medical experts of, Assist me!


Jul 1, 2004
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Alright, so yesterday morning I woke up and my left arm was numb on the right side from the tip of my thumb to my elbow. Stayed like this all day. At some points my arm changed color and got more pale than my other arm, but this hasn't lasted.

Today my thumb is stiff, numb, my arm is numb, and now my bicep feels like it has a knot in it and is really weak.
I'm going to call a doctor tomorrow but I was hoping y'all could save me the trip. Thanks!
Sounds like you have an infected lymph node.

I had something that sounds similar to what you have a few years back.
It was a ball-ish thing in my armpit that caused my entire arm to feel like it was tied in a knot, lifting my arm up would feel as though it was being torn off.

I could be wrong in your case though.
Sounds like you may have compressed a nerve to some extent. Wait a couple days to see if it clears up. If not then you should definitely visit a doctor.
Well, I play Trauma Center for the Wii alot, so I should be very qualified to tell you - You have AIDS coupled with a malignant tumor, you should have about 3 hours left to live. Also, before you die, I'm sure your penis will turn inside out or something.. Don't bother calling a doctor. You have me.
Your left arm is leading a rebellion against the rest of your body. I suggest nuking it from orbit.

Seriously though, just see a doctor. If you have flesh eating bacteria or something, it would at least be nice to know how many minutes you have left to live.
Maybe just some nerve damage, you done any weight-lifting or other strenuous activity with it recently?

Well worth going to the Docs to get it checked out though :)
Maybe just some nerve damage, you done any weight-lifting or other strenuous activity with it recently?

Well worth going to the Docs to get it checked out though :)

I had about four days prior but nothing out of the ordinary.:-\

School nurse did tell me not to work out however, and call a doctor if it gets worse, which it has. Seriously don't want to though, major papers due.
You are going to die.

It's true. You will at some point. If not in the near future.
Quick, give him the prize!

I can then proceed to steal the prize from him! (like 15 meters down the corridor)
Ah ha ha, this thread's pretty funny so far. Hope your arm gets better though.
You probably just slept on it, pinching the nerve.

Other possible causes:
Acute trauma or nerve damage from some activity
Loss of blood pressure due to diabetes or heart disease (possible but still unlikely if unaccompanied by chest pain)
A nerve disease like multiple sclerosis, ALS or polio (highly unlikely)
Awww, I glanced at the title and at first thought it said, "Medieval experts of, Assist me!"



Well I can't say for sure, but it sounds like you need to remove that bone in your right bicep. None of the other *counts* ten operable body parts could explain your symptoms.


Well I can't say for sure, but it sounds like you need to remove that bone in your right bicep. None of the other *counts* ten operable body parts could explain your symptoms.

omg lemonkings dad?!
Masturbation causes serious illness.
Let this be a reminder to you all.