Medic or Pyro?

Meet the Medic or Meet the Pyro?

  • Meet the Medic

    Votes: 25 62.5%
  • Meet the Pyro

    Votes: 15 37.5%

  • Total voters
Jun 19, 2008
Reaction score
With 7 out of 9 classes having gotten their Meet the Team videos, who's personal life would you life exploited for comedy next? Personally i say Pyro, i'd state why, but i don't want to start a flame war... I just realised what i said, pun not intended.
Darkseid is right, you know. Though I expected Spy to be one of the last ones.
I'm guessing pyro, too.

On a tangent, I always had the vague idea that the Spy video would replace the pyro's. So, for instance, there is a shot of the pyro sitting on a table going MMF MMMM MMB MMFM MMM for a while. Eventually the pyro stands up and walks around managing to get past the camera. The camera swivels more rapidly to try and get the pyro in shot, yet all we see is the body of the cameraman fly forwards as he's backstabbed by the spy. The camera topples forwards, the lens cracking, and the final shot is of the spy's feet, and he's all 'I never really was on your side'. But then of course Valve crushed my dreams by merging the sniper and spy update and doing sort of nearly almost the same thing.
Having the cameraman stabbed by a Spy would have been great. Although I did love the Spy video.
The Pyro cannot be anything but last.
With the whole he she debate about the pyro, valve would have to be stupid NOT to make the pyro last.

When they started dropping hints confusing the gender of the class, that was a sure sign that the pryo's mystery will be the icing on the TF2 cake.
Spy vid should never have been released. Do you really think a man of his calibre would let himself be photographed?

Pyro better be last.
medic. God I'd love to see him explaining what he does. Maybe a little sub-plot involving heavy, seeing how grand Meet the Team videos have turned.
Pyro personally, just because the medic is my least favorite of the classes, both for his personality and team role.
I'd prefer Pyro to be first, only because I think Meet the Pyro would be better than Meet the Medic, and why wait.
On this question I would say. I don't care. Them videos are great regardless.
The pyro lends him(her?)self to more comical skits, so there goes my vote (and I'm a die hard medic).