Media family is trying to destory GTA4.

i don't see what the problem is with all these people, they say it is a victory for parents and children, but if a game is eighteen rated then children shouldn't be playing them.

do they mean it is a victory for parents in that now these irresponsible people have even less parenting to do as any game which has adult content will simply not be on sale at all, and thus theres no chance of them thinking a game called grand theft auto (which doesnt exactly imply ponies and sweets everywhere -unlike viva pinata!) could be suitable for their child and 'accidently' be bought by them

idiots everywhere, gas the ****ers
NOTE: In this addendum I use "practitioner of homosexuality", "practicing homosexuality" and "the practice of homosexuality" instead of "gay" for three reasons. One, "gay" is one of man's labels. The one who chooses to practice homosexuality deserves more respect than a label since s/he is as precious to Jesus as s/he who does not. Jesus hates some of our chosen behaviors, not us. Two, having same-sex sexual attraction (SSA), if it exists, does not make one "gay." Acting on SSA does. Three, performing homosexual behavior is not a biological condition or innate property, it is a choice. Indeed, every single non-autonomic movement of the human body is a choice. No exceptions. No debate. These facts make the practice of homosexuality a matter of personal accountability.
HOLY FCUKING SHIT! Did they just say THINKING gay thoughts is OK?! WELL GODDAMN! There's still hope for all of you on this forum yet! I know, I know, it's hard not to masturbate to my posts..but it's OK.
they dont think the esrb is doing a good enough job, they want the federal government to regulate ratings for video games

I don't think the ESRB is doing a good enough job either. Not even close. If they were, we wouldn't be having these conversations. I certainly don't want the government to get involved that's for sure. That's why I think it's so important for the ESRB to get some teeth. Either they do it by choice now, or they're forced to make some messy concessions in the future. It's probably not a popular stance right now, but kids will be REALLY pissed when the government has their say.
I don't think the ESRB is doing a good enough job either. Not even close. If they were, we wouldn't be having these conversations.

how is it the esrb's role to police the ratings? that's up to the parents/retailers's certainly not their fault people play games not rated for them

I certainly don't want the government to get involved that's for sure. That's why I think it's so important for the ESRB to get some teeth. Either they do it by choice now, or they're forced to make some messy concessions in the future. It's probably not a popular stance right now, but kids will be REALLY pissed when the government has their say.

i dont understand what it is you want them to do ..the esrb rates games, nothing more ..that's like saying the Movie rating board doesnt do enough to keep minors out of movie theaters: it's not their responsibility

oh and video game opponents will go out of their way to discredit the esrb any way they can ..this is their stated goal because they want federal regulation to take it's place other media is federally regulated ..except porn (at least at a retail level)
Sigh. The BBFC is there for an extremely good reason.
Without their regulation, a lot of genuinely disturbing stuff would be on the market, hardcore pornography (and seeing as there's no restrictions on content without the BBFC, this could include pretty much anything - faeces, bestiality, electrocution and all kinds of other stuff you mightn't want yer sprogs to see) would be legally available to children and a whole host of other complicated issues involving horrific content being in circulation.
Do you honestly believe there should be no censorship or regulations?

For the most part, they are even-handed and make sensible judgements and it seems from what I've read that they haven't taken the decision to ban the game lightly - it's a very big step for them to outright ban anything. Manhunt 2 is not a victim of an anti-game witch-hunt on the BBFC's part.

You also have to bear in mind that we don't know exactly what the inner workings are that caused the BBFC's decision.

As Absinthe correctly pointed out, this wasn't the argument I set out to make. But since you ask, yes, I am completely against government censorship and regulation. This does not go for things like bestiality, child porn, snuff, etc. that actively inflicts harm upon others in the production of said content. That shouldn't be allowed to exist, but only because the the acts themselves are illegal and harmful. I think people should be able to watch whatever they want, and I don't think the government of all people should be able to deny them that right.

But once again, this is not the argument I set out to make. This is about Manhunt 2. This about a video game. If it's anything like the original, it will be a good video game with a decent storyline that truly does necessitate the levels of violence on screen, one of the few games that actually has an intelligent theme/point and gets it through effectively. But the BBFC has decided that you, yes you, are not mature or responsible enough to handle it, and therefore you are not allowed to play it. I can't imagine how you could be alright with that, even if it isn't a game you were particularly interest in.
Organizations like Mediafamily, PTC, and whatever the hell jack thompson belongs to are dangerous threats to freedom of expression.
I'm all for the ratings. But they either need to be more consistent with how they rate games so a game doesn't stick out even though other games with similar content are rated lower. Or they need to modify where the ratings fit in (probably both). ESRB says M is 17+ and AO is 18+. 1 year of maturity is the difference between "mature" and "adult only"? But the industry needs to shake the idea that AO is taboo. If they rated more games M and maybe AO would they shake that idea? And there should be a place for these games in the market just like any other media (example:Films) with a high rating.

I mean, you can walk into Walmart and R rated films are sitting on the shelf next to PG DVDs. But they make a fuss about AO rated games. :\
I'm all for the ratings. But they either need to be more consistent with how they rate games so a game doesn't stick out even though other games with similar content are rated lower. Or they need to modify where the ratings fit in (probably both). ESRB says M is 17+ and AO is 18+. 1 year of maturity is the difference between "mature" and "adult only"? But the industry needs to shake the idea that AO is taboo. If they rated more games M and maybe AO would they shake that idea? And there should be a place for these games in the market just like any other media (example:Films) with a high rating.

I mean, you can walk into Walmart and R rated films are sitting on the shelf next to PG DVDs. But they make a fuss about AO rated games. :\

Hit the nail on the head.