good :(
French Ninja said:
You know MoH:Underground was the best.

Manon was cute. >_> <_<
lol the 1st moh on ps1 and underground were f**kin awesome, the last mission in underground liberating paris and preventing it from being destroyed was teh pwn! gota love the the music that was played on loudspeakers throughout that mission, great atmosphere.
VictimOfScience said:
Me neither. In fact, I the devs have said time and time again that this one is all about weapon customization and that there will be a huge number of customizable weapons. Now if the AI is as good as they say it will be, then I don't doubt that enemies will pick up your fallen comrades' weapons but also that you will also be picking up theirs should they drop/lose them somehow. It should be very open-ended and very realistic. I am very excited to see real footage at E3!

Customizable weapons? Yes, because that's realistic. We all know Soldiers in WW2 had upgrades on their guns that gave them +10 damage and reduced recoil. Maybe a Thompson that can fire explosive rounds or gass granades?
mortiz said:
Customizable weapons? Yes, because that's realistic. We all know Soldiers in WW2 had upgrades on their guns that gave them +10 damage and reduced recoil. Maybe a Thompson that can fire explosive rounds or gass granades?
"MP-40 of Strength +10"
"Holy Grenade of Grand Explosions +1"

No but seriously if I can find extended clips in later levels for my favorite guns.. or find a silencer... better scope. things like that are realisitc.

Im ok with anything to give the game more depth. Adding like a resident evil type weapon upgrade thing? I won't complain. I welcome it.

Im sure that no one will disagree that if games were entirely realistic they wouldn't be games.

We could play this game called Real Life and it would be just as boring as we make our lifes out to be.
SearanoX said:
I call bullshot. Unless the game is supporting DirectX 10, it won't look that good.

Are you sure? Except for that first screenshot Im not that impressed tbh.

The graphics are great? Definately!

Unbelievable? Certainly not.

Click this and scroll down to the screenshot of UT to see what can be done on DX9

And then just look at screenshots of Oblivion if you still aren't convinced becuase I don't think this looks any more impressive than that.

Take into consideration that proceduraly generated landscapes in Oblivion require more processing power.