Medical i dying?


Space Core
Aug 22, 2004
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I have had this sharp pain in the upper right part of my chest for the past week. The pain has been constant and has not diminished at all. My first instinct was that I pulled a muscle and it just feels like my chest/lung or whatnot. However, a week later with no reduction in pain makes this seem incorrect. Every breathe I take causes pain so naturally i'm starting to get a tad worried.

am i dying?
If there is one thing I know, the better you can describe your symptoms, the more accurately you can be diagnosed.

So I ask you, is this truly constant pain? every minute every hour? Please elaborate.
I strongly recommend you consult a doctor...

Indeed. This is probably the worst question you could ask on a forum like this one.

Well, good luck and I hope it isn't anything dangerous/life threatening :o
If there is one thing I know, the better you can describe your symptoms, the more accurately you can be diagnosed.

So I ask you, is this truly constant pain? every minute every hour? Please elaborate.

only when i breathe :(

I inhale and i feel it...exhaling relieves the pain. It's as though my heart was on the opposite side of my chest, but since there's just a lung there i'm can't really think of what it might be. I'd assume if my lungs had issues (besides asthma) it would be both sides.

If I'm laying down and move a certain way I also feel it. Just hoping some of you possess the skills of Dr. House and can magically give me an answer. I guess I'll call the doc today and see what he say's....the last 6 months have just been awful health wise.
Probably a muscular strain if it hurts when your breathing, but go see your doc
You are dead Tyguy... you died last week... you mean, you don't remember?
only when i breathe :(

I inhale and i feel it...exhaling relieves the pain. It's as though my heart was on the opposite side of my chest, but since there's just a lung there i'm can't really think of what it might be. I'd assume if my lungs had issues (besides asthma) it would be both sides.

If I'm laying down and move a certain way I also feel it. Just hoping some of you possess the skills of Dr. House and can magically give me an answer. I guess I'll call the doc today and see what he say's....the last 6 months have just been awful health wise.

Just go to the doctor, now.
If you have something life-threatening(you never know...) you'll be glad you did.
Don't expect us game-nerds to give you a good answer on what you have :P
Pretty much what everyone else said. Not sure why you asked us in the first place, let alone before a visit to the doctor.

I do sincerely hope you start feeling better. Hopefully your doctor knows what's going on.
I've been getting this on and off since I was a kid. I'd inhale, and the sharp pain would essentially cause me to fall to the ground. It's not constant or anything, but when it happens once a week or so, it sucks.

Not sure wtf it is. Air bubble in lung?
I've had a massive pain in my chest for nearly five months now. I'm in constant pain and certain movements make me feel like I'm seriously being stabbed. I mean like, "I'm screaming and falling over from pain" stabbed.

I went to the doctor for it in February.

They didn't know what the fuck.

In the end they told me to take motrin to dull the pain. A $19 a bottle, over the counter medicine.

This evaluation cost me $2003 out-of-pocket. I've still go no idea what's wrong with me.

So yes, you might be dying but I hope you have insurance if you plan to go to the doctor, because otherwise you might end up paying thousands of dollars for no explanation and a bullshit "treatment" that does absolutely nothing but make you feel better for a few hours.

Actually stealth edit now that I think about it it started in January and April's almost over. That's almost five months. I can't count for shit.
See this is why I support the NHS. British people don't make these threads. We go to the doctor.
From the makers of F*** My Life and I'm So Bad At Sex we now bring you

Recently, blah blah blah beep boop boop beep, am I dying?
I've had a massive pain in my chest for nearly five months now. I'm in constant pain and certain movements make me feel like I'm seriously being stabbed. I mean like, "I'm screaming and falling over from pain" stabbed.

I went to the doctor for it in February.

They didn't know what the fuck.

In the end they told me to take motrin to dull the pain. A $19 a bottle, over the counter medicine.

This evaluation cost me $2003 out-of-pocket. I've still go no idea what's wrong with me.

So yes, you might be dying but I hope you have insurance if you plan to go to the doctor, because otherwise you might end up paying thousands of dollars for no explanation and a bullshit "treatment" that does absolutely nothing but make you feel better for a few hours.

Actually stealth edit now that I think about it it started in January and April's almost over. That's almost five months. I can't count for shit.

Yeah man... I love medical science. But I ****ing hate doctors in this country. This country is so ****ing terrible when it comes to health care. You go in for something you think is seriously wrong at a relatively inopportune time... doctor looks at you, prescribes you something that costs you money at a local Walgreens or something, and charges you a thousand or more dollars for barely any time at all.

It's ****ing ridiculous.
i had pain when i inhale, but its seems further back from my lungs, nearer my right shoulder blade.

it has come on and off once or twice now, but only lasted for the day each time.

i would ask my dad about your problem, as he's a GP, but he's not home.
I sorta have this problem too, like Darkside but more like years. The pain goes away almost 100% of the time if I just inhale fully, I feel something in my chest just sort of 'fall off' like if there was a bone in the way of my lung expanding or something. I probably get it once every 1-2 months.
Yeah, I'd see a doctor asap. If I had to guess I'd say it might be a chest infection, given that it hurts to breathe. I had a pretty bad one last year, I was out of action for a good few weeks after. The doctor prescribed these hefty pills which sorted the pain out, but had the side effect of making me feel like utter shit.
only when i breathe :(

I inhale and i feel it...exhaling relieves the pain. It's as though my heart was on the opposite side of my chest, but since there's just a lung there i'm can't really think of what it might be. I'd assume if my lungs had issues (besides asthma) it would be both sides.

If I'm laying down and move a certain way I also feel it. Just hoping some of you possess the skills of Dr. House and can magically give me an answer. I guess I'll call the doc today and see what he say's....the last 6 months have just been awful health wise.

Ok the reason I was interested is because I have this. And I have no idea what it is. But I feel it on the other side. And by the way the heart is actually in the middle of your chest.

I've gone to the emergency room, they X-ray'd my chest and my lungs and heart showed no abnormalities. They did tell me that I have hypertension though, which is fairly common in men (and fairly deadly).

I'm wondering: do you smoke or eat lots of shit food?

It cost me a few thousand dollars. I was supposed to follow up with an EKG test, but I never did. It's like a stress test, you do exercise while you are wired up and they analyze the data.

You might try relaxing more, doing some exercise every day, quitting smoking, and eating healthy. You are going to want to do these things anyway. If you like to live.

Anyway, mine comes and goes. Like a couple of times a month for about a minute. It usually comes when I'm highly stressed and/or using tobacco BTW.

I've had this for about 10 years but it's been getting better since I'm following my own advice on getting healthier.

I get (more of less) this every now and then. Always gets me fairly worried, but it never did anything but hurt.
I had Spontaneous Pneumothorax.

Also, **** you for making this a political thread every time someone brings up his medical bill being expensive. Yes it's not a perfect system, but it's not like you're unable to get medical insurance. There are low cost medical insurance plans for students, employees of most medium to large companies, and low income families. More information.
Bit of a long shot, but have you damaged your ribs?
lol, stick it in her ass.

Shit, while i was laughing at my own hilarity, i felt some pain in my chest... So apparently, whatever it is you have, it's contagious.
Damn, it's spreading. We need to get out of here.
Not trying to be political but.. paying for doctors, or medical services is just out of my imagination. I live in Denmark, we pay healt care through our taxes, so that the ones who needs medical help, gets it, and everyone is secured if something happens to them. when this is said, I feel very sorry for you, and hope that all of you who has constant chestpains or alike, will find out whats wrong.

I get chest pains sometimes when I eat very fast.. I suppose thats not healthy
i cracked my rib while being stupid and drunk... hurts as ****

I have had this sharp pain in the upper right part of my chest for the past week. The pain has been constant and has not diminished at all. My first instinct was that I pulled a muscle and it just feels like my chest/lung or whatnot. However, a week later with no reduction in pain makes this seem incorrect. Every breathe I take causes pain so naturally i'm starting to get a tad worried.

am i dying?

Don't worry, tumors make people grow big and healthy.
This seems appropriate:
